Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 301 - 400 of 3236 publications

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URL Title Authors # Commentssort ascending Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Added
Adaptive evolution of ASPM, a major determinant of cerebral cortical size in humans. P. Evans et al. 0 ASPM (asp (abnormal spindle) homolog, microcephaly associated) 2004 2016-06-27
Spatial organization of neurons in the frontal pole sets humans apart from great apes. K. Semendeferi et al. 0 Frontal Lobe Size 2011 2016-07-15 Evidence of Hominin Use and Maintenance of Fire at Zhoukoudian X. Gao et al. 0 Control of Fire 2017 2017-08-21 White sclera is present in chimpanzees and other mammals I. Clark et al. 0 Sclera Pigmentation, Visual-Manual Communication 2023 2023-01-29
Ritual, mantras & the origin of language F. Staal 0 Hierarchical Linguistic Structure 1984 2016-07-18
Corridors of migrating neurons in the human brain and their decline during infancy. N. Sanai et al. 0 Adult Neurogenesis 2011 2016-06-23 Molecular de-extinction of ancient antimicrobial peptides enabled by machine learning. J. Maasch et al. 0 2023 2023-09-12
Restricted replication of a cold-adapted reassortant influenza A virus in the lower respiratory tract of chimpanzees. M. Snyder et al. 0 Influenza A Infection 1986 2016-07-18 Testing Dietary Hypotheses of East African Hominines Using Buccal Dental Microwear Data L. Martínez et al. 0 2016 2016-11-17
Reasoning in the chimpanzee: I. Analogical reasoning D. Gillan et al. 0 Analogical Reasoning 1981 2016-06-23
The genital prolapse of Australopithecus Lucy? G. Chene et al. 0 Female Pelvic Floor Organ Prolapse 2015 2016-07-13 Body language: The interplay between positional behavior and gestural signaling in the genus Pan and its implications for language evolution. L. Smith et al. 0 Gesture 2015 2015-07-08 New Middle Pleistocene hominin cranium from Gruta da Aroeira (Portugal) J. Daura et al. 0 2017 2017-03-15 Late Middle Pleistocene Harbin cranium represents a new Homo species Q. Ji et al. 0 2021 2021-06-30
Aspects of transmission of tool-use in wild chimpanzees C. Boesch et al. 0 Food Preparation 1993 2016-07-14 Early European may have had Neanderthal great-great-grandparent E. Callaway 0 2015 2015-05-14 Genome-culture coevolution promotes rapid divergence of killer whale ecotypes. A. Foote et al. 0 2016 2016-06-01 Inter-individual coordination in walking chimpanzees. M. Schweinfurth et al. 0 2022 2022-12-20
Chromosomal evolution of the PKD1 gene family in primates. S. Kirsch et al. 0 Gene Conversion 2008 2016-07-15 Palaeoproteomic evidence identifies archaic hominins associated with the Châtelperronian at the Grotte du Renne F. Welker et al. 0 2016 2016-09-19
Molecular genetic basis of the histo-blood group ABO system. F. Yamamoto et al. 0 ABO (ABO blood group ) 1990 2016-06-17 Effects of gendered behavior on testosterone in women and men. S. van Anders et al. 0 2015 2015-10-28 Genome-wide, integrative analysis implicates microRNA dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder Y. Wu et al. 0 Autism Spectrum Disorders 2016 2016-10-18 Short and long period growth markers of enamel formation distinguish European Pleistocene hominins M. Modesto-Mata et al. 0 2020 2020-03-19
Pots, parties, and politics: communal feasting in the American Southwest. J. Potter 0 Feasting 2000 2016-07-01 Captive chimpanzee takes down a drone: tool use toward a flying object. J. van Hooff et al. 0 Tool Manufacture and Use 2015 2015-09-08 The evolutionary history of Neanderthal and Denisovan Y chromosomes M. Petr et al. 0 2020 2020-09-30
A primer of primate pathology: lesions and nonlesions. L. Lowenstine 0 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy 2003 2016-07-13 Empirical approaches to musical protolanguage theory K. Murray 0 Music 2011 2016-08-03 Paleontology. Did the Denisovans cross Wallace's Line? A. Cooper et al. 0 2013 2013-11-08 The evolution and changing ecology of the African hominid oral microbiome J. Yates et al. 0 2021 2021-06-30 Is the Romantic–Sexual Kiss a Near Human Universal? W. Jankowiak et al. 0 Mating Effort, Pair-bonding , Romantic Infatuation (Limerence), Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Diseases 2015 2016-02-10 Trabecular architecture in the StW 352 fossil hominin calcaneus A. Zeininger et al. 0 2016 2016-08-11 Engraved bones from the archaic hominin site of Lingjing, Henan Province Z. Li et al. 0 2019 2019-07-18 The emergence of grammar: Systematic structure in a new language W. Sandler et al. 0 Emergence of New Communication Systems 2005 2016-07-01 Unique Dental Morphology of Homo floresiensis and Its Evolutionary Implications. Y. Kaifu et al. 0 2015 2015-11-20 The impact of whole-genome sequencing on the reconstruction of human population history. K. Veeramah et al. 0 2014 2014-02-18 Adaptive archaic introgression of copy number variants and the discovery of previously unknown human genes P. Hsieh et al. 0 2019 2019-11-07
