Behavior-linked FoxP2 regulation enables zebra finch vocal learning. |
J. Heston et al. |
2015 |
2015-02-19 | |
Complexity, Compassion and Self-Organisation: Human Evolution and the Vulnerable Ape Hypothesis |
N. Winder et al. |
2015 |
2015-07-01 | |
The Neandertals of northeastern Iberia: new remains from the Cova del Gegant (Sitges, Barcelona). |
R. Quam et al. |
2015 |
2015-04-23 | |
Experimental evidence for the co-evolution of hominin tool-making teaching and language. |
T. Morgan et al. |
2015 |
2015-01-14 | |
Grandmothering life histories and human pair bonding. |
J. Coxworth et al. |
2015 |
2016-01-14 | |
Effects of the demographic transition on the genetic variances and covariances of human life-history traits. |
E. Bolund et al. |
2015 |
2015-02-09 | |
New species from Ethiopia further expands Middle Pliocene hominin diversity. |
Y. Haile-Selassie et al. |
2015 |
2015-05-27 | |
Early modern humans and morphological variation in Southeast Asia: fossil evidence from Tam Pa Ling, Laos. |
F. Demeter et al. |
2015 |
2015-04-08 | |
Genetic evidence for two founding populations of the Americas. |
P. Skoglund et al. |
2015 |
2015-07-29 | |
Human behavior. Sex equality can explain the unique social structure of hunter-gatherer bands. |
M. Dyble et al. |
Pair-bonding |
2015 |
2015-05-20 | |
Complete mapping of the tattoos of the 5300-year-old Tyrolean Iceman |
M. Samadelli et al. |
2015 |
2015-12-23 | |
Eight thousand years of natural selection in Europe |
I. Mathieson et al. |
2015 |
2015-11-05 | |
Geological and taphonomic context for the new hominin species Homo naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa. |
P. Dirks et al. |
2015 |
2015-09-16 | |
The role of plantigrady and heel-strike in the mechanics and energetics of human walking with implications for the evolution of the human foot |
J. Webber et al. |
Bipedal Foot Morphology, Striding Bipedalism |
2016 |
2016-12-14 | |
Dental calculus reveals potential respiratory irritants and ingestion of essential plant-based nutrients at Lower Palaeolithic Q |
K. Hardy et al. |
2016 |
2015-06-18 | |
Unraveling the evolution of uniquely human cognition |
E. MacLean |
Androgen Metabolism in the Brain, Impact of Conspecific Competition, Intraspecific Aggression |
2016 |
2016-06-07 | |
OH-65: The earliest evidence for right-handedness in the fossil record |
D. Frayer et al. |
Handedness , Tool Manufacture and Use |
2016 |
2016-10-21 | |
Faster reproductive rates trade off against offspring growth in wild chimpanzees. |
M. Thompson et al. |
Inter-birth Intervals |
2016 |
2016-07-07 | |
Earliest hominin occupation of Sulawesi, Indonesia. |
G. van den Bergh et al. |
2016 |
2016-01-15 | |
How chimpanzees cooperate in a competitive world |
M. Suchak et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-23 | |
Erratum to “Correlation not Causation: The Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies” American Journal of Political Science 56 (1), 34–51 |
B. Verhulst et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-13 | |
Morbid attraction to leopard urine in Toxoplasma-infected chimpanzees. |
C. Poirotte et al. |
2016 |
2016-03-04 | |
Pleistocene Hominins as a Resource for Carnivores: A c. 500,000-Year-Old Human Femur Bearing Tooth-Marks in North Africa (Thomas Quarry I, Morocco) |
C. Daujeard et al. |
2016 |
2016-04-28 | |
Extraordinary intelligence and the care of infants. |
S. Piantadosi et al. |
Parental Investment, Paternal Care |
2016 |
2016-05-26 | |
Are there alternative adaptive strategies to human pro-sociality? The role of collaborative morality in the emergence of personality variation and autistic traits |
P. Spikins et al. |
Autism Spectrum Disorders |
2016 |
2016-11-16 | |
