Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 1201 - 1300 of 3206 publications

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URL Title Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Addedsort ascending Vocal fold control beyond the species-specific repertoire in an orang-utan A. Lameira et al. 0 2016 2016-07-27 Leave at the height of the party: A critical review of the Middle Paleolithic in Western Central Europe from its beginnings to its rapid decline J. Richter 0 2016 2016-07-27
Relaxin O. Sherwood 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 1994 2016-07-26
Variations in serum relaxin (hRLX-2) concentrations during human pregnancy. L. Petersen et al. 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 1995 2016-07-26
Molecular remodeling of members of the relaxin family during primate evolution. T. Klonisch et al. 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 2001 2016-07-26
Biology of primate relaxin: a paracrine signal in early pregnancy? E. Hayes 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 2004 2016-07-26
Expression of human relaxin genes: characterization of a novel alternatively-spliced human relaxin mRNA species. J. Gunnersen et al. 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 1996 2016-07-26
Characterization of two relaxin genes in the chimpanzee. B. Evans et al. 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 1994 2016-07-26
Relaxin in the marmoset monkey: secretion pattern in the ovarian cycle and early pregnancy. A. Einspanier et al. 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 1999 2016-07-26
Comparison of biomarkers of oxidative stress and cardiovascular disease in humans and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). E. Videan et al. 0 Serum Cholesterol Level 2009 2016-07-26
Coronary disease in the ape G. Manning 0 Serum Cholesterol Level 1943 2016-07-26
Normal hematologic and serum clinical chemistry values for captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). S. Howell et al. 0 Serum Cholesterol Level 2003 2016-07-26
Meat-adaptive genes and the evolution of slower aging in humans. C. Finch et al. 0 Serum Cholesterol Level 2004 2016-07-26
Human-specific nonsense mutations identified by genome sequence comparisons. Y. Hahn et al. 0 SERPINA13 (Serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin), member 13) 2006 2016-07-26
Identification of MOAG-4/SERF as a regulator of age-related proteotoxicity. T. van Ham et al. 0 SERF1A (Small EDRK-rich factor 1A) 2010 2016-07-26
Cortical connections of the visual pulvinar complex in prosimian galagos (Otolemur garnetti). P. Wong et al. 0 Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 2009 2016-07-26 Thalamus M. Steriade 0 Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 2001 2016-07-26
A natural history of the human mind: tracing evolutionary changes in brain and cognition. C. Sherwood et al. 0 Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 2008 2016-07-26
Neurotransmitter actions in the thalamus and cerebral cortex and their role in neuromodulation of thalamocortical activity. D. McCormick 0 Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 1992 2016-07-26
Telencephalic origin of human thalamic GABAergic neurons. K. Letinic et al. 0 Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 2001 2016-07-26 The responses of bonobos (Pan paniscus) to their mirror images: Evidence of selfrecognition G. Westergaard et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1994 2016-07-26
Observations on the behavior of gibbons (Hylobates leucogenys, H. gabriellae, and H. lar) in the presence of mirrors. M. Ujhelyi et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2000 2016-07-26
Comparative aspects of mirror self-recognition in great apes. K. Swartz et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1999 2016-07-26
The evolution of primate visual self-recognition: evidence of absence in lesser apes. T. Suddendorf et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2009 2016-07-26 Self-recognition in chimpanzees and orangutans, but not gorillas S. Suarez et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1981 2016-07-26
Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) do recognize themselves in the mirror: implications for the evolution of self-recognition. A. Rajala et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2010 2016-07-26
Mirror-induced behavior in the magpie (Pica pica): evidence of self-recognition. H. Prior et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2008 2016-07-26
Self-recognition and self-awareness in lowland gorillas F. Patterson et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2006 2016-07-26
Incipient mirror self-recognition in zoo gorillas and chimpanzees S. Parker 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1994 2016-07-26 Parenting styles and the development of the categorical self: A longitudinal study on mirror self-recognition in Cameroonian Nso and German families H. Keller et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2005 2016-07-26
Absence of self-recognition in a monkey (Macaca fascicularis) following prolonged exposure to a mirror. G. Gallup 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1977 2016-07-26