The role of eyebrows in face recognition. J. Sadr et al. 0 Eyebrows 2003 2016-07-01
Biased Gene Conversion and its Impact on Human Genome Evolution N. Galtier et al. 0 Gene Conversion 2008 2016-08-02 Evidence supporting an intentional Neandertal burial at La Chapelle-aux-Saints. W. Rendu et al. 0 2014 2013-12-17 Dating the skull from Broken Hill, Zambia, and its position in human evolution R. Grün et al. 0 2020 2020-04-06
Cooperative activities in young children and chimpanzees. F. Warneken et al. 0 Joint Attention 2006 2016-08-02
Postcranial robusticity in Homo. III: Ontogeny. C. Ruff et al. 0 Skeletal Robusticity 1994 2016-06-30 The Combined Landscape of Denisovan and Neanderthal Ancestry in Present-Day Humans. S. Sankararaman et al. 0 Archaic Adaptive Introgression 2016 2016-03-31 Metabolites of lactic acid bacteria present in fermented foods are highly potent agonists of human hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3 A. Peters et al. 0 2019 2019-05-31 Rhythm in Music: What is it? Who has it? And Why? J. Bispham 0 Drumming 2006 2016-06-30
Primate spondyloarthropathy. B. Rothschild 0 Rheumatoid Arthritis 2005 2016-07-26 Old stones' song: use-wear experiments and analysis of the Oldowan quartz and quartzite assemblage from Kanjera South (Kenya). C. Lemorini et al. 0 2014 2014-04-14 Chimpanzees flexibly update working memory contents and show susceptibility to distraction in the self-ordered search task V. J. et al. 0 2019 2019-07-25
Comparison of biomarkers of oxidative stress and cardiovascular disease in humans and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). E. Videan et al. 0 Serum Cholesterol Level 2009 2016-07-26
Is somnambulism a distinct disorder of humans and not seen in non-human primates? S. Kantha 0 Somnambulism 2003 2016-06-29 Evolution. An epigenetic window into the past? L. Orlando et al. 0 2014 2014-08-07 Encounters with archaic hominins F. Mafessoni 0 2018 2018-11-28 Mirror neurons and imitation learning as the driving force behind “the great leap forward” in human evolution V. Ramachandran 0 Dancing 2000 2016-06-30
Intimate Fathers: The Nature and Context of Aka Pygmy Paternal Infant Care B. Hewlett 0 Paternal Care 1993 2016-07-26 Evolutionary origins of human herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2. J. Wertheim et al. 0 2014 2014-06-11 Species-specific maturation profiles of human, chimpanzee and bonobo neural cells M. Marchetto et al. 0 2019 2019-02-15 Early human collective practices and symbolism in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Southwest Asia O. Barzilai et al. 0 Art, Symbolic Representation 2024 2024-12-12 Greater than the sum of its parts? Modelling population contact and interaction of cultural repertoires N. Creanza et al. 0 2017 2017-05-08
The guanine nucleotide exchange factor Arhgef5 plays crucial roles in Src-induced podosome formation. M. Kuroiwa et al. 0 ARHGEF5 (Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 5), DRD5 (Dopamine receptor D5) 2011 2016-06-27
Accelerated protein evolution and origins of human-specific features: Foxp2 as an example. J. Zhang et al. 0 FOXP2 (forkhead box P2) 2002 2016-07-15 Ornaments reveal resistance of North European cultures to the spread of farming. S. Rigaud et al. 0 Art 2015 2015-04-10 Acquisition of terrestrial life by human ancestors influenced by forest microclimate H. Takemoto 0 Striding Bipedalism, Upright Posture 2017 2017-08-09 The origins of human cumulative culture: from the foraging niche to collective intelligence. A. Migliano et al. 0 2022 2022-12-30
Distinctive structures between chimpanzee and human in a brain noncoding RNA. A. Beniaminov et al. 0 HAR1 (human accelerated region 1) 2008 2016-07-18 Mutations in Human Accelerated Regions Disrupt Cognition and Social Behavior R. Doan et al. 0 Autism Spectrum Disorders, HAR1 (human accelerated region 1), Human Accelerated Regions (HARs) and Changes in Conserved Sequences 2016 2016-09-26
