Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 1001 - 1100 of 3233 publications

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URL Title Authors # Commentssort ascending Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Added On the tool use behavior of the bonobo-chimpanzee last common ancestor, and the origins of hominine stone tool use. M. Haslam 0 Tool Making, Tool Manufacture and Use 2014 2014-10-21
Divergence, demography and gene loss along the human lineage. H. Kim et al. 0 GLRA4 (Glycine receptor, alpha 4), MBL1P (mannose-binding lectin (protein A) 1, pseudogene), T-Cell Receptors, TDH (L-threonin dehydrogenase) 2010 2016-06-28 Evolution of mental traits linked to cultural development in modern humans and Neanderthals Y. Moriya et al. 0 2024 2025-02-05 Evidence for close-range hunting by last interglacial Neanderthals S. Gaudzinski-Windheuser et al. 0 2018 2018-06-28 Common variants in left/right asymmetry genes and pathways are associated with relative hand skill. W. Brandler et al. 0 Handedness 2013 2014-09-04 What chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) learn in a cooperative task R. Chalmeau et al. 0 Cooperative Action 1996 2016-06-29
Psychotropic substance-seeking: evolutionary pathology or adaptation? R. Sullivan et al. 0 Mind-Altering Drug Use 2002 2016-07-20 Ancient teeth, phenetic affinities, and African hominins: Another look at where Homo naledi fits in J. Irish et al. 0 2018 2018-09-14 Paleolithic culture of Longgupo and its creators G. Wei et al. 0 2014 2024-09-20 The evolution of speech: vision, rhythm, cooperation. A. Ghazanfar et al. 0 2014 2014-07-23
Glycan-based interactions involving vertebrate sialic-acid-recognizing proteins. A. Varki 0 N-Glycolylneuraminic Acid Expression 2007 2016-07-25 Vocalizing in chimpanzees is influenced by social-cognitive processes C. Crockford et al. 0 2017 2017-11-21
Primate prefrontal cortex evolution: human brains are the extreme of a lateralized ape trend. J. Smaers et al. 0 Frontal Lobe Size, Volume of Frontal Lobe White Matter 2011 2016-06-28 Metabolic acceleration and the evolution of human brain size and life history. H. Pontzer et al. 0 2016 2016-05-06 Subjective well-being across the life course among non-industrialized populations M. Gurven et al. 0 2024 2024-11-01 Early hominids may have been weed species R. Meindl et al. 0 2018 2018-02-05 Sexually coercive male chimpanzees sire more offspring. J. Feldblum et al. 0 2014 2014-11-17
Restriction of an extinct retrovirus by the human TRIM5alpha antiviral protein. S. Kaiser et al. 0 Trim5-alpha/APOBEC Control of Retroviral Pathogens 2007 2016-06-28
The evolution and functions of laughter and humor: a synthetic approach. M. Gervais et al. 0 Laughing 2005 2016-07-19 Did Cro-Magnon 1 have neurofibromatosis type 1? P. Charlier et al. 0 2018 2018-04-17 Canine sexual dimorphism in Ardipithecus ramidus was nearly human-like G. Suwa et al. 0 2021 2024-07-06
Reflections on the Evolution of Human Sex Differences: Social Selection and the Evolution of Competition Among Women D. Geary et al. 0 2014 2014-10-08
Evolutionary context of human development S. Hrdy 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2005 2016-07-20 Signal or noise? A null model method for evaluating the significance of turnover pulses A. Barr 0 2017 2017-08-07
Adipose tissue in human infancy and childhood: an evolutionary perspective. C. Kuzawa 0 Behavior In Water, Fatness at Birth 1998 2016-06-27 Investigating the co-occurrence of Neanderthals and modern humans in Belgium through direct radiocarbon dating of bone implements G. Abrams et al. 0 2024 2024-08-08 Reconstructing Prehistoric African Population Structure P. Skoglund et al. 0 2017 2017-09-21 Adaptive evolution of the FADS gene cluster within Africa. R. Mathias et al. 0 2012 2015-01-29
Cholera, diarrhea, and oral rehydration therapy: triumph and indictment. R. Guerrant et al. 0 Cholera 2003 2016-06-28
The influence of bipedalism on the energy and water budgets of early hominids P. Wheeler 0 Home Range Size 1991 2016-07-18 Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome T. Consortium 0 Genomic Insertions, Deletions, Inversions and Single Nucleotide Changes, Percent Identity of Genomic DNA and Amino Acid Sequences 2005 2012-02-28 Cooperation and the evolution of hunter-gatherer storytelling D. Smith et al. 0 2017 2017-12-12 Status does not predict stress among Hadza hunter-gatherer men. P. Fedurek et al. 0 2023 2023-12-06 Lemur behaviour informs the evolution of social monogamy. P. Kappeler 0 2014 2014-12-11
