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Masturbation |
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Human paleopsychology: applications to aggression and pathological processes |
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Inbreeding Shaped the Course of Human Evolution |
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Complete mitochondrial genomes of ancient canids suggest a European origin of domestic dogs. |
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Paleontology. Did the Denisovans cross Wallace's Line? |
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Genome hacker uncovers largest-ever family tree |
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First partial skeleton of a 1.34-million-year-old Paranthropus boisei from Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. |
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Mystery Humans Spiced Up Ancient's Rampant Sex Lives |
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The emergence of hierarchical structure in human language. |
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Nine things to remember about human genome diversity. |
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Early human speciation, brain expansion and dispersal influenced by African climate pulses. |
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Early hominin auditory ossicles from South Africa. |
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Comprehensive candidate gene study highlights UGT1A and BNC2 as new genes determining continuous skin color variation in Europeans. |
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Many human accelerated regions are developmental enhancers. |
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Population Genomics of Human Adaptation. |
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Social competition and selection in males and females. |
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Similarity in form and function of the hippocampus in rodents, monkeys, and humans. |
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'Man the Symboller'. A Contemporary Origins Myth |
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Neanderthal and Denisovan retroviruses in modern humans. |
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Human frontal lobes are not relatively large. |
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Frontal cortex Area 10 cytoarchitecture |
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Lice Reveal Clues to Human Evolution |
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Origins of human cooperation and morality. |
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Genetic basis of neurocognitive decline and reduced white-matter integrity in normal human brain aging. |
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The evolution of African great ape subtelomeric heterochromatin and the fusion of human chromosome 2. |
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Regional specializations in the chimpanzee neocortex: pyramidal neurons are more branched and spiny in the prefrontal cortex |
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Cortical Synapse Density |
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DUF1220-domain copy number implicated in human brain-size pathology and evolution. |
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DUF1220 Domain Copy Number |
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The Moral Lives of Animals |
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Loss of air sacs improved hominin speech abilities. |
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Hyoid Bulla |
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Bridging the bonding gap: the transition from primates to humans. |
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Decision making across social contexts: competition increases preferences for risk in chimpanzees and bonobos |
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Unnecessary Risk Taking |
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Adrenal androgen production in catarrhine primates and the evolution of adrenarche. |
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The self-domestication hypothesis: evolution of bonobo psychology is due to selection against aggression |
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Skeletal development in Pan paniscus with comparisons to Pan troglodytes. |
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Age of Pelvic Bone Fusion |
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