Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 1701 - 1800 of 3206 publications

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URL Title Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Addedsort descending
FITNESS BENEFITS OF COALITIONARY AGGRESSION IN MALE CHIMPANZEES. I. Gilby et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2013 2016-07-19 The Turkana Age Organization P. Gulliver 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1958 2016-07-19
The evolutionary context of human development: the cooperative breeding model S. Hrdy 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2005 2016-07-19
Human female reproductive strategies W. Irons 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1983 2016-07-19 Sex, Coalitions, and Politics in Preindustrial Societies B. Low 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1992 2016-07-19
Sexual selection and the psychology of intergroup conflict C. Navarrete et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2014 2016-07-19
Ashanti R. Rattray 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1923 2016-07-19 Early Neolithic genomes from the eastern Fertile Crescent F. Broushaki et al. 0 2016 2016-07-19 Dynamics of DNA Methylation in Recent Human and Great Ape Evolution I. Hernando-Herraez et al. 0 Epigenetic Markings 2013 2016-07-19
Why lions form groups: food is not enough C. Packer et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1990 2016-07-19
Altruism in coati bands: nepotism or reciprocity J. Russell 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1983 2016-07-19 Poor Man, Rich Man, Big-Man, Chief: Political Types in Melanesia and Polynesia M. Sahlins 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1963 2016-07-19 Marks of Mischief: Becoming and Being Tattooed C. Sanders 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1988 2016-07-19
The Evolution of Violence T. Shackelford et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2014 2016-07-19
Cooperation in competition: the ecology of primate bonds. J. van Hoof et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1992 2016-07-19 Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile Points P. Wiessner 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1983 2016-07-19 From Spears to M-16s: Testing the Imbalance of Power Hypothesis among the Enga P. Wiessner 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2006 2016-07-19
Modifying the body: motivations for getting tattooed and pierced. S. Wohlrab et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2007 2016-07-19 An Ecological Model of Female-Bonded Primate Groups R. Wrangham 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1980 2016-07-19
Coalition formation in a colony of prepubertal spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) C. Zabel et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1992 2016-07-19
Increase of tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine transporter mRNA levels in ventral tegmental area of male mice under influence of repeated aggression experience. M. Filipenko et al. 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression 2001 2016-07-19 Interpersonal Aggression among Aka Hunter-Gatherers of the Central African Republic N. Hess et al. 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression 2010 2016-07-19
Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants and Natural Selection S. Hrdy 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression, Placentophagia 1999 2016-07-19 Competitive and Cooperative Responses to Climatic Instability in Coastal Southern California D. Kennett et al. 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression 2000 2016-07-19
Latest advances in understanding preeclampsia C. Redman et al. 0 Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation 2005 2016-07-19
Maternal activating KIRs protect against human reproductive failure mediated by fetal HLA-C2. S. Hiby et al. 0 Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation 2010 2016-07-19
Glycodelin-A protein interacts with Siglec-6 protein to suppress trophoblast invasiveness by down-regulating extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/c-Jun signaling pathway. K. Lam et al. 0 Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation 2011 2016-07-19
Framing postpartum hemorrhage as a consequence of human placental biology: an evolutionary and comparative perspective. E. Abrams et al. 0 Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation 2011 2016-07-19 The role of invasive trophoblast in implantation and placentation of primates A. Carter et al. 0 Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation 2015 2016-07-19
Chimpanzees use more varied receptors and ligands than humans for inhibitory killer cell Ig-like receptor recognition of the MHC-C1 and MHC-C2 epitopes. A. Moesta et al. 0 Killer Inhibitory Receptor Composition 2009 2016-07-19
Variable NK cell receptors exemplified by human KIR3DL1/S1. P. Parham et al. 0 KIR3DL1 (killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor, three domains, long cytoplasmic tail, 1) 2011 2016-07-19
Human type I hair keratin pseudogene phihHaA has functional orthologs in the chimpanzee and gorilla: evidence for recent inactivation of the human gene after the Pan-Homo divergence. H. Winter et al. 0 KRT41P (keratin 41 pseudogene) 2001 2016-07-19
