Machiavellian Intelligence: Social Expertise and the Evolution of Intellect in Monkeys, Apes, and Humans |
R. Byrne et al. |
Theory of Mind |
1988 |
2016-06-28 |
Illusion and well-being: a social psychological perspective on mental health. |
S. Taylor et al. |
Optimism Bias |
1988 |
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Two copies of the human apolipoprotein C-I gene are linked closely to the apolipoprotein E gene. |
S. Lauer et al. |
APOC1 (apolipoprotein C-I) |
1988 |
2016-06-23 |
The human pattern of gyrification in the cerebral cortex. |
K. Zilles et al. |
Number and Complexity of Cortical Gyrii, Pattern of Gyrification |
1988 |
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Nucleotide sequence of the human placental alkaline phosphatase gene. Evolution of the 5' flanking region by deletion/substitution. |
B. Knoll et al. |
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes |
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Measures of Polygyny in Humans |
B. Low |
Pair-bonding |
1988 |
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Evidence of eosinophil granule major basic protein in human placenta. |
T. Wasmoen et al. |
Major Basic Protein in Placenta and Eosinophils |
1989 |
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Cultural contexts of human infancy |
B. Hewlett |
Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance |
1989 |
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Infanticide in Mountain Gorillas: New Cases and a Reconsideration of the Evidence |
D. Watts |
Maternal Infanticide |
1989 |
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Gyrification in the cerebral cortex of primates. |
K. Zilles et al. |
Number and Complexity of Cortical Gyrii, Pattern of Gyrification |
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Peripartuitional behavior of a bonobo Pan paniscus |
L. Bolser et al. |
Placentophagia |
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Multiple central place foraging by spider monkeys: travel consequences of using many sleeping sites |
C. Chapman et al. |
Home Base |
1989 |
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An overview of the world literature on spontaneous tumors in nonhuman primates. |
D. Beniashvili |
Neoplasm Types and Prevalence |
1989 |
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New approaches to structural evolution of limb bones in primates. |
C. Ruff |
Skeletal Robusticity |
1989 |
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Apparent age-related bone loss among adult female Gombe chimpanzees. |
D. Sumner et al. |
Age-Associated Osteoporosis |
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Numerical competence in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). |
S. Boysen et al. |
Arithmetic |
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A Phonological Analysis of Male Gibbon Singing Behavior |
J. Mitani et al. |
Combinatorial Capacity, Hierarchical Linguistic Structure |
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Responses of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) to different conditions of mirror-image stimulation |
J. Anderson et al. |
Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection |
1989 |
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Unbiased stereological estimation of the number of neurons in the human hippocampus. |
M. West et al. |
Subregions of the Hippocampus |
1990 |
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Molecular genetic basis of the histo-blood group ABO system. |
F. Yamamoto et al. |
ABO (ABO blood group ) |
1990 |
2016-06-17 |
Cortical asymmetries in frontal lobes of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). |
D. Falk et al. |
Left Occipital-Right Frontal Petalia Torque Asymmetry |
1990 |
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Voluntary consumption of beverage alcohol by vervet monkeys: population screening, descriptive behavior and biochemical measures. |
F. Ervin et al. |
Mind-Altering Drug Use |
1990 |
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Twinning Frequency in Catarrhine Primates |
T. Geissmann |
Twinning Frequency |
1990 |
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How did humans evolve? |
R. Alexander |
Ecological Dominance |
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Digging and eating of underground plant-parts by wild Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) |
M. Iguchi et al. |
Underground Plant Food Consumption |
1990 |
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Familial incidence of multiple births in a colony of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). |
T. Geissmann |
Twinning Frequency |
1990 |
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Grammatical combination in Pan paniscus: Processes of learning and invention in the evolution and development of language |
P. Greenfield et al. |
Combinatorial Capacity |
1990 |
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Why lions form groups: food is not enough |
C. Packer et al. |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1990 |
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Position and orientation of the foramen magnum in higher primates. |
S. Luboga et al. |
Foramen Magnum Placement |
1990 |
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Mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance in nonhuman primates |
A. Pusey |
Incest Avoidance |
1990 |
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The Gift: The form and reason for exchange in archaic societies |
M. Mauss |
Gift Giving |
1990 |
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Through a Window |
J. Goodall |
Psychopathy |
1990 |
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Placentophagia in a captive chimpanzee |
L. Marchant |
Placentophagia |
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Autism and Asperger Syndrome |
U. Frith |
Autism Spectrum Disorders |
1991 |
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Adolescence: An Anthropological Inquiry |
A. Schlegel et al. |
Paternal Care |
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Enhancement of opioid-mediated analgesia: a solution to the enigma of placentophagia. |
M. Kristal |
Placentophagia |
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Human Universals |
D. Brown |
Cultural Transmission |
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Frequency of implantation and early pregnancy loss in natural cycles. |