Human female reproductive strategies W. Irons 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1983 2016-07-19
Detecting gene duplications in the human lineage. Y. Itan et al. 0 MRC1 (Mannose receptor, C type 1), SMN2 (Survival of motor neurone 2), ZNF322 (Zinc finger protein 322) 2010 2016-06-24 A Middle Palaeolithic incised bear bone from the Dziadowa Skała Cave, Poland: the oldest marked object north of the Carpathian Mountains T. Płonka et al. 0 Symbolic Representation, Symbolic Representation of Abstract Concepts 2024 2024-05-17 Human bipedal instability in tree canopy environments is reduced by “light touch” fingertip support L. Johannsen et al. 0 Fingertip Sensory Nerve Endings 2017 2017-05-11 Evolutionary changes in promoter and enhancer activity during human corticogenesis S. Reilly et al. 0 Epigenetic Markings 2015 2015-03-31
Ordering of the numerosities 1 to 9 by monkeys. E. Brannon et al. 0 Arithmetic 1998 2016-06-27
Human frontal lobes are not relatively large. R. Barton et al. 0 Frontal cortex Area 10 cytoarchitecture 2013 2016-07-15 New infant cranium from the African Miocene sheds light on ape evolution I. Nengo et al. 0 2017 2017-08-15 Homo sapiens and Neanderthals share high cerebral cortex integration into adulthood G. Sansalone et al. 0 2023 2023-01-10 Epigenomics: Roadmap for regulation. C. Romanoski et al. 0 2015 2015-02-19 The Role of Body Size, Phylogeny, and Ambient Noise in the Evolution of Bird Song M. Ryan et al. 0 Hearing Sensitivity 1985 2016-07-18 Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence R. Wrangham et al. 0 Control of Paternity, Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression, Psychopathy 1996 2009-03-06
Stone-throwing by Japanese macaques: form and functional aspects of a group-specific behavioral tradition. J. Leca et al. 0 Accurate Overhand Throwing 2008 2016-06-23 The evolution of masturbation is associated with postcopulatory selection and pathogen avoidance in primates. M. Brindle et al. 0 2023 2023-09-12 The gestural repertoire of the wild bonobo (Pan paniscus): a mutually understood communication system K. Graham et al. 0 2016 2016-11-09
Behavior of infant chimpanzees during the night in the first 4 months of life: smiling and suckling in relation to behavioral state Y. Mizuno et al. 0 Amount of REM Sleep 2006 2016-06-23 Footprints reveal direct evidence of group behavior and locomotion in Homo erectus K. Hatala et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Cooperative Action, Social Group Composition, Striding Bipedalism 2016 2016-07-12 Proto-consonants were information-dense via identical bioacoustic tags to proto-vowels A. Lameira et al. 0 Auditory-Vocal Communication 2017 2017-02-17 The evolution of the human trophic level during the Pleistocene M. Ben-Dor et al. 0 Carnivory, Organized Hunting for Meat, Organized Scavenging for Meat, Trophic Level 2021 2021-04-16 Neandertals revised W. Roebroeks et al. 0 2016 2016-06-07 Wernicke's area homologue in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and its relation to the appearance of modern human language M. Spocter et al. 0 Planum Temporale Cerebral Asymmetry 2010 2016-07-26
Sexual Coercion in Humans and Primates: An Evolutionary Perspective on Male Aggression against Females M. Muller et al. 0 Control of Paternity 2009 2016-06-29
A critical review of methodology and interpretation of mirror self-recognition research in nonhuman primates. M. De Veer et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1999 2016-07-26 The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father V. Slon et al. 0 2018 2018-08-23 Maternal exposure to predator scents: offspring phenotypic adjustment and dispersal. E. Bestion et al. 0 2014 2014-08-18 Engineering cooperation in chimpanzees: tolerance constraints on cooperation A. Melis et al. 0 Cooperative Action 2006 2016-06-29 Fossil herbivore stable isotopes reveal middle Pleistocene hominin palaeoenvironment in ‘Green Arabia’ P. Roberts et al. 0 2018 2018-11-01 Semantic encoding during language comprehension at single-cell resolution M. Jamali et al. 0 2024 2024-10-10 Chimpanzees prefer African and Indian music over silence. M. Mingle et al. 0 2014 2014-06-27
Primate evolution of an olfactory receptor cluster: diversification by gene conversion and recent emergence of pseudogenes. D. Sharon et al. 0 Olfactory Receptors 1999 2016-07-25
Dopamine, motivation, and the evolutionary significance of gambling-like behaviour. P. Anselme 0 Unnecessary Risk Taking 2013 2016-06-28 Gendered movement ecology and landscape use in Hadza hunter-gatherers B. Wood et al. 0 2021 2024-11-22
