Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 1601 - 1700 of 3216 publications

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URL Titlesort ascending Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Added Large-scale whole-genome sequencing of the Icelandic population. D. Gudbjartsson et al. 0 2015 2015-03-26 Large-scale violence in Late Neolithic Western Europe based on expanded skeletal evidence from San Juan ante Portam Latinam. T. Fernández-Crespo et al. 0 2023 2023-12-07 Large-scale recent expansion of European patrilineages shown by population resequencing. C. Batini et al. 0 2015 2015-05-20 Large-scale psychological differences within China explained by rice versus wheat agriculture. T. Talhelm et al. 0 2014 2014-05-11 Large carnivore attacks on hominins during the Pleistocene: a forensic approach with a Neanderthal example E. Camarós et al. 0 2015 2015-05-27 Language impairments in ASD resulting from a failed domestication of the human brain A. Benítez-Burraco et al. 1 2016 2016-08-25 Language evolution to revolution: the Romulus and Remus hypothesis A. Vyshedskiy 0 2019 2019-08-08 Language Emergence in a Language-Ready Brain: Acquisition Issues J. Kegl 0 Visual-Manual Communication 2004 2016-06-28 Language continuity despite population replacement in Remote Oceania C. Posth et al. 0 2018 2018-03-01 Language Comprehension in Ape and Child E. Savage-Rumbaugh et al. 0 Combinatorial Capacity, Displaced Reference 1993 2016-06-28 Language and life history: a new perspective on the development and evolution of human language J. Locke et al. 0 Primary Language Acquisition 2006 2012-03-19 Land relations under unbearable stress: Rwanda caught in the Malthusian trap. C. Andre et al. 1 1998 2014-05-20
Lack of homology between dog and human placental alkaline phosphatases. G. Moak et al. 0 Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes 1979 2016-07-26 La Ferrassie 8 Neandertal child reloaded: New remains and re-assessment of the original collection. A. Gómez-Olivencia et al. 0 2015 2015-04-06 La Ferrassie 1: New perspectives on a “classic” Neandertal A. Gómez-Olivencia et al. 0 2018 2018-04-17
L1 retrotransposition occurs mainly in embryogenesis and creates somatic mosaicism. H. Kano et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution 2009 2016-07-19
Kula; the Circulating Exchange of Valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea M. Malinowski 0 Gift Giving 1920 2016-07-15 Knee osteoarthritis has doubled in prevalence since the mid-20th century I. Wallace et al. 1 Osteoarthritis 2017 2017-08-25
Kinship, familiarity and mating avoidance in Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus J. Kuester et al. 0 Incest Avoidance 1994 2016-08-02
Kinetochore KMN network gene CASC5 mutated in primary microcephaly. A. Genin et al. 0 CASC5 (Cancer Susceptibility Candidate 5 ) 2012 2016-06-28 Kin-selected cooperation without lifetime monogamy: human insights and animal implications. K. Kramer et al. 0 2014 2014-12-11 Kin selection and male androphilia in Samoan fa'afafine P. Vasey et al. 0 2007 2014-12-04 Khoisan hunter-gatherers have been the largest population throughout most of modern-human demographic history. H. Kim et al. 0 2014 2014-12-05 Kathu Townlands: a high density Earlier Stone Age locality in the interior of South Africa. S. Walker et al. 0 2014 2014-07-28 Kanzi: The Ape at the Brink of the Human Mind S. Savage-Rumbaugh et al. 0 Auditory-Vocal Communication 1994 2009-03-06 Kantis: A new Australopithecus site on the shoulders of the Rift Valley near Nairobi, Kenya E. Mbua et al. 0 2016 2016-05-27 Juvenile foraging among the Hadza: Implications for human life history A. Crittenden et al. 0 Inter-birth Intervals 2013 2013-09-04
Joint attention as social cognition M. Tomasello 0 Joint Attention 1995 2016-08-02
Joint attention and imitative learning in children, chimpanzees, and enculturated chimpanzees M. Carpenter et al. 0 Joint Attention 1995 2016-08-02 Jocks versus geeks--the downside of genius? R. Roberts 0 2014 2014-05-28
JNK pathway-associated phosphatase dephosphorylates focal adhesion kinase and suppresses cell migration. J. Li et al. 0 DUSP22 (Dual specificity phosphatase 22) 2010 2016-07-01 Jealousy in dogs. C. Harris et al. 0 2014 2015-01-16 Issues in human evolution R. Klein 0 2016 2016-08-25 Isotopic evidence of high reliance on plant food among Later Stone Age hunter-gatherers at Taforalt, Morocco Z. Moubtahij et al. 0 2024 2024-05-03 Isotopic evidence for Last Glacial climatic impacts on Neanderthal gazelle hunting territories at Amud Cave, Israel. G. Hartman et al. 0 Organized Hunting for Meat 2015 2015-05-26 Isotopic analyses suggest mammoth and plant in the diet of the oldest anatomically modern humans from far southeast Europe D. Drucker et al. 0 2017 2017-08-07
