Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 2001 - 2100 of 3160 publications

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URL Titlesort ascending Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Added Genetic and archaeological perspectives on the initial modern human colonization of southern Asia. P. Mellars et al. 0 2013 2013-11-21 Genetic ancestry and population differences in levels of inflammatory cytokines in women: Role for evolutionary selection and environmental factors S. Yao et al. 0 2018 2018-06-14 Genetic Ancestry and Natural Selection Drive Population Differences in Immune Responses to Pathogens Y. Nédélec et al. 0 2016 2016-10-21 Genetic adaptation to pathogens and increased risk of inflammatory disorders in post-Neolithic Europe. G. Kerner et al. 0 2023 2023-09-12 Genetic Adaptation and Neandertal Admixture Shaped the Immune System of Human Populations H. Quach et al. 0 Archaic Adaptive Introgression 2016 2016-10-21
Genetic absolute dating based on microsatellites and the origin of modern humans. D. Goldstein et al. 0 Short Tandem Repeat Content 1995 2016-06-30
Genes for human catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes. T. Nagatsu 0 TH (tyrosine hydroxylase) 1991 2016-06-28 Gene therapy for red-green colour blindness in adult primates. K. Mancuso et al. 0 2009 2014-05-14
Gene losses during human origins. X. Wang et al. 0 CASP12 (caspase-12 gene/pseudogene) 2006 2016-06-28
Gene expression profiling of post-mortem orbitofrontal cortex in violent suicide victims. A. Thalmeier et al. 0 CDH12 (cadherin 12, type 2 (N-cadherin 2) ) 2008 2016-06-28
Gene expression differences among primates are associated with changes in a histone epigenetic modification. C. Cain et al. 0 Epigenetic Markings 2011 2016-07-01
Gene copy number variation spanning 60 million years of human and primate evolution. L. Dumas et al. 0 AQP7 (aquaporin 7), Heterochromatin Content, NBPF 2007 2016-06-23 Gene conversion: mechanisms, evolution and human disease J. Chen et al. 0 Gene Conversion 2007 2016-07-15 Gender-Typed and Gender-Segregated Play Among Tanzanian Hadza and Congolese BaYaka Hunter-Gatherer Children and Adolescents S. Lew-Levy et al. 0 2019 2019-10-08
Gaze-following and joint visual attention in nonhuman animals S. Itakura 0 Joint Attention 2004 2016-08-02
Gain, loss and divergence in primate zinc-finger genes: a rich resource for evolution of gene regulatory differences between species. K. Nowick et al. 0 Kruppel-type Zinc Finger Family 2011 2016-07-19
Gain of new exons and promoters by lineage-specific transposable elements-integration and conservation event on CHRM3 gene. J. Huh et al. 0 CHRM3 (Cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 3) 2009 2016-06-28
Gadd45b knockout mice exhibit selective deficits in hippocampus-dependent long-term memory. P. Leach et al. 0 GADD45G (Growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein 45 gamma) 2012 2016-07-15 G protein-coupled receptors in human fat taste perception. M. Galindo et al. 0 2012 2014-08-01
Future directions in endometriosis research. T. D'Hooghe et al. 0 Uterine Adenomyosis and Endometriosis 2003 2016-06-28 Further morphological evidence on South African earliest Homo lower postcanine dentition: Enamel thickness and enamel dentine junction L. Pan et al. 0 2016 2016-08-19 Functional Networks for Social Communication in the Macaque Monkey S. Shepherd et al. 0 2018 2018-07-26 Functional flexibility in wild bonobo vocal behaviour. Z. Clay et al. 0 2015 2015-08-05 Functional evidence for differences in sperm competition in humans and chimpanzees M. Anderson et al. 0 Sperm Energy Production 2007 2012-03-05 Functional Divergence of the Nuclear Receptor NR2C1 as a Modulator of Pluripotentiality During Hominid Evolution J. Baker et al. 0 2016 2016-06-07 Functional connectivity within the primate extended amygdala is heritable and associated with early-life anxious temperament A. Fox et al. 0 2018 2018-08-02
Functional characteristics of the high affinity IgG receptor, FcγRI. C. van der Poel et al. 0 FCGR1A (Fc fragment of IgG, high affinity Ia, receptor (CD64)) 2011 2016-07-01 Functional Anatomy, Biomechanical Performance Capabilities and Potential Niche of StW 573: an Australopithecus Skeleton (circa 3.67 Ma) From Sterkfontein Member 2, and its significance for The Last Common Ancestor of the African Apes and for Hominin Origi R. Crompton et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Striding Bipedalism 2018 2018-12-20
Full-length sequence analysis of the HLA-DRB1 locus suggests a recent origin of alleles. J. von Salomé et al. 0 HLA-DRB1 family, HLA-DRB1*11 (major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1 allele 11 ) 2007 2016-07-18 Frontiers of the Lower Palaeolithic expansion in Europe: Tunel Wielki Cave (Poland) M. Kot et al. 0 2022 2023-01-10