High-resolution maps of hunter-gatherer social networks reveal human adaptation for cultural exchange |
A. Migliano et al. |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
2016 |
2016-05-31 | |
The evolution of language and thought |
P. Lieberman |
2016 |
2016-09-16 | |
The Genetics of How Dogs Became Our Social Allies |
P. Jensen et al. |
Domestication of Other Animals |
2016 |
2016-10-18 | |
Pleistocene Mitochondrial Genomes Suggest a Single Major Dispersal of Non-Africans and a Late Glacial Population Turnover in Europe. |
C. Posth et al. |
2016 |
2016-02-11 | |
A Dynamical Analysis of the Suitability of Prehistoric Spheroids from the Cave of Hearths as Thrown Projectiles |
A. Wilson et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-10 | |
A 1.3 million year record of synchronous faulting in the hangingwall and border fault of a half-graben in the Malawi (Nyasa) Rift |
T. McCartney et al. |
2016 |
2016-12-22 | |
Basis for the gain and subsequent dilution of epidermal pigmentation during human evolution: The barrier and metabolic conservation hypotheses revisited |
P. Elias et al. |
Skin Pigmentation Variation |
2016 |
2016-06-27 | |
Human migration: Climate and the peopling of the world |
P. deMenocal et al. |
2016 |
2016-09-26 | |
Anterior Temporal Lobe Tracks the Formation of Prejudice |
H. Spiers et al. |
2016 |
2016-11-02 | |
Apolipoprotein E4 is associated with improved cognitive function in Amazonian forager-horticulturalists with a high parasite burden. |
B. Trumble et al. |
2016 |
2017-02-01 | |
Perimortem fractures in Lucy suggest mortality from fall out of tall tree |
J. Kappelman et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-30 | |
An ecometric analysis of the fossil mammal record of the Turkana Basin |
M. Fortelius et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-14 | |
What made us human? Biological and cultural evolution of Homo sapiens. |
S. Parmigiani et al. |
2016 |
2016-10-06 | |
A simple rule governs the evolution and development of hominin tooth size. |
A. Evans et al. |
2016 |
2016-02-25 | |
Wild monkeys flake stone tools |
T. Proffitt et al. |
Tool Manufacture and Use |
2016 |
2016-10-21 | |
The evolutionary path of least resistance |
P. Ungar et al. |
2016 |
2016-07-06 | |
Cultural Group Selection Plays an Essential Role in Explaining Human Cooperation: A Sketch of the Evidence. |
P. Richerson et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-12 | |
Excavating Neandertal and Denisovan DNA from the genomes of Melanesian individuals. |
B. Vernot et al. |
Archaic Adaptive Introgression |
2016 |
2016-03-17 | |
Metabolic acceleration and the evolution of human brain size and life history. |
H. Pontzer et al. |
2016 |
2016-05-06 | |
Getting to the Bottom of Face Processing. Species-Specific Inversion Effects for Faces and Behinds in Humans and Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes) |
M. Kret et al. |
Facial recognition |
2016 |
2017-10-16 | |
Neandertals revised |
W. Roebroeks et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-07 | |
The Simons Genome Diversity Project: 300 genomes from 142 diverse populations |
S. Mallick et al. |
2016 |
2016-09-21 | |
Travel fosters tool use in wild chimpanzees |
T. Gruber et al. |
Tool Making |
2016 |
2016-07-22 | |
No relative expansion of the number of prefrontal neurons in primate and human evolution |
M. Gabi et al. |
2016 |
2017-02-17 | |
Scapular shape of extant hominoids and the African ape/modern human last common ancestor. |
D. Green et al. |
2016 |
2016-05-27 | |
Osteogenic tumour in Australopithecus sediba: Earliest hominin evidence for neoplastic disease |
P. Randolph-Quinney et al. |
2016 |
2016-09-16 | |