Isolation and characterisation of GTF2IRD2, a novel fusion gene and member of the TFII-I family of transcription factors, deleted in Williams-Beuren syndrome. H. Tipney et al. 0 GTF2IRD2 (GTF2I repeat domain containing 2) 2004 2016-07-18 Islands on the edge: 42,000-year-old occupation of the Tanimbar islands and its implications for the Sunda-Sahul early human migration discourse H. Kaharudin et al. 0 2024 2024-07-23 Is ‘Huh?’ a universal word? Conversational infrastructure and the convergent evolution of linguistic items. M. Dingemanse et al. 0 2013 2013-11-18 Is there an isotopic signature of the Anthropocene? J. Dean et al. 0 2014 2014-08-13 Is the Romantic–Sexual Kiss a Near Human Universal? W. Jankowiak et al. 0 Mating Effort, Pair-bonding , Romantic Infatuation (Limerence), Sexually Transmitted Bacterial Diseases 2015 2016-02-10
Is somnambulism a distinct disorder of humans and not seen in non-human primates? S. Kantha 0 Somnambulism 2003 2016-06-29
Is prefrontal white matter enlargement a human evolutionary specialization? C. Sherwood et al. 0 Volume of Frontal Lobe White Matter 2005 2016-06-28
Is face processing species-specific during the first year of life? O. Pascalis et al. 0 Facial recognition 2002 2016-07-01 Is "huh?" a universal word? Conversational infrastructure and the convergent evolution of linguistic items. M. Dingemanse et al. 0 2013 2013-11-08 Invisible Designers: Brain Evolution Through the Lens of Parasite Manipulation M. Del Giudice 0 2019 2019-08-29 Investigating the co-occurrence of Neanderthals and modern humans in Belgium through direct radiocarbon dating of bone implements G. Abrams et al. 0 2024 2024-08-08 Investigating the case of human nose shape and climate adaptation A. Zaidi et al. 0 2017 2017-03-17 Investigating Neanderthal dispersal above 55N in Europe during the Last Interglacial Complex T. Nielsen et al. 0 2016 2016-02-11 Invading a new niche: obligatory weeds at Neolithic Atlit-Yam, Israel A. Hartmann-Shenkman et al. 0 2015 2014-11-20
Intuition and autism: a possible role for Von Economo neurons. J. Allman et al. 0 Von Economo (Spindle) Cells Number and Size 2005 2016-06-24 Introgression of Neandertal- and Denisovan-like Haplotypes Contributes to Adaptive Variation in Human Toll-like Receptors. M. Dannemann et al. 0 2016 2016-01-08 Intraspecific eye color variability in birds and mammals: a recent evolutionary event exclusive to humans and domestic animals J. Negro et al. 0 2017 2018-01-29 Intra-Site Variability in the Still Bay Fauna at Blombos Cave: Implications for Explanatory Models of the Middle Stone Age Cultural and Technological Evolution. E. Discamps et al. 0 2015 2016-02-02 Intra-sexual selection in cooperative mammals and birds: why are females not bigger and better armed? A. Young et al. 0 2013 2013-11-08
Intimate Fathers: The Nature and Context of Aka Pygmy Paternal Infant Care B. Hewlett 0 Paternal Care 1993 2016-07-26
Interstitial myocardial fibrosis in a captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) population. M. Lammey et al. 0 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy 2008 2016-07-13 Interspecific interactions between sympatric apes. C. Sanz et al. 0 2022 2022-12-19
Interspecies subtractive hybridization of cDNA from human and chimpanzee brains. E. Nadezhdin et al. 0 TTR (transthyretin) 2001 2016-06-28 Intersecting transcription networks constrain gene regulatory evolution. T. Sorrells et al. 0 2015 2015-07-08 Interrogating the Evolutionary Paradox of Schizophrenia: A Novel Framework and Evidence Supporting Recent Negative Selection of Schizophrenia Risk Alleles C. Liu et al. 0 2019 2019-06-12 Interproximal grooves on the Middle Pleistocene hominin teeth from Yiyuan, Shandong Province: New evidence for tooth-picking beh C. Sun et al. 0 2014 2014-05-21 Interpersonal Aggression among Aka Hunter-Gatherers of the Central African Republic N. Hess et al. 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression 2010 2016-07-19
Interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory system. H. Markram et al. 0 Interneurons that Co-Express Parvalbumin and Calbindin 2004 2016-08-02 Intergroup cannibalism in the European Early Pleistocene: the range expansion and imbalance of power hypotheses. P. Saladié et al. 0 2012 2016-04-28 Intergenerational influence and ontogenetic development in the emergence of spatial grammar in Nicaraguan Sign Language A. Senghas 0 Emergence of New Communication Systems 2003 2016-07-01 Interchromosomal segmental duplications of the pericentromeric region on the human Y chromosome S. Kirsch et al. 0 DUX4 (double homeobox 4) 2005 2016-07-01 Inter-individual coordination in walking chimpanzees. M. Schweinfurth et al. 0 2022 2022-12-20
