A quantitative comparison of the hominoid thalamus: II. Limbic nuclei anterior principalis and lateralis dorsalis. |
E. Armstrong |
Limbic Thalamic Nuclei Size |
1980 |
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Strength and robusticity of the Neandertal tibia |
O. Lovejoy et al. |
Skeletal Robusticity |
1980 |
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A quantitative comparison of the hominoid thalamus: III. A motor substrate—the ventrolateral complex |
E. Armstrong |
Motor Thalamic Nuclei Size |
1980 |
2016-07-25 |
Expression of alkaline phosphatase loci in mammalian tissues. |
D. Goldstein et al. |
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes |
1980 |
2016-07-26 |
Monkey responses to three different alarm calls: evidence of predator classification and semantic communication. |
R. Seyfarth et al. |
Arbitrary Reference, Combinatorial Capacity |
1980 |
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An Ecological Model of Female-Bonded Primate Groups |
R. Wrangham |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1980 |
2016-07-19 |
Frontal sinus size in Eskimo populations. |
C. Hanson et al. |
Size and Position of Frontal Air Sinuses |
1980 |
2016-06-30 |
Child abuse: evidence from nonhuman primates. |
R. Nadler |
Physical Abuse of the Young |
1980 |
2016-07-26 |
Comparative investigations on hippocampus in insectivores and primates. |
H. Stephan et al. |
Subregions of the Hippocampus |
1980 |
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Morphology of the gastrointestinal tract in primates: comparisons with other mammals in relation to diet. |
D. Chivers et al. |
Food Handling |
1980 |
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Bears, Pigs, and Plio-Pleistocene Hominids: A case for the exploitation of below ground food resources |
T. Hatley et al. |
Underground Plant Food Consumption |
1980 |
2016-06-28 |
Rapid eye movement storms in infants: rate of occurrence at 6 months predicts mental development at 1 year. |
P. Becker et al. |
Amount of REM Sleep |
1981 |
2016-06-23 |
A quantitative comparison of the hominoid thalamus. IV. Posterior association nuclei-the pulvinar and lateral posterior nucleus. |
E. Armstrong |
Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size |
1981 |
2016-08-03 |
The development of eye contact between mothers and normal versus Down's syndrome infants |
J. Berger et al. |
Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze |
1981 |
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Hominid paleoecology and competitive exclusion: Limits to similarity, niche differentiation, and the effects of cultural behavior |
B. Winterhalder |
Niche Breadth |
1981 |
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Reasoning in the chimpanzee: I. Analogical reasoning |
D. Gillan et al. |
Analogical Reasoning |
1981 |
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The Early Hominid Plant-Food Niche: Insights From an Analysis of Plant Exploitation by Homo, Pan, and Papio in Eastern and Southern Africa [and Comments and Reply] |
C. Peters et al. |
Underground Plant Food Consumption |
1981 |
2016-06-28 |
The evolution of male parental investment in mammals |
D. Kleiman et al. |
Paternal Care |
1981 |
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The origin of man. |
C. Lovejoy |
Home Base, Pair-bonding , Paternal Care |
1981 |
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Self-recognition in chimpanzees and orangutans, but not gorillas |
S. Suarez et al. |
Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection |
1981 |
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Optimisation of Nut-Cracking with Natural Hammers by Wild Chimpanzees |
C. Boesch et al. |
Food Preparation |
1982 |
2016-07-14 |
Hemispheric specialization displayed by man but not macaques for analysis of faces. |
W. Overman et al. |
Facial recognition |
1982 |
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An order of omnivories: Nonhuman primates in the wild. |
J. Lancaster et al. |
Food Components |
1982 |
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The impact of plant secondary compounds on primate feeding behavior |
K. Glander |
Food Handling |
1982 |
2016-07-13 |
Systemic lupus erythematosus-like syndrome in monkeys fed alfalfa sprouts: role of a nonprotein amino acid. |
M. Malinow et al. |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
1982 |
2016-06-28 |
Behavioural states of the full-term newborn. the emergence of a concept |
H. Prechtl et al. |
Amount of REM Sleep |
1982 |
2016-06-23 |
Orangutans as seed dispensers at Tanjung Puting, Central Kalimantan: Implication for conservation |
B. Galdikas et al. |
Food Handling |
1982 |
2016-07-13 |
Neural beta-adrenergic dilatation of the facial vein in man. Possible mechanism in emotional blushing. |
S. Mellander et al. |
Emotional Flushing (Blushing) |
1982 |
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Did throwing stones shape hominid brain evolution? |
W. Calvin |
Accurate Overhand Throwing |
1982 |
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Wild orangutan birth at tanjung puting reserve |
B. Galdikas |
Placentophagia |
1982 |
2016-07-26 |
Diet-induced systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in primates. |
E. Bardana et al. |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
1982 |
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The limbic system and human evolution |
J. Vilensky et al. |
Morphometrics of the Amygdala |
1982 |
2016-08-03 |
Increased skin pigment reduces the capacity of skin to synthesise vitamin D3. |
T. Clemens et al. |
Cutaneous Biosynthesis of Vitamin D |
1982 |
2016-06-30 |
Face recognition by monkeys: absence of an inversion effect. |