Mirror neurons responding to observation of actions made with tools in monkey ventral premotor cortex. P. Ferrari et al. 0 Accurate Overhand Throwing 2005 2016-06-22 Human-specific genetics: new tools to explore the molecular and cellular basis of human evolution. A. Pollen et al. 0 2023 2023-09-12 Surprising trunk rotational capabilities in chimpanzees and implications for bipedal walking proficiency in early hominins. N. Thompson et al. 0 Striding Bipedalism 2015 2015-10-07 Social support reduces stress hormone levels in wild chimpanzees across stressful events and everyday affiliations R. Wittig et al. 0 2016 2016-11-02
Abnormal cerebellar development and axonal decussation due to mutations in AHI1 in Joubert syndrome. R. Ferland et al. 0 AHI1 (Abelson Helper Integration Site 1 ) 2004 2016-06-23
Brain evolution relating to family, play, and the separation call. P. MacLean 0 Empathy 1985 2016-07-11 Testing modern human out-of-Africa dispersal models and implications for modern human origins. H. Reyes-Centeno et al. 0 2015 2015-08-06 Hadza sleep biology: Evidence for flexible sleep-wake patterns in hunter-gatherers D. Samson et al. 0 Amount of REM Sleep 2017 2017-02-02 Evolution of Hominin Detoxification: Neanderthal and Modern Human Ah Receptor Respond Similarly to TCDD J. Aarts et al. 0 2020 2021-01-12
Seed handling in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius): implications for understanding hominoid and cercopithecine fruit-processing strategies and seed dispersal. J. Lambert 0 Food Handling 1999 2016-07-14 Examining the possible functions of kissing in romantic relationships. R. Wlodarski et al. 0 2013 2013-11-08 Molecular archaeology of human cognitive traits. J. Kaczanowska et al. 0 2022 2022-12-19 The 5300-year-old Helicobacter pylori genome of the Iceman. F. Maixner et al. 0 2016 2016-01-07 Fossil skulls reveal that blood flow rate to the brain increased faster than brain volume during human evolution R. Seymour et al. 0 Brain Size 2016 2016-08-31 Middle Pliocene hominin diversity: Australopithecus deyiremeda and Kenyanthropus platyops F. Spoor et al. 0 2016 2016-06-14
To What Extent is the Experience of Empathy Mediated by Shared Neural Circuits? J. Decety 0 Empathy 2010 2016-07-01 The place of Homo floresiensis in human evolution. K. Baab 0 2016 2016-10-06 IMHO: inventing modern human origins I. Davidson et al. 0 2019 2020-02-04
Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) lack expertise in face processing. L. Parr et al. 0 Facial recognition 2008 2016-07-01 Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native Americans. M. Raghavan et al. 0 2014 2013-11-21 Sitting, squatting, and the evolutionary biology of human inactivity D. Raichlen et al. 0 2020 2020-06-01
Evidence for variable selective pressures at MC1R. R. Harding et al. 0 MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor) ) 2000 2016-08-03 Genome hacker uncovers largest-ever family tree H. Ledford 0 2013 2013-11-08
Discovery of Siglec-14, a novel sialic acid receptor undergoing concerted evolution with Siglec-5 in primates. T. Angata et al. 0 SIGLEC14 (sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 14), SIGLEC5 (sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 5 ) 2006 2016-06-30 Transgenerational Transmission of the Effect of Gestational Ethanol Exposure on Ethanol Use-Related Behavior. M. Nizhnikov et al. 0 2016 2016-02-24
Self-recognition in an Asian elephant. J. Plotnik et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2006 2016-08-03 Nuclear DNA from two early Neandertals reveals 80,000 years of genetic continuity in Europe S. Peyrégne et al. 0 2019 2019-07-03
Complex evolution of a Y-chromosomal double homeobox 4 (DUX4)-related gene family in hominoids. J. Schmidt et al. 0 DUX, DUX4 (double homeobox 4), Features of the Y Chromosome 2009 2016-07-01 Little Foot, a South African Australopithecus as old as Lucy? I. Inrap) 0 2014 2014-03-17 More data needed for claims about the earliest Oldowan artifacts Y. Sahle et al. 0 Tool Making 2019 2019-10-08
Agnostic behavior, dominance, and social structure in wild chimpanzees of the Gombe National Park J. Bygott 0 Sexual Body Size Dimorphism 1979 2016-07-27 Ardipithecus ramidus and the evolution of the human cranial base. W. Kimbel et al. 0 2014 2014-01-07
The ontogeny of cranial base angulation in humans and chimpanzees and its implications for reconstructing pharyngeal dimensions. D. Lieberman et al. 0 Sleep Apnea 1999 2016-06-29