T. Chard |
Fecundability |
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The Human Community as a Primate Society [and Comments] |
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Inter-group Coalition Formation |
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U. Biella et al. |
Psoriasis |
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Showing off: Tests of a hypothesis about men's foraging goals |
K. Hawkes |
Paternal Care |
1991 |
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The influence of bipedalism on the energy and water budgets of early hominids |
P. Wheeler |
Home Range Size |
1991 |
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What good is feeling bad? |
R. Nesse |
Assisted Childbirth |
1991 |
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Pheomelanin as well as eumelanin is present in human epidermis. |
A. Thody et al. |
Skin Pigmentation Variation |
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A Case Study of a Plant-Animal Relationship: Cola lizae and Lowland Gorillas in the Lope Reserve, Gabon |
C. Tutin et al. |
Food Handling |
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Genes for human catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes. |
T. Nagatsu |
TH (tyrosine hydroxylase) |
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Teaching among wild chimpanzees |
C. Boesch |
Theory of Mind |
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Measurement of deviant behavior in a gombe chimpanzee: Relation to later behavior |
P. Buirski et al. |
Maternal Infanticide |
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Symbolic communication in wild chimpanzees? |
C. Boesch |
Drumming |
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Cortical folding, the lunate sulcus and the evolution of the human brain |
E. Armstrong et al. |
Number and Complexity of Cortical Gyrii, Pattern of Gyrification |
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The natural history of deciduous tooth attrition in hominoids |
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Deciduous Teeth Development/Morphology |
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The Evolution of Parental Care |
T. Clutton-Brock |
Parental Investment |
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The role of alliances in social inheritance of rank among female primates |
B. Chapais |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
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Cognitive Evolution in Primates: Evidence from Tactical Deception |
R. Byrne et al. |
Intentional Deception, Prevarication |
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The development of empathy in twins. |
C. Zahn-Waxler et al. |
Empathy |
1992 |
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The man who mistook his wife for a chattel |
M. Wilson et al. |
Control of Paternity |
1992 |
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Father-Child Relations: Cultural and Biosocial Contexts |
B. Hewlett |
Paternal Care |
1992 |
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Coalitions and alliances in humans and other animals |
A. Harcourt et al. |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1992 |
2009-03-06 |
The Last Ape: Pygmy chimpanzee behavior and ecology |
T. Kano |
Cooperative Breeding |
1992 |
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The politics of female identity: Warlpiri widows at Yuendumu |
F. Dussart |
Visual-Manual Communication |
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The thermoregulatory advantages of large body size for hominids foraging in savannah environments |
P. Wheeler |
Home Range Size |
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Sex, Coalitions, and Politics in Preindustrial Societies |
B. Low |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1992 |
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Dendritic field size and morphology of midget and parasol ganglion cells of the human retina. |
D. Dacey et al. |
Magnocellular Retinal Ganglion Cell Size |
1992 |
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Duane’s Foundations of Clinical Ophthalmology |
W. Tasman |
Emotional Lacrimation (Crying) |
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Aggression and Peacefulness in Humans and Other Primates |
J. Silverberg et al. |
Torture |
1992 |
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Serum concentrations of relaxin, chorionic gonadotropin, estradiol-17 beta, and progesterone during the reproductive cycle of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). |
B. Steinetz et al. |
Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing |
1992 |
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Neurotransmitter actions in the thalamus and cerebral cortex and their role in neuromodulation of thalamocortical activity. |
D. McCormick |
Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size |
1992 |
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Appearance of water channels in Xenopus oocytes expressing red cell CHIP28 protein. |
G. Preston et al. |
AQP7 (aquaporin 7) |
1992 |
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The Evolution of Life Histories |
S. Stearns |
Sexual Body Size Dimorphism |
1992 |
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Intentional Deception in Primates |
F. De Waal |
Intentional Deception |
1992 |
2016-07-18 |
Pathological sweating and flushing accompanying the trigeminal lacrimal reflex in patients with cluster headache and in patients with a confirmed site of cervical sympathetic deficit. Evidence for parasympathetic cross-innervation. |
P. Drummond et al. |
Emotional Lacrimation (Crying) |
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The failure of the gyrification index (GI) to account for volumetric reorganization in the evolution of the human brain |
R. Holloway |
Number and Complexity of Cortical Gyrii, Pattern of Gyrification |
1992 |
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Cooperation in competition: the ecology of primate bonds. |
J. van Hoof et al. |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
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The throwing hypothesis and hominid origins |
C. Knüsel |
Accurate Overhand Throwing |
1992 |
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Life History and the Evolution of Human Maturation |
B. Smith |
Deciduous