Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 301 - 400 of 3240 publications

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URLsort descending Title Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Added
Post-natal origin of microneurones in the rat brain. J. Altman et al. 0 Adult Neurogenesis 1965 2016-06-22
Human aggression C. Anderson et al. 0 Aggressiveness 2002 2016-06-23
Orangutans as seed dispensers at Tanjung Puting, Central Kalimantan: Implication for conservation B. Galdikas et al. 0 Food Handling 1982 2016-07-13
The optimism bias. T. Sharot 0 Optimism Bias 2011 2016-08-03
Neural beta-adrenergic dilatation of the facial vein in man. Possible mechanism in emotional blushing. S. Mellander et al. 0 Emotional Flushing (Blushing) 1982 2016-07-01
Kinship, familiarity and mating avoidance in Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus J. Kuester et al. 0 Incest Avoidance 1994 2016-08-02
Dendritic field size and morphology of midget and parasol ganglion cells of the human retina. D. Dacey et al. 0 Magnocellular Retinal Ganglion Cell Size 1992 2016-08-03
Frontal sinus size in Eskimo populations. C. Hanson et al. 0 Size and Position of Frontal Air Sinuses 1980 2016-06-30
Why do men hunt? A reevaluation of "man the hunter" and the sexual division of labor. M. Gurven et al. 0 Paternal Care 2009 2016-08-03
DUF1220 domains, cognitive disease, and human brain evolution. L. Dumas et al. 0 DUF1220 Domain Copy Number, NBPF15 (neuroblastoma breakpoint family, member 15) 2009 2016-07-01
Geophagy: soil consumption enhances the bioactivities of plants eaten by chimpanzees. N. Klein et al. 0 Self-Medication (Zoopharmacognosy) 2008 2016-07-26
The case for an X-Y homologous determinant of cerebral asymmetry T. Crow 0 Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies 1994 2016-07-27
Socialization for competence: Cultural models of infancy H. Keller 0 Infant-Caregiver Affect Attunement 2003 2016-08-02
Nucleus subputaminalis (Ayala): the still disregarded magnocellular component of the basal forebrain may be human specific and connected with the cortical speech area. G. Simić et al. 0 Dementias 1999 2016-06-30
Differential effects of surface area, gyrification and cortical thickness on voxel based morphometric deficits in schizophrenia. L. Palaniyappan et al. 0 Pattern of Gyrification 2012 2016-07-26
Social, symbolic, and ritual roles of the sweet potato in Enga, from its introduction until first contact P. Wiessner 0 2005 2014-05-30
A study of reproductive failure in a pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus) B. Lasley 0 Polycystic Ovarian Disease 1977 2016-07-26
Ever Since Adam and Eve: Evolution of Human Sexuality M. Potts et al. 0 Control of Paternity 1999 2016-06-29
Absence of self-recognition in a monkey (Macaca fascicularis) following prolonged exposure to a mirror. G. Gallup 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1977 2016-07-26
Capuchins do cooperate: the advantage of an intuitive task. K. Mendres 0 Cooperative Action 2000 2016-06-29
Coalitions and alliances in humans and other animals A. Harcourt et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1992 2009-03-06
Changes in plasma concentrations of inhibin A and inhibin B throughout sexual maturation in the male chimpanzee. M. Kondo et al. 0 Onset of Puberty 2000 2016-07-25
The evolution of risk-taking. L. Dugatkin 0 Unnecessary Risk Taking 2013 2016-06-28
Myomegalin is a novel protein of the golgi/centrosome that interacts with a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. I. Verde et al. 0 PDE4DIP (Phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein) 2001 2016-07-26
Chimpanzees: self-recognition. G. Gallop 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection, Theory of Mind 1970 2016-06-28