A critical review of methodology and interpretation of mirror self-recognition research in nonhuman primates. M. De Veer et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1999 2016-07-26
Self-recognition in autistic children. G. Dawson et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1984 2016-07-26
Development of self-recognition in the infant B. Bertenthal et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1978 2016-07-26 Responses of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to different conditions of mirror-image stimulation J. Anderson et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1989 2016-07-26
Mirror self-image reactions before age two. B. Amsterdam 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1972 2016-07-26
Unusual feeding behavior in wild great apes, a window to understand origins of self-medication in humans: role of sociality and physiology on learning process. S. Masi et al. 0 Self-Medication (Zoopharmacognosy) 2012 2016-07-26
Geophagy: soil consumption enhances the bioactivities of plants eaten by chimpanzees. N. Klein et al. 0 Self-Medication (Zoopharmacognosy) 2008 2016-07-26
Self-Medicative Behavior in the African Great Apes: An Evolutionary Perspective into the Origins of Human Traditional Medicine M. Huffman 0 Self-Medication (Zoopharmacognosy) 2001 2016-07-26
Self-harm. K. Skegg 0 Self-Injury 2005 2016-07-26
The deliberate self-harm syndrome. E. Pattison et al. 0 Self-Injury 1983 2016-07-26
Self-injurious behavior in rhesus monkeys: new insights into its etiology, physiology, and treatment. M. Novak 0 Self-Injury 2003 2016-07-26
Nonsuicidal self-injury: a review of current research for family medicine and primary care physicians. P. Kerr et al. 0 Self-Injury 2010 2016-07-26
Auto-mutilation in animals and its relevance to self-injury in man. I. Jones et al. 0 Self-Injury 1978 2016-07-26
The coming of age of self-mutilation. A. Favazza 0 Self-Injury 1998 2016-07-26
Self-injurious behavior in human and non-human primates. L. Dellinger-Ness et al. 0 Self-Injury 2006 2016-07-26
Studies on infection and immunity in experimental typhoid fever. I. Typhoid fever in chimpanzees orally infected with Salmonella typhosa. G. EDSALL et al. 0 Salmonella typhi Infection Severity (Typhoid Fever) 1960 2016-07-26
A mechanistic approach to treatment of rheumatoid type arthritis naturally occurring in a gorilla. T. Brown et al. 0 Rheumatoid Arthritis 1971 2016-07-26
Primate spondyloarthropathy. B. Rothschild 0 Rheumatoid Arthritis 2005 2016-07-26
A functional polymorphism in RGS6 modulates the risk of bladder cancer. D. Berman et al. 0 RGS6 (Regulator of G-protein signaling 6) 2004 2016-07-26
The R7 RGS protein family: multi-subunit regulators of neuronal G protein signaling. G. Anderson et al. 0 RGS6 (Regulator of G-protein signaling 6) 2009 2016-07-26
RGS6, a modulator of parasympathetic activation in heart. J. Yang et al. 0 RGS6 (Regulator of G-protein signaling 6) 2010 2016-07-26
Comparison of fine-scale recombination rates in humans and chimpanzees. W. Winckler et al. 0 Recombination Hotspots 2005 2016-07-26
A fine-scale map of recombination rates and hotspots across the human genome. S. Myers et al. 0 Recombination Hotspots 2005 2016-07-26
What drives recombination hotspots to repeat DNA in humans? G. McVean 0 Recombination Hotspots 2010 2016-07-26
Brain growth, life history, and cognition in primate and human evolution. S. Leigh 0 Rate of CNS Development 2004 2016-07-26
A Rab8-specific GDP/GTP exchange factor is involved in actin remodeling and polarized membrane transport. K. Hattula et al. 0 RAB3IP (RAB3A interacting protein) 2002 2016-07-26
Protein tyrosine phosphatase hPTPN20a is targeted to sites of actin polymerization. M. Fodero-Tavoletti et al. 0 PTPN20A (Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 20A) 2005 2016-07-26
The 'big bang' theory of the origin of psychosis and the faculty of language. T. Crow 0 Psychosis 2008 2016-07-26
Schizophrenia as the price that homo sapiens pays for language: a resolution of the central paradox in the origin of the species. T. Crow 0 Psychosis 2000 2016-07-26
Through a Window J. Goodall 0 Psychopathy 1990 2016-07-26
Psoriasis. F. Nestle et al. 0 Psoriasis 2009 2016-07-26
[Psoriasis in a female chimpanzee]. U. Biella et al. 0 Psoriasis 1991 2016-07-26
Total number, distribution, and phenotype of cells expressing chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the normal human amygdala. H. Pantazopoulos et al. 0 Protein Expression in the Amygdala 2008 2016-07-26
Calretinin-immunoreactive cells and fibers in the human amygdaloid complex. H. Sorvari et al. 0 Protein Expression in the Amygdala 1996 2016-07-26
Human brain evolution in an ecological context (James Arthur lecture on the evolution of the human brain, no. 52, 1982 R. Martin 0 Proportion of Pre- and Postnatal Brain Growth 1983 2016-07-26 Relation of Gestation Time to Brain Weight for Placental Mammals: Implications for the Theory of Vertebrate Growth G. Sacher et al. 0 Proportion of Pre- and Postnatal Brain Growth 1974 2016-07-26
Specializations of the granular prefrontal cortex of primates: implications for cognitive processing. G. Elston et al. 0 Prefrontal cortex pyramidal cell morphology 2006 2016-07-26
Dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurons in the chimpanzee neocortex: regional specializations and comparison to humans. S. Bianchi et al. 0 Prefrontal cortex pyramidal cell morphology 2013 2016-07-26
A study of reproductive failure in a pygmy chimpanzee (Pan paniscus) B. Lasley 0 Polycystic Ovarian Disease 1977 2016-07-26 Wernicke's area homologue in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and its relation to the appearance of modern human language M. Spocter et al. 0 Planum Temporale Cerebral Asymmetry 2010 2016-07-26
Planum temporale surface area and grey matter asymmetries in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): the effect of handedness and comparison with findings in humans. W. Hopkins et al. 0 Planum Temporale Cerebral Asymmetry 2010 2016-07-26 The birth of a wild mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei) K. Stewart 0 Placentophagia 1977 2016-07-26
Placentophagia in a captive chimpanzee L. Marchant 0 Placentophagia 1990 2016-07-26
Enhancement of opioid-mediated analgesia: a solution to the enigma of placentophagia. M. Kristal 0 Placentophagia 1991 2016-07-26
Placentophagia in naïve adults, new fathers, and new mothers in the biparental dwarf hamster, Phodopus campbelli. J. Gregg et al. 0 Placentophagia 2005 2016-07-26 Wild orangutan birth at tanjung puting reserve B. Galdikas 0 Placentophagia 1982 2016-07-26
Peripartuitional behavior of a bonobo Pan paniscus L. Bolser et al. 0 Placentophagia 1989 2016-07-26
Lack of homology between dog and human placental alkaline phosphatases. G. Moak et al. 0 Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes 1979 2016-07-26
Nucleotide sequence of the human placental alkaline phosphatase gene. Evolution of the 5' flanking region by deletion/substitution. B. Knoll et al. 0 Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes 1988 2016-07-26
Expression of alkaline phosphatase loci in mammalian tissues. D. Goldstein et al. 0 Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes 1980 2016-07-26
Placental alkaline phosphatase in Hominidae. G. Doellgast et al. 0 Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes 1979 2016-07-26
Dietary influences on tissue concentrations of phytanic acid and AMACR expression in the benign human prostate. Y. Kataria et al. 0 Phytanic Acid Metabolism 2015 2016-07-26
Child abuse: evidence from nonhuman primates. R. Nadler 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 1980 2016-07-26
Child abuse in the context of domestic violence: prevalence, explanations, and practice implications. E. Jouriles et al. 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 2008 2016-07-26
Child abuse and neglect--usefulness of the animal data: comment on Maestripieri and Carroll (1998) D. Cicchetti 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 1998 2016-07-26
Infant abuse and neglect in monkeys--a discussion of definitions, epidemiology, etiology, and implications for child maltreatment: reply to Cicchetti (1998) and Mason (1998) K. Carroll et al. 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 1998 2016-07-26
Comparative study of lectin reactivity in the vomeronasal organ of human and nonhuman primates. J. Kinzinger et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2005 2016-07-26
Histological definition of the vomeronasal organ in humans and chimpanzees, with a comparison to other primates. T. Smith et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2002 2016-07-26
The vomeronasal organ is not involved in the perception of endogenous odors. J. Frasnelli et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2011 2016-07-26
Relaxed selective pressure on an essential component of pheromone transduction in primate evolution. E. Liman et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2003 2016-07-26
Pheromone signal transduction in humans: what can be learned from olfactory loss. I. Savic et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2009 2016-07-26
The human vomeronasal organ. III. Postnatal development from infancy to the ninth decade. K. Bhatnagar et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2001 2016-07-26
The risk of extrapolation in neuroanatomy: the case of the Mammalian vomeronasal system. I. Salazar et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2009 2016-07-26
The existence of the vomeronasal organ in postnatal chimpanzees and evidence for its homology with that of humans. T. Smith et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2001 2016-07-26 Facts about signature whistles of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus L. Sayigh et al. 0 Personal Names 2007 2016-07-26
Global analysis of exon creation versus loss and the role of alternative splicing in 17 vertebrate genomes. A. Alekseyenko et al. 0 Percent Identity of Genomic DNA and Amino Acid Sequences 2007 2016-07-26 Reconstructing the Evolutionary History of Complex Human Gene Clusters Y. Zhang et al. 0 Percent Identity of Genomic DNA and Amino Acid Sequences 2008 2016-07-26 Sexual behavior, sexual swelling, and penile evolution in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) A. Dixson et al. 0 Penis Size and Morphology 1994 2016-07-26
Multiple Functional Variants in cis Modulate PDYN Expression. C. Babbitt et al. 0 PDYN (prodynorphin) 2010 2016-07-26