Frontal sinus size in Eskimo populations. C. Hanson et al. 0 Size and Position of Frontal Air Sinuses 1980 2016-06-30 Frontal mechanisms underlying primate calls recognition by humans. L. Ceravolo et al. 0 2023 2023-12-24
From vitamin D to hormone D: fundamentals of the vitamin D endocrine system essential for good health. A. Norman 0 Cutaneous Biosynthesis of Vitamin D 2008 2016-06-30
From the ape's dilemma to the weanling's dilemma: early weaning and its evolutionary context. G. Kennedy 0 Inter-birth Intervals 2005 2016-07-18 From Spears to M-16s: Testing the Imbalance of Power Hypothesis among the Enga P. Wiessner 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2006 2016-07-19 From Nonhuman to Human Mind: What Changed and Why? B. Hare 0 Morphometrics of the Amygdala 2007 2016-07-22 From Neandertals to modern humans: New data on the Uluzzian. P. Villa et al. 0 2018 2018-05-15
From molecule to market: steroid hormones and financial risk-taking. J. Coates et al. 0 Unnecessary Risk Taking 2010 2016-06-28 From Lucy to Kadanuumuu: balanced analyses of Australopithecus afarensis assemblages confirm only moderate skeletal dimorphism. P. Reno et al. 0 Sexual Body Size Dimorphism 2015 2015-04-29 From fossils to mind. A. de Sousa et al. 0 2023 2023-12-06 From Cosmic Explosions to Terrestrial Fires? A. Melott et al. 0 Striding Bipedalism 2019 2019-05-31 From Australopithecus to Homo: the transition that wasn't W. Kimbel et al. 0 2016 2016-06-14 Friendship and natural selection. N. Christakis et al. 0 2014 2014-07-15 Frequent disturbances enhanced the resilience of past human populations P. Riris et al. 0 2024 2024-05-03
Frequency of implantation and early pregnancy loss in natural cycles. T. Chard 0 Fecundability 1991 2016-07-13
Fréquence des aberrations chromosomiques dans les avortements spontanés humains J. Boué et al. 0 Early Fetal Wastage 1969 2016-07-11
Free amino acids in milks of human subjects, other primates and non-primates. G. Sarwar et al. 0 Milk Composition 1998 2016-07-20
Framing postpartum hemorrhage as a consequence of human placental biology: an evolutionary and comparative perspective. E. Abrams et al. 0 Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation 2011 2016-07-19 Fragility and volatility of structural hubs in the human connectome L. Gollo et al. 0 2018 2018-07-26 Four Genome-Wide Association Studies Identify New Extreme Longevity Variants P. Sebastiani et al. 0 Aging/Senescence, Longevity 2017 2017-11-16 Fossil skulls reveal that blood flow rate to the brain increased faster than brain volume during human evolution R. Seymour et al. 0 Brain Size 2016 2016-08-31 Fossil hominin shoulders support an African ape-like last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. N. Young et al. 0 2015 2015-09-09 Fossil herbivore stable isotopes reveal middle Pleistocene hominin palaeoenvironment in ‘Green Arabia’ P. Roberts et al. 0 2018 2018-11-01 Fossil Carder Bee's Nest from the Hominin Locality of Taung, South Africa J. Parker et al. 0 2016 2016-09-29 Form, function and evolution of the human hand T. Kivell et al. 0 2022 2022-12-30 Forest people: The role of African rainforests in human evolution and dispersal J. Mercader 0 2002 2018-09-13
Forces shaping the fastest evolving regions in the human genome. K. Pollard et al. 0 Human Accelerated Regions (HARs) and Changes in Conserved Sequences 2006 2016-07-18
Foramen magnum position variation in Pan troglodytes, Plio-Pleistocene hominids, and recent Homo sapiens: implications for recognizing the earliest hominids. J. Ahern 0 Foramen Magnum Placement 2005 2016-07-15 Foraging complexity and the evolution of childhood. I. Pretelli et al. 0 Childhood 2022 2022-12-19
Foraging Challenges of Red Colobus Monkeys: Influence of Nutrients and Secondary Compounds C. Chapman et al. 0 Food Handling 2002 2016-07-13 Footprints reveal direct evidence of group behavior and locomotion in Homo erectus K. Hatala et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Cooperative Action, Social Group Composition, Striding Bipedalism 2016 2016-07-12 Foot callus thickness does not trade off protection for tactile sensitivity during walking N. Holowka et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology 2019 2019-07-03 Food sharing is linked to urinary oxytocin levels and bonding in related and unrelated wild chimpanzees. R. Wittig et al. 0 2014 2014-01-16
Food sharing and status in unprovisioned bonobos G. Hohmann et al. 0 Cooperative Breeding 1996 2016-06-29 Food Acquisition and Processing as a Function of Plant Chemistry P. Waterman et al. 0 Food Handling 1984 2016-07-14 Following the last Neanderthals: Mammal tracks in Late Pleistocene coastal dunes of Gibraltar (S Iberian Peninsula) F. Muñiz et al. 0 2019 2019-02-13 Foetal testosterone and eye contact in 12-month-old human infants S. Lutchmaya et al. 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 2002 2016-07-20