Where Do We Come From? The Molecular Evidence for Human Descent J. Klein et al. 0 MHC Class I 2002 2016-07-20
Genetic utility of broadly defined bipolar schizoaffective disorder as a diagnostic concept. M. Hamshere et al. 0 CDH12 (cadherin 12, type 2 (N-cadherin 2) ) 2009 2016-06-28
Social network size affects neural circuits in macaques. J. Sallet et al. 0 Morphometrics of the Amygdala 2011 2016-07-25
Was Man More Aquatic in the Past? A. Hardy 0 Voluntary Control of Breathing 1960 2016-06-28
The shaping of modern human immune systems by multiregional admixture with archaic humans L. Abi-Rached et al. 0 Archaic Adaptive Introgression 2011 2016-06-27
Eye contact and face scanning in early infancy. M. Haith et al. 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 1977 2016-07-20
Heart disease and stroke statistics--2012 update: a report from the American Heart Association. V. Roger et al. 0 Atherosclerotic Stroke 2012 2016-06-27
The eyes have it: the neuroethology, function and evolution of social gaze. N. Emery 0 Eyebrows 2000 2016-07-01
Molecular evolution of FOXP2, a gene involved in speech and language. W. Enard et al. 0 FOXP2 (forkhead box P2) 2002 2016-08-02
Social cognition, joint attention, and communicative competence from 9 to 15 months of age. M. Carpenter et al. 0 Joint Attention 1998 2016-08-02
Relative limb strength and locomotion in Homo habilis. C. Ruff 0 Skeletal Robusticity 2009 2016-06-30
Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. E. Lander et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution, Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs)/Alu Types and Distribution 2001 2016-06-30
The R7 RGS protein family: multi-subunit regulators of neuronal G protein signaling. G. Anderson et al. 0 RGS6 (Regulator of G-protein signaling 6) 2009 2016-07-26
Normal hematologic and serum clinical chemistry values for captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). S. Howell et al. 0 Serum Cholesterol Level 2003 2016-07-26
Prevalence and genetics of sleepwalking: a population-based twin study. C. Hublin et al. 0 Somnambulism 1997 2016-06-29
Vitamin D: A millenium perspective. M. Holick 0 Cutaneous Biosynthesis of Vitamin D 2003 2016-06-30
Dietary influences on tissue concentrations of phytanic acid and AMACR expression in the benign human prostate. Y. Kataria et al. 0 Phytanic Acid Metabolism 2015 2016-07-26
Independent evolution of bitter-taste sensitivity in humans and chimpanzees. S. Wooding et al. 0 TAS2R38 (taste receptor, type 2, member 38) 2006 2016-06-28
Cooperative problem solving in a cooperatively breeding primate (Saguinus oedipus). K. Cronin et al. 0 Cooperative Action 2005 2016-06-29
Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals M. Bekoff et al. 0 Moral Sense 2010 2016-07-22
What do stable isotopes tell us about hominid dietary and ecological niches in the Pliocene? J. Lee-Thorp et al. 0 Niche Breadth 2003 2016-07-25
Recent acceleration of human adaptive evolution. J. Hawks et al. 0 Travel Between Dissimilar Environments 2007 2016-06-28
L1 retrotransposition occurs mainly in embryogenesis and creates somatic mosaicism. H. Kano et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution 2009 2016-07-19
Molecular genetic analysis of porcine mannose-binding lectin genes, MBL1 and MBL2, and their association with complement activity. C. Phatsara et al. 0 MBL1P (mannose-binding lectin (protein A) 1, pseudogene) 2007 2016-07-20
The chimeric gene CHRFAM7A, a partial duplication of the CHRNA7 gene, is a dominant negative regulator of α7*nAChR function. T. Araud et al. 0 CHRFAM7A (CHRNA7 (cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 7) and FAM7A (family with sequence similarity 7A) fusion) 2011 2016-06-28
Forces shaping the fastest evolving regions in the human genome. K. Pollard et al. 0 Human Accelerated Regions (HARs) and Changes in Conserved Sequences 2006 2016-07-18