Intentional Deception in Primates F. De Waal 0 Intentional Deception 1992 2016-07-18 Insights into human genetic variation and population history from 929 diverse genomes A. Bergström et al. 0 2020 2020-03-19 Insights into human evolution from ancient and contemporary microbiome studies S. Schnorr et al. 0 Gut Microbiome 2016 2016-08-19 Insights into hominin phenotypic and dietary evolution from ancient DNA sequence data. G. Perry et al. 0 2015 2015-01-23 Insights into early lithic technologies from ethnography. B. Hayden 0 Tool Manufacture and Use, Tool Making 2015 2015-11-18
Insensitivity to future consequences following damage to human prefrontal cortex. A. Bechara et al. 0 Frontal cortex Area 10 cytoarchitecture 1994 2016-07-15 Innovative Homo sapiens behaviours 105,000 years ago in a wetter Kalahari J. Wilkins et al. 0 2021 2021-04-16 Innervation of the lacrimal gland in the cynomolgous monkey: a retrograde tracing study. F. van der Werf et al. 0 Emotional Lacrimation (Crying) 1996 2016-07-01 Inner tooth morphology of Homo erectus from Zhoukoudian. New evidence from an old collection housed at Uppsala University, Sweden C. Zanolli et al. 0 2018 2018-02-12
Injury-Feigning in Nesting Birds H. Swarth 0 Intentional Deception 1935 2016-07-18 Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry M. Hajdinjak et al. 0 2021 2021-04-16 Initial Upper Palaeolithic Homo sapiens from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria J. Hublin et al. 0 2020 2020-05-21
Initial studies on the contributions of body size and gastrointestinal passage rates to dietary flexibility among gorillas. M. Remis 0 Food Handling 2000 2016-07-14
Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. E. Lander et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution, Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs)/Alu Types and Distribution 2001 2016-06-30 Initial sequence of the chimpanzee genome and comparison with the human genome T. Consortium 0 Genomic Insertions, Deletions, Inversions and Single Nucleotide Changes, Percent Identity of Genomic DNA and Amino Acid Sequences 2005 2012-02-28 Initial micromorphological results from Liang Bua, Flores (Indonesia): Site formation processes and hominin activities at the type locality of Homo floresiensis M. Morley et al. 0 2016 2016-06-30
Inhibitory interneurons of the human prefrontal cortex display conserved evolution of the phenotype and related genes. C. Sherwood et al. 0 Frontal Lobe Size 2010 2016-07-15 Inhibition of SRGAP2 function by its human-specific paralogs induces neoteny during spine maturation. C. Charrier et al. 0 Cortical Synapse Density, Cortical Thrombospondin Expression, SRGAP2 (SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 2) 2012 2014-01-07
Influence of season and latitude on the cutaneous synthesis of vitamin D3: exposure to winter sunlight in Boston and Edmonton will not promote vitamin D3 synthesis in human skin. A. Webb et al. 0 Cutaneous Biosynthesis of Vitamin D 1988 2016-06-30 Inferred divergent gene regulation in archaic hominins reveals potential phenotypic differences. L. Colbran et al. 0 2019 2020-02-04 Inference of ecological and social drivers of human brain-size evolution M. González-Forero et al. 0 2018 2018-05-24 Infants’ advances in speech perception shape their earliest links between language and cognition D. Perszyk et al. 0 Primary Language Acquisition 2019 2019-03-14 Infants' brain responses to speech suggest analysis by synthesis. P. Kuhl et al. 0 2014 2016-01-14 Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives G. Hausfater et al. 0 Paternal Care 2008 2009-03-06 Infanticide in Mountain Gorillas: New Cases and a Reconsideration of the Evidence D. Watts 0 Maternal Infanticide 1989 2016-07-20 Infanticide and cannibalism by male chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda D. Watts et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2000 2016-07-20 Infanticide among animals: A review, classification, and examination of the implications for the reproductive strategies of females S. Hrdy 0 Maternal Infanticide 1979 2016-07-20
Infant abuse and neglect in monkeys--a discussion of definitions, epidemiology, etiology, and implications for child maltreatment: reply to Cicchetti (1998) and Mason (1998) K. Carroll et al. 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 1998 2016-07-26
Individual differences in AMY1 gene copy number, salivary α-amylase levels, and the perception of oral starch. A. Mandel et al. 0 AMY1A (amylase, alpha 1A) 2010 2016-06-23 Indifference to dissonance in native Amazonians reveals cultural variation in music perception J. McDermott et al. 0 Music 2016 2016-07-14
Independent evolution of bitter-taste sensitivity in humans and chimpanzees. S. Wooding et al. 0 TAS2R38 (taste receptor, type 2, member 38) 2006 2016-06-28 Independent age estimates resolve the controversy of ancient human footprints at White Sands. J. Pigati et al. 0 2023 2023-10-25