Myomegalin is a novel A-kinase anchoring protein involved in the phosphorylation of cardiac myosin binding protein C. G. Uys et al. 0 PDE4DIP (Phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein) 2011 2016-07-26 Bonobo and chimpanzee gestures overlap extensively in meaning K. Graham et al. 0 2018 2018-03-01 Dopamine receptor genetic polymorphisms and body composition in undernourished pastoralists: an exploration of nutrition indices among nomadic and recently settled Ariaal men of northern Kenya. D. Eisenberg et al. 0 2008 2014-11-03
Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind? 30 years later. J. Call et al. 0 Theory of Mind 2008 2016-06-28 High-resolution isotope dietary analysis of Mesolithic and Neolithic humans from Franchthi Cave, Greece V. Martinoia et al. 0 2025 2025-01-22 Outstanding questions in the study of archaic hominin admixture. A. Wolf et al. 0 2018 2018-06-05 Chimpanzee gestural exchanges share temporal structure with human language G. Badihi et al. 0 Gesture 2024 2024-07-23 Lethal aggression in Pan is better explained by adaptive strategies than human impacts. M. Wilson et al. 0 2014 2014-09-17
Essential Reproduction M. Johnson et al. 0 Menstrual Cycle Duration 1995 2016-07-20
CCL3L1 copy number is a strong genetic determinant of HIV seropositivity in Caucasian intravenous drug users. K. Huik et al. 0 CCL3L1 (chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 1) 2010 2016-06-28 Increased alertness and moderate ingroup cohesion in bonobos’ response to outgroup cues J. Brooks et al. 0 2024 2024-08-27
Re-valuing the amygdala. S. Morrison et al. 0 Morphometrics of the Amygdala 2010 2016-07-25 Variation and functional impact of Neanderthal ancestry in Western Asia R. Taskent et al. 0 Archaic Adaptive Introgression 2017 2017-10-25 'Man the Symboller'. A Contemporary Origins Myth T. Hopkinson 0 2013 2015-01-15 A syntactic rule in forest monkey communication K. Zuberbühler 0 Combinatorial Capacity, Duality of Patterning 2002 2016-06-28 Jealousy in dogs. C. Harris et al. 0 2014 2015-01-16 Life history and ancestry of the late Upper Palaeolithic infant from Grotta delle Mura, Italy O. Higgins et al. 0 2024 2024-10-20 Bonobos Prefer Individuals that Hinder Others over Those that Help C. Krupenye et al. 0 2018 2018-01-08
Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants and Natural Selection S. Hrdy 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression, Placentophagia 1999 2016-07-19
Dendritic architecture of the von Economo neurons. K. Watson et al. 0 Von Economo (Spindle) Cells Number and Size 2006 2016-06-24 The endocast morphology of LES1, Homo naledi S. Hurst et al. 0 2024 2024-06-13 Effects of Early Separation, Interactive Deficits, and Experimental Manipulations on Infant-Mother Face-to-Face Interaction T. Field 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 1977 2016-07-20 Male reproductive skew is higher in bonobos than chimpanzees M. Surbeck et al. 0 Aggressiveness 2017 2017-07-11 Dental ontogeny in pliocene and early pleistocene hominins. T. Smith et al. 0 2015 2015-03-11
Human and Chimpanzee Gene Expression Differences Replicated in Mice Fed Different Diets M. Somel et al. 0 Atherosclerotic Stroke 2008 2016-06-27 Neanderthal exploitation of marine mammals in Gibraltar C. Stringer et al. 0 2008 2024-08-02 Incongruity between affinity patterns based on mandibular and lower dental dimensions following the transition to agriculture in the Near East, Anatolia and Europe. R. Pinhasi et al. 0 2015 2015-02-09
The food-sharing behavior of protohuman hominids. G. Isaac 0 Home Base 1978 2016-07-18 Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality P. Churchland 0 Moral Sense 2011 2011-03-17
Bregmatic Fontanelle Bones in Mammals A. Schultz 0 Age of Fontanelles / Cranial Sutures Closure 1923 2016-06-23 Early lived at high altitudes and produced both Oldowan and Acheulean tools. M. Mussi et al. 0 2023 2023-10-25
Spontaneous innovation for future deception in a male chimpanzee. M. Osvath et al. 0 Intentional Deception 2012 2016-07-18 New footprints from Laetoli (Tanzania) provide evidence for marked body size variation in early hominins F. Masao et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Sexual Body Size Dimorphism, Striding Bipedalism 2016 2016-12-14
Appearance of water channels in Xenopus oocytes expressing red cell CHIP28 protein. G. Preston et al. 0 AQP7 (aquaporin 7) 1992 2016-06-23