Gain, loss and divergence in primate zinc-finger genes: a rich resource for evolution of gene regulatory differences between species. K. Nowick et al. 0 Kruppel-type Zinc Finger Family 2011 2016-07-19
Bridging the bonding gap: the transition from primates to humans. R. Dunbar 0 Laughing 2012 2016-07-19
Prelinguistic evolution in early hominins: whence motherese? D. Falk 0 Laughing 2004 2016-07-19
The evolution and functions of laughter and humor: a synthetic approach. M. Gervais et al. 0 Laughing 2005 2016-07-19
Shared pattern of endocranial shape asymmetries among great apes, anatomically modern humans, and fossil hominins. A. Balzeau et al. 0 Left Occipital-Right Frontal Petalia Torque Asymmetry 2011 2016-07-19
Cortical asymmetries in frontal lobes of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). D. Falk et al. 0 Left Occipital-Right Frontal Petalia Torque Asymmetry 1990 2016-07-19
Right-Left Asymmetrics in the Brain A. Galaburda et al. 0 Left Occipital-Right Frontal Petalia Torque Asymmetry 1978 2016-07-19
Lys656Asn polymorphism of leptin receptor gene and metabolic syndrome in obese patients. D. De Luis et al. 0 LEPR (Leptin receptor) 2011 2016-07-19
Leptin receptor isoform 219.1: an example of protein evolution by LINE-1-mediated human-specific retrotransposition of a coding SVA element. A. Damert et al. 0 LEPR (Leptin receptor) 2004 2016-07-19
Enlarged limbic structures in the human brain: the anterior thalamus and medial mamillary body. E. Armstrong 0 Limbic Thalamic Nuclei Size 1986 2016-07-19
L1 retrotransposition occurs mainly in embryogenesis and creates somatic mosaicism. H. Kano et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution 2009 2016-07-19
Lumbosacral lordosis in fetal spine: genetic or mechanic parameter. E. Choufani et al. 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2009 2016-07-19
Emergence and optimization of upright posture among hominiform hominoids and the evolutionary pathophysiology of back pain. A. Filler 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2007 2016-07-19
Vertebrae numbers of the early hominid lumbar spine. M. Haeusler et al. 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2002 2016-07-19
The thoracic and lumbar vertebrae B. Latimer et al. 0 Lumbar Lordosis 1993 2016-07-19
The natural history of human gait and posture. Part 1. Spine and pelvis. C. Lovejoy 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2005 2016-07-19
The pelvis and femur of Ardipithecus ramidus: the emergence of upright walking. O. Lovejoy et al. 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2009 2016-07-19
Acquisition of bipedalism: the Miocene hominoid record and modern analogues for bipedal protohominids. M. Nakatsukasa 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2004 2016-07-19
Specializations of the human visual system: The monkey model meets human reality T. Preuss 0 Magnocellular Retinal Ganglion Cell Size 2004 2016-07-20 Human sperm competition: ejaculate adjustment by males and the function of masturbation R. Baker et al. 0 Masturbation 1993 2016-07-20 Primate Sexuality: Comparative Studies of the Prosimians, Monkeys, Apes and Humans A. Dixson 0 Masturbation 2013 2016-07-20 With the Hand: A Cultural History of Masturbation M. van Driel 0 Masturbation 2012 2016-07-20 Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1: The Evolution of Modesty, The Phenomena of Sexual Periodicity, Auto-Eroticism H. Ellis 0 Masturbation 2012 2016-07-20 Sperm competition and the function of masturbation in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) R. Thomsen 0 Masturbation 2001 2016-07-20 Male Masturbation in Free-Ranging Japanese Macaques R. Thomsen et al. 0 Masturbation 2004 2016-07-20
The adaptive function of masturbation in a promiscuous African ground squirrel. J. Waterman 0 Masturbation 2010 2016-07-20 Evolutionary roots of intuitive parenting: Maternal competence in chimpanzees K. Bard 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 1994 2016-07-20
The development of eye contact between mothers and normal versus Down's syndrome infants J. Berger et al. 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 1981 2016-07-20
Reciprocal face-to-face communication between rhesus macaque mothers and their newborn infants. P. Ferrari et al. 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 2009 2016-07-20 Effects of Early Separation, Interactive Deficits, and Experimental Manipulations on Infant-Mother Face-to-Face Interaction T. Field 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 1977 2016-07-20
Eye contact and face scanning in early infancy. M. Haith et al. 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 1977 2016-07-20 Patterns of Gazing in Orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) G. Kaplan et al. 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 2002 2016-07-20 Foetal testosterone and eye contact in 12-month-old human infants S. Lutchmaya et al. 0 Maternal Infant Eye-to-Eye Gaze 2002 2016-07-20 Measurement of deviant behavior in a gombe chimpanzee: Relation to later behavior P. Buirski et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 1991 2016-07-20