A Pleistocene palaeovegetation record from plant wax biomarkers from the Nachukui Formation, West Turkana, Kenya |
K. Uno et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-14 | |
What do our genes tell us about our past? |
R. Desalle |
2016 |
2016-10-07 | |
Virtual ancestor reconstruction: Revealing the ancestor of modern humans and Neandertals. |
A. Mounier et al. |
2016 |
2016-02-16 | |
Persistent C3 vegetation accompanied Plio-Pleistocene hominin evolution in the Malawi Rift (Chiwondo Beds, Malawi). |
T. Lüdecke et al. |
2016 |
2015-12-15 | |
Neanderthal genomics suggests a pleistocene time frame for the first epidemiologic transition. |
C. Houldcroft et al. |
Archaic Adaptive Introgression |
2016 |
2016-04-11 | |
Postcopulatory sexual selection influences baculum evolution in primates and carnivores |
M. Brindle et al. |
Baculum (Penis Bone) |
2016 |
2016-12-14 | |
Neogene biomarker record of vegetation change in eastern Africa |
K. Uno et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-07 | |
Mandibular ramus shape of Australopithecus sediba suggests a single variable species |
T. Ritzman et al. |
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism |
2016 |
2016-10-21 | |
A new sensitive indicator cell line reveals cross-transactivation of the viral LTR by gorilla and chimpanzee simian foamy viruses. |
C. Lambert et al. |
2016 |
2016-07-07 | |
Ancient DNA and the rewriting of human history: be sparing with Occam's razor. |
M. Haber et al. |
2016 |
2016-01-15 | |
Further morphological evidence on South African earliest Homo lower postcanine dentition: Enamel thickness and enamel dentine junction |
L. Pan et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-19 | |
Age and context of the oldest known hominin fossils from Flores |
A. Brumm et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-09 | |
Were Neanderthals responsible for their own extinction? |
J. Agustí et al. |
2016 |
2016-03-10 | |
Neandertal versus Modern Human Dietary Responses to Climatic Fluctuations. |
S. Zaatari et al. |
2016 |
2016-04-28 | |
The Genetic Cost of Neanderthal Introgression. |
K. Harris et al. |
Archaic Adaptive Introgression |
2016 |
2016-04-01 | |
Skull diversity in the Homo lineage and the relative position of Homo naledi |
L. Schroeder et al. |
2016 |
2016-11-15 | |
Dopamine pathway is highly diverged in primate species that differ markedly in social behavior |
C. Bergey et al. |
2016 |
2016-05-31 | |
The impact of recent population history on the deleterious mutation load in humans and close evolutionary relatives |
Y. Simons et al. |
2016 |
2016-09-16 | |
The empirical case against the ‘demographic turn’ in Palaeolithic archaeology |
M. Collard et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-14 | |
Transmission Between Archaic and Modern Human Ancestors During the Evolution of the Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus 16 |
V. Pimenoff et al. |
Archaic Adaptive Introgression |
2016 |
2016-10-18 | |
Mechanical evidence that Australopithecus sediba was limited in its ability to eat hard foods. |
J. Ledogar et al. |
2016 |
2016-02-11 | |
The ecological niche and distribution of Neanderthals during the Last Interglacial |
B. Benito et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-10 | |
Monkey vocal tracts are speech-ready |
T. Fitch et al. |
2016 |
2016-12-21 | |
Viruses are a dominant driver of protein adaptation in mammals |
D. Enard et al. |
2016 |
2016-07-15 | |
Race-related differences in antibody responses to the inactivated influenza vaccine are linked to distinct pre-vaccination gene expression profiles in blood. |
R. Kurupati et al. |
2016 |
2016-11-01 | |
The emergence of longevous populations. |
F. Colchero et al. |
Longevity |