Altruism in coati bands: nepotism or reciprocity J. Russell 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1983 2016-07-19
Intuition and autism: a possible role for Von Economo neurons. J. Allman et al. 0 Von Economo (Spindle) Cells Number and Size 2005 2016-06-24
Protein-truncating mutations in ASPM cause variable reduction in brain size. J. Bond et al. 0 ASPM (asp (abnormal spindle) homolog, microcephaly associated) 2003 2016-06-27
The brain and its main anatomical subdivisions in living hominoids using magnetic resonance imaging. K. Semendeferi et al. 0 Frontal Lobe Size 2000 2016-07-15
Acoustical and Syntactical Comparisons Between Songs of the White-Backed Munia (Lonchura Striata) and Its Domesticated Strain, the Bengalese Finch (Lonchura Striata Var. Domestica) E. Honda et al. 0 Hierarchical Linguistic Structure 1999 2016-07-18
Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus P. Eriksson et al. 0 Adult Neurogenesis 1998 2016-06-23
Individual differences in AMY1 gene copy number, salivary α-amylase levels, and the perception of oral starch. A. Mandel et al. 0 AMY1A (amylase, alpha 1A) 2010 2016-06-23
Likelihood of conception with a single act of intercourse: providing benchmark rates for assessment of post-coital contraceptives. A. Wilcox et al. 0 Fecundability 2001 2016-07-13
Composition of variability in mountain gorilla diets in the ventral Virungas D. Watts 0 Food Handling 1983 2016-07-14
Distinct but redundant expression of the Frizzled Wnt receptor genes at signaling centers of the developing mouse brain. T. Fischer et al. 0 FZD8 (frizzled 8) 2007 2016-07-15
Spontaneous heart disease in the adult chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). B. Seiler et al. 0 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy 2009 2016-07-13
The primate motor thalamus. G. Percheron et al. 0 Motor Thalamic Nuclei Size 1996 2016-08-03
Primate segmental duplications: crucibles of evolution, diversity and disease. J. Bailey et al. 0 Centromere and Pericentromere Changes, Genomic Segmental Duplications/Low Copy Repeats, Telomere and Subtelomere Changes 2006 2016-06-28
Inactivation of MOXD2 and S100A15A by exon deletion during human evolution. Y. Hahn et al. 0 MOXD2P (monooxygenase, DBH-like 2, pseudogene ) 2007 2016-07-25
Menstruation as a defense against pathogens transported by sperm. M. Profet 0 Volume of Menstrual Blood Loss 1993 2016-06-28
Familial incidence of multiple births in a colony of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). T. Geissmann 0 Twinning Frequency 1990 2016-06-28
Chimpanzees use more varied receptors and ligands than humans for inhibitory killer cell Ig-like receptor recognition of the MHC-C1 and MHC-C2 epitopes. A. Moesta et al. 0 Killer Inhibitory Receptor Composition 2009 2016-07-19
Global genetic variation at OAS1 provides evidence of archaic admixture in Melanesian populations F. Mendez et al. 0 Archaic Adaptive Introgression 2012 2016-06-27
The hate that love generated- sexually selected neglect of one's own offspring in humans E. Voland et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2000 2016-07-20
Autism & the Development of Mind R. Hobson 0 Autism Spectrum Disorders 1994 2016-06-27
The origin of human chromosome 18 from a human/ape ancestor. E. McConkey 0 Centromere and Pericentromere Changes 1997 2016-06-28
Long-term patterns of sleeping site use in wild saddleback (Saguinus fuscicollis) and mustached tamarins (S. mystax): effects of foraging, thermoregulation, predation, and resource defense constraints. A. Smith et al. 0 Home Base 2007 2016-07-18
Skeletal and dental growth and development in chimpanzees of the Tai National Park, Cote D’Ivoire A. Zihlman et al. 0 Age of Pelvic Bone Fusion 2007 2016-06-23