C. Bruce |
Facial recognition |
1982 |
2016-07-01 |
The origin of man: a chromosomal pictorial legacy. |
J. Yunis et al. |
Chromosome Number , Heterochromatin Content |
1982 |
2016-06-28 |
Evolution of alkaline phosphatases in primates. |
D. Goldstein et al. |
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes |
1982 |
2016-08-03 |
The deliberate self-harm syndrome. |
E. Pattison et al. |
Self-Injury |
1983 |
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Evolution of epitopes on human and nonhuman primate lymphocyte cell surface antigens. |
E. Clark et al. |
Absolute Lymphocyte Count |
1983 |
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Reproductive biology of the great apes: Comparative and biomedical perspectives |
R. Dunbar |
Timing of Decidual Changes in Endometrium |
1983 |
2016-06-28 |
Altruism in coati bands: nepotism or reciprocity |
J. Russell |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1983 |
2016-07-19 |
Composition of variability in mountain gorilla diets in the ventral Virungas |
D. Watts |
Food Handling |
1983 |
2016-07-14 |
Human female reproductive strategies |
W. Irons |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1983 |
2016-07-19 |
A stone's throw and its launch window: timing precision and its implications for language and hominid brains. |
W. Calvin |
Accurate Overhand Throwing |
1983 |
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Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile Points |
P. Wiessner |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1983 |
2016-07-19 |
Tissue-specific differences in DNA methylation in various mammals. |
M. Gama-Sosa et al. |
Epigenetic Markings |
1983 |
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Mating system and sexual dimorphism in large terrestrial mammalian herbivores |
P. Jarman |
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism |
1983 |
2016-07-27 |
Human brain evolution in an ecological context (James Arthur lecture on the evolution of the human brain, no. 52, 1982 |
R. Martin |
Proportion of Pre- and Postnatal Brain Growth |
1983 |
2016-07-26 |
Parental investment: The hominid adaptation |
J. Lancaster et al. |
Parental Investment, Paternal Care |
1983 |
2016-08-03 |
Clinicopathologic study of six cases of meningitis and meningoencephalitis in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). |
H. Solleveld et al. |
Meningococcal Meningitis |
1984 |
2016-07-20 |
Diffuse myocardial fibrosis and congestive heart failure in an adult male chimpanzee. |
J. Hansen et al. |
Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy |
1984 |
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Ritual, mantras & the origin of language |
F. Staal |
Hierarchical Linguistic Structure |
1984 |
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Syntactic Structures in the Vocalizations of Wedge-Capped Capuchin Monkeys, Cebus olivaceus |
J. Robinson |
Hierarchical Linguistic Structure |
1984 |
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Food Acquisition and Processing as a Function of Plant Chemistry |
P. Waterman et al. |
Food Handling |
1984 |
2016-07-14 |
Gestural communication in deaf children: the effects and noneffects of parental input on early language development. |
S. Goldin-Meadow et al. |
Displaced Reference |
1984 |
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Self-recognition in autistic children. |
G. Dawson et al. |
Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection |
1984 |
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Possible causes of sex differences in the use of natural hammers by wild chimpanzees |
C. Boesch et al. |
Food Preparation |
1984 |
2016-08-02 |
An allometric study of hippocampal components. A comparative study of the brains of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus), the tree shrew (Tupaia glis), and the marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus). |
M. West et al. |
Subregions of the Hippocampus |
1985 |
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Brain evolution relating to family, play, and the separation call. |
P. MacLean |
Empathy |
1985 |
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Life History Variation in Primates |
P. Harvey et al. |
Inter-birth Intervals |
1985 |
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A flexible 3-parameter curve for limited or unlimited somatic growth. |
P. Jolicoeur |
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism |
1985 |
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Ontogeny of human locomotor control. I. Infant stepping, supported locomotion and transition to independent locomotion. |
H. Forssberg |
Infant Locomotor Development |
1985 |
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Power, Dominance, and Nonverbal Behavior: Basic Concepts and Issues |
S. Ellyson et al. |
Social Importance of Dominance |
1985 |
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The Role of Body Size, Phylogeny, and Ambient Noise in the Evolution of Bird Song |
M. Ryan et al. |
Hearing Sensitivity |
1985 |
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Sexual Dimorphism |
D. Frayer et al. |
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism |
1985 |
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The loss of functional body hair in man: the influence of thermal environment, body form and bipedality |
P. Wheeler |
Whole Body Cooling Efficiency |
1985 |
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Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language: Hereditary Deafness on Martha's Vineyard |
N. Groce |
Visual-Manual Communication |
1985 |
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The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior |
J. Goodall |
Incest Avoidance |
1986 |
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The stumptailed macaque as a model for baldness: effects of minoxidil |
H. UNO |
Baldness and Male Pattern Baldness |
1986 |
2016-06-28 |
An allometric study of the frontal sinus in Gorilla, Pan and Pongo. |
S. Blaney |
Size and Position of Frontal Air Sinuses |
1986 |
2016-06-30 |
Body Composition and Energy Needs during Growth |
M. Holliday |
Fatness at Birth |
1986 |
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The Chimpanzees of Gombe |
J. Goodall |
Food Handling |
1986 |
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Iconicity in Warlpiri Sign language |
A. Kendon |
Visual-Manual Communication |
1986 |
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Restricted replication of a cold-adapted reassortant influenza A virus in the lower respiratory tract of chimpanzees. |
M. Snyder et al. |
Influenza A Infection |
1986 |
2016-07-18 |
The developmental niche: A conceptualization at the interface of child and culture |
C. Super et al. |
Infant-Caregiver Affect Attunement |
1986 |
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Seed dispersal by pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus): A preliminary report |
G. Idani |
Food Handling |
1986 |
2016-07-14 |
Chimpanzees of Gombe |
J. Goodall |
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism |
1986 |
2016-07-27 |
An experimental analysis of "empathic" response: Effects of pain reactions of pigeon upon other pigeon's operant behavior. |
S. Watanabe et al. |
Empathy |
1986 |
2016-07-01 |
Natural and synthetic diets of Malayan gibbons |
D. Chivers et al. |
Food Handling |
1986 |
2016-07-13 |
Enlarged limbic structures in the human brain: the anterior thalamus and medial mamillary body. |
E. Armstrong |
Limbic Thalamic Nuclei Size |
1986 |
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Ape language: from conditioned response to symbol |
E. Savage-Rumbaugh |
Arbitrary Reference |
1986 |
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Variability and sexual dimorphism in canine size of Australopithecus and extant hominoids |
W. Leutenegger et al. |
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism |
1987 |
2016-07-27 |
Tolerated Theft: Suggestions about the ecology and evolution of food sharing, hoarding, and scrounging. |
N. Blurton-Jones |
Food Sharing |
1987 |
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Recombinant human GM-CSF induces leukocytosis and activates peripheral blood polymorphonuclear neutrophils in nonhuman primates. |
P. Mayer et al. |
Absolute Lymphocyte Count |
1987 |
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Monastic Sign Languages |
J. Umiker-Sebeok et al. |
Visual-Manual Communication |
1987 |
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Sleep disorders: insomnia, sleepwalking, night terrors, nightmares, and enuresis. |
A. Kales et al. |
Somnambulism |
1987 |
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Alternative splicing of human elastin mRNA indicated by sequence analysis of cloned genomic and complementary DNA. |
Z. Indik et al. |
ELN (elastin) |
1987 |
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The English bulldog: a natural model of sleep-disordered breathing. |
J. Hendricks et al. |
Sleep Apnea |
1987 |
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Almost Human: A Journey into the World of Baboons |
S. Strum |
Home Base |
1987 |
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Human Birth: An Evolutionary Perspective |
W. Trevathan |
Assisted Childbirth |
1987 |
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The Evolution of Sex-Biased Dispersal in Lions |
A. Pusey et al. |
Incest Avoidance |
1987 |
2016-08-02 |
Structure of the 3' region of the human elastin gene: great abundance of Alu repetitive sequences and few coding sequences. |
Z. Indik et al. |
ELN (elastin) |
1987 |
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Immunogenetic studies of maternal-fetal relationships: a review: why newborn rhesus monkeys don't get hemolytic disease. |
R. Treichel |
Blood Group Antigen Types and Prevalence |
1987 |
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Two copies of the human apolipoprotein C-I gene are linked closely to the apolipoprotein E gene. |
S. Lauer et al. |
APOC1 (apolipoprotein C-I) |
1988 |
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The human pattern of gyrification in the cerebral cortex. |
K. Zilles et al. |
Number and Complexity of Cortical Gyrii, Pattern of Gyrification |
1988 |
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Nucleotide sequence of the human placental alkaline phosphatase gene. Evolution of the 5' flanking region by deletion/substitution. |
B. Knoll et al. |
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes |
1988 |
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Measures of Polygyny in Humans |
B. Low |
Pair-bonding |
1988 |
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Marks of Mischief: Becoming and Being Tattooed |
C. Sanders |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1988 |
2016-07-19 |
Neonatal imitation in the first hour of life: Observations in rural Nepal. |
N. Reissland |
Neonatal Imitation of Adults |
1988 |
2016-08-03 |
Occurrence of stroke in a nonhuman primate model of cerebrovascular disease. |
S. Prusty et al. |
Atherosclerotic Stroke |
1988 |
2016-06-27 |
Influence of season and latitude on the cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D3: exposure to winter sunlight in Boston and Edmonton will not promote vitamin D3 synthesis in human skin. |
A. Webb et al. |
Cutaneous Biosynthesis of Vitamin D |
1988 |
2016-06-30 |