Fluctuating population dynamics promotes the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. R. Svanbäck et al. 0 Travel Between Dissimilar Environments 2009 2016-06-28 Floristic diversity and its relationships with human land use varied regionally during the Holocene J. Gordon et al. 0 2024 2024-08-02 Fixation of the human-specific CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase pseudogene and implications of haplotype diversity for human evolution T. Hayakawa et al. 0 CMAH (cytidine monophosphate-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase (CMP-N-acetylneuraminate monooxygenase) pseudogene) 2006 2012-02-28
FITNESS BENEFITS OF COALITIONARY AGGRESSION IN MALE CHIMPANZEES. I. Gilby et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2013 2016-07-19 Fishing for iodine: what aquatic foraging by bonobos tells us about human evolution G. Hohmann et al. 0 2019 2019-07-03
First Years of Human Chromosomes P. Harper 0 Chromosome Number 2007 2016-06-28 First systematic assessment of dental growth and development in an archaic hominin (genus, Homo) from East Asia S. Xing et al. 0 2019 2019-01-17 First record of the Miocene hominoid Sivapithecus from Kutch, Gujarat state, western India A. Bhandari et al. 0 2018 2018-11-26 First partial skeleton of a 1.34-million-year-old Paranthropus boisei from Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. M. Domínguez-Rodrigo et al. 0 2013 2013-12-09 First identification of a Neanderthal bone spear point through an interdisciplinary analysis at Abric Romaní (NE Iberian Peninsula) P. Mateo-Lomba et al. 0 2024 2024-08-23 First hominin fossils from Milner Hall, Sterkfontein, South Africa. D. Stratford et al. 0 2016 2016-02-16 First evolutionary insights into the human otolithic system C. Smith et al. 0 Inner Ear Canal Morphology 2024 2024-10-03 First evidence of an extensive Acheulean large cutting tool accumulation in Europe from Porto Maior (Galicia, Spain) E. Méndez-Quintas et al. 0 Tool Making 2018 2018-02-21 First early hominin from central Africa (Ishango, Democratic Republic of Congo). I. Crevecoeur et al. 0 2014 2014-01-21 First direct evidence of lion hunting and the early use of a lion pelt by Neanderthals. G. Russo et al. 0 2023 2023-10-25 First Detailed Anatomical Study of Bonobos Reveals Intra-Specific Variations and Exposes Just-So Stories of Human Evolution, Bipedalism, and Tool Use R. Diogo 0 2018 2018-05-24 First description of the Cro-Magnon 1 endocast and study of brain variation and evolution in anatomically modern Homo sapiens A. Balzeau et al. 0 2013 2014-10-08 First ancient mitochondrial human genome from a prepastoralist southern African. A. Morris et al. 0 2014 2014-09-15 Fire in the Early Palaeolithic: Evidence from burnt small mammal bones at Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar, Murcia, Spain S. Rhodes et al. 0 2016 2016-09-21 Fire for a Reason: Barbecue at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel R. Barkai et al. 0 Control of Fire 2017 2017-08-21 Finger Amputation in the Ethnographic and Archaeological Record B. McCauley et al. 0 Physical Modifications of the Body, Symbolic Representation 2024 2024-09-26 Fine-Scale Human Population Structure in Southern Africa Reflects Ecogeographic Boundaries C. Uren et al. 0 2016 2016-09-09 Fine tuning of craniofacial morphology by distant-acting enhancers. C. Attanasio et al. 0 2013 2013-11-08 Finding the first Americans. T. Braje et al. 0 2017 2017-11-16 Filling the gap. Human cranial remains from Gombore II (Melka Kunture, Ethiopia; ca. 850 ka) and the origin of Homo heidelbergensis. A. Profico et al. 0 2016 2016-10-06 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy in Captive Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in the United States: A Retrospective Study F. Schulman et al. 0 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy 1995 2016-07-13
Fetal load and the evolution of lumbar lordosis in bipedal hominins. K. Whitcome et al. 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2007 2016-08-03 Fermented beverage and food storage in 13,000 y-old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave, Israel: Investigating Natufian ritual feasting L. Liu et al. 0 Domestication of Plants 2018 2018-09-13 Fermentation technology as a driver of human brain expansion. K. Bryant et al. 0 2023 2023-12-06
Femoral/humeral strength in early African Homo erectus. C. Ruff 0 Skeletal Robusticity 2008 2016-06-30
Female reproductive ecology of the apes: Implications for human evolution C. Knott 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2001 2016-07-20 Female Genito-genital Rubbing in a Group of Captive Chimpanzees S. Anestis 0 Homosexual Behavior 2004 2016-07-18 Female competition in chimpanzees. A. Pusey et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2013 2013-11-08