2016 |
2017-01-27 | |
Introgression of Neandertal- and Denisovan-like Haplotypes Contributes to Adaptive Variation in Human Toll-like Receptors. |
M. Dannemann et al. |
2016 |
2016-01-08 | |
Virtual reconstruction of the Australopithecus africanus pelvis Sts 65 with implications for obstetrics and locomotion |
A. Claxton et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-25 | |
The evolution of body size and shape in the human career |
W. Jungers et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-14 | |
Nut-cracking behaviour in wild-born, rehabilitated bonobos (Pan paniscus): a comprehensive study of hand-preference, hand grips and efficiency |
J. Neufuss et al. |
Handedness , Tool Manufacture and Use |
2016 |
2016-10-03 | |
Deep Roots for Aboriginal Australian Y Chromosomes. |
A. Bergström et al. |
2016 |
2016-02-26 | |
An ecocultural model predicts Neanderthal extinction through competition with modern humans. |
W. Gilpin et al. |
2016 |
2016-02-02 | |
Networks of Food Sharing Reveal the Functional Significance of Multilevel Sociality in Two Hunter-Gatherer Groups |
M. Dyble et al. |
2016 |
2016-08-11 | |
Model-based analyses of whole-genome data reveal a complex evolutionary history involving archaic introgression in Central African Pygmies |
P. Hsieh et al. |
2016 |
2016-03-23 | |
Pre-Clovis occupation 14,550 years ago at the Page-Ladson site, Florida, and the peopling of the Americas |
J. Halligan et al. |
2016 |
2016-05-13 | |
Limb Bone Structural Proportions and Locomotor Behavior in A.L. 288-1 ("Lucy") |
C. Ruff et al. |
2016 |
2016-12-01 | |
The Pliocene hominin diversity conundrum: Do more fossils mean less clarity? |
Y. Haile-Selassie et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-07 | |
A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia |
A. Malaspinas et al. |
2016 |
2016-09-21 | |
Genetic Ancestry and Natural Selection Drive Population Differences in Immune Responses to Pathogens |
Y. Nédélec et al. |
2016 |
2016-10-21 | |
Initial micromorphological results from Liang Bua, Flores (Indonesia): Site formation processes and hominin activities at the type locality of Homo floresiensis |
M. Morley et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-30 | |
The gestural repertoire of the wild bonobo (Pan paniscus): a mutually understood communication system |
K. Graham et al. |
2016 |
2016-11-09 | |
Footprints reveal direct evidence of group behavior and locomotion in Homo erectus |
K. Hatala et al. |
Bipedal Foot Morphology, Cooperative Action, Social Group Composition, Striding Bipedalism |
2016 |
2016-07-12 | |
Why are there no persisting hybrids of humans with Denisovans, Neanderthals, or anyone else? |
A. Varki |
2016 |
2016-09-12 | |
Measures of maturation in early fossil hominins: events at the first transition from australopiths to early Homo |
C. Dean |
2016 |
2016-06-14 | |
What constitutes Homo sapiens? Morphology versus received wisdom. |
J. Schwartz |
2016 |
2016-10-06 | |
New geological and palaeontological age constraint for the gorilla-human lineage split. |
S. Katoh et al. |
2016 |
2016-02-16 | |
New footprints from Laetoli (Tanzania) provide evidence for marked body size variation in early hominins |
F. Masao et al. |
Bipedal Foot Morphology, Sexual Body Size Dimorphism, Striding Bipedalism |
2016 |
2016-12-14 | |
Functional Divergence of the Nuclear Receptor NR2C1 as a Modulator of Pluripotentiality During Hominid Evolution |
J. Baker et al. |
2016 |
2016-06-07 | |
Dentognathic remains of Australopithecus afarensis from Nefuraytu (Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia): Comparative description, geology, and paleoecological context |
Y. Haile-Selassie et al. |
2016 |
2016-10-21 |