Elephant Sociality and Complexity : The Scientific Evidence J. Poole et al. 0 Inter-group Coalition Formation 2008 2016-07-19
Behavior. Can a dog learn a word? P. Bloom 0 Arbitrary Reference 2004 2016-06-23
Isolation and characterisation of GTF2IRD2, a novel fusion gene and member of the TFII-I family of transcription factors, deleted in Williams-Beuren syndrome. H. Tipney et al. 0 GTF2IRD2 (GTF2I repeat domain containing 2) 2004 2016-07-18
Association of common variants in the Joubert syndrome gene (AHI1) with autism. A. Retuerto et al. 0 AHI1 (Abelson Helper Integration Site 1 ) 2008 2016-06-23
How did humans evolve? R. Alexander 0 Ecological Dominance 1990 2016-07-11
Adaptive Strategies of Primates in Relation to Leaf Eating C. Hladik et al. 0 Food Handling 1978 2016-07-14
Evolution and proximate expression of human paternal investment. D. Geary 0 Paternal Care 2000 2016-08-03
Duane’s Foundations of Clinical Ophthalmology W. Tasman 0 Emotional Lacrimation (Crying) 1992 2016-07-01
Reproductive failure, possible maternal infanticide, and cannibalism in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. L. Culot et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2011 2016-08-03
Variable number of tandem repeat polymorphisms of DRD4: re-evaluation of selection hypothesis and analysis of association with schizophrenia. E. Hattori et al. 0 DRD4 (dopamine receptor D4) 2009 2016-06-30
What's so hot about recombination hotspots? J. Hey 0 Recombination Hotspots 2004 2016-08-03
Modern Human Life History: The Evolution of Human Childhood and Fertility B. Bogin 0 Duration of Lactation 2006 2016-07-01
A flexible 3-parameter curve for limited or unlimited somatic growth. P. Jolicoeur 0 Sexual Body Size Dimorphism 1985 2016-07-27
The Great Leap Forward: the anatomic basis for the acquisition of speech and obstructive sleep apnea. T. Davidson 0 Sleep Apnea 2003 2016-06-29
A new level of complexity in the male alliance networks of Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.). R. Connor et al. 0 Inter-group Coalition Formation 2011 2016-08-02
Human breastfeeding is not automatic: Why that's so and what it means for human evolution A. Volk 0 Difficulty Breastfeeding 2009 2016-06-30
Total number, distribution, and phenotype of cells expressing chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the normal human amygdala. H. Pantazopoulos et al. 0 Protein Expression in the Amygdala 2008 2016-07-26
Emergence of primate genes by retrotransposon-mediated sequence transduction. J. Xing et al. 0 SVA (SINE/VNTR/Alu) Element Expansion 2006 2016-06-29
Food sharing and status in unprovisioned bonobos G. Hohmann et al. 0 Cooperative Breeding 1996 2016-06-29
Human-specific organization of primary visual cortex: alternating compartments of dense Cat-301 and calbindin immunoreactivity in layer 4A. T. Preuss et al. 0 Organization of Layer 4A of Area V1 2002 2016-07-25
Different patterns of evolution in the centromeric and telomeric regions of group A and B haplotypes of the human killer cell Ig-like receptor locus. C. Pyo et al. 0 Killer Cell Ig-Like Receptor (KIR), KIR3DL1 (killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 1), Telomere and Subtelomere Changes 2010 2016-06-28
Low frequency of defective alleles of cytochrome P450 enzymes 2C19 and 2D6 in the Turkish population. A. Aynacioglu et al. 0 Mind-Altering Drug Use 1999 2016-07-20
The evolution of adaptive immunity. N. Danilova 0 Absolute Lymphocyte Count 2012 2016-06-17
Evolution of chromosome Y in primates. N. Archidiacono et al. 0 Features of the Y Chromosome 1998 2016-07-01
Nerve endings in the skin of the gorilla. R. WINKELMANN 0 Fingertip Sensory Nerve Endings 1961 2016-07-13
Neonatal imitation in rhesus macaques. P. Ferrari et al. 0 Neonatal Imitation of Adults 2006 2016-08-03