A sociological analysis of maternal infanticide in the United States, 1984-1996 D. Gauthier et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2003 2016-07-20 Infanticide among animals: A review, classification, and examination of the implications for the reproductive strategies of females S. Hrdy 0 Maternal Infanticide 1979 2016-07-20
The hate that love generated- sexually selected neglect of one's own offspring in humans E. Voland et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2000 2016-07-20 Infanticide in Mountain Gorillas: New Cases and a Reconsideration of the Evidence D. Watts 0 Maternal Infanticide 1989 2016-07-20 Infanticide and cannibalism by male chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda D. Watts et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2000 2016-07-20
Neuroendocrine and emotional changes in the post-partum period. C. Carter et al. 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2001 2016-07-20
Development of the mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei): The first thirty-six months D. Fossey 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 1979 2016-07-20
Mother-offspring relationships in free-ranging chimpanzees J. Goodall 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 1969 2016-07-20
Evolutionary context of human development S. Hrdy 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2005 2016-07-20
Female reproductive ecology of the apes: Implications for human evolution C. Knott 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2001 2016-07-20 Oxytocin increases trust in humans M. Kosfeld et al. 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2005 2016-07-20
The role of central oxytocin in obsessive compulsive disorder and related normal behavior. J. Leckman et al. 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 1994 2016-07-20
The Ai project: historical and ecological contexts. T. Matsuzawa 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2003 2016-07-20
Baby-transfer and other interactions between its mother and grandmother in a captive social group of lowland gorillas. M. Nakamichi et al. 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2004 2016-07-20
Identification and analysis of unitary pseudogenes: historic and contemporary gene losses in humans and other primates. Z. Zhang et al. 0 MBL1P (mannose-binding lectin (protein A) 1, pseudogene) 2010 2016-07-20
Molecular genetic analysis of porcine mannose-binding lectin genes, MBL1 and MBL2, and their association with complement activity. C. Phatsara et al. 0 MBL1P (mannose-binding lectin (protein A) 1, pseudogene) 2007 2016-07-20
Characterization of murine mannose-binding protein genes Mbl1 and Mbl2 reveals features common to other collectin genes. R. Sastry et al. 0 MBL1P (mannose-binding lectin (protein A) 1, pseudogene) 1995 2016-07-20
Pigmentation phenotypes of variant extension locus alleles result from point mutations that alter MSH receptor function. L. Robbins et al. 0 MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor) ) 1993 2016-07-20
Reconstructing the evolutionary history of microcephalin, a gene controlling human brain size. P. Evans et al. 0 MCPH1 (microcephalin 1) 2004 2016-07-20
Microcephalin, a gene regulating brain size, continues to evolve adaptively in humans. P. Evans et al. 0 MCPH1 (microcephalin 1) 2005 2016-07-20
Amoebic meningoencephalitis caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris in an orangutan. P. Canfield et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 1997 2016-07-20
Binding of complement factor H (fH) to Neisseria meningitidis is specific for human fH and inhibits complement activation by rat and rabbit sera. D. Granoff et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 2009 2016-07-20
Meningoencephalitis secondary to otitis in a gorilla. W. Iverson et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 1978 2016-07-20
Human C4b-binding protein selectively interacts with Neisseria gonorrhoeae and results in species-specific infection. J. Ngampasutadol et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 2005 2016-07-20
Neisseria meningitdis A. Pollard et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 2009 2016-07-20
Clinicopathologic study of six cases of meningitis and meningoencephalitis in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). H. Solleveld et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 1984 2016-07-20
Meningitis epidemics in Africa: a brief overview. R. Teyssou et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 2007 2016-07-20
Essential Reproduction M. Johnson et al. 0 Menstrual Cycle Duration 1995 2016-07-20
Where Do We Come From? The Molecular Evidence for Human Descent J. Klein et al. 0 MHC Class I 2002 2016-07-20
Chemical characterization of oligosaccharides in chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, orangutan, and siamang milk or colostrum. T. Urashima et al. 0 Milk Composition 2009 2016-07-20
Evolutionary modifications of human milk composition: evidence from long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of anthropoid milks. L. Milligan et al. 0 Milk Composition 2008 2016-07-20
Free amino acids in milks of human subjects, other primates and non-primates. G. Sarwar et al. 0 Milk Composition 1998 2016-07-20
Human milk oligosaccharides: prebiotics and beyond. L. Bode 0 Milk Composition 2009 2016-07-20
Evolutionary glycomics: characterization of milk oligosaccharides in primates. N. Tao et al. 0 Milk Composition 2011 2016-07-20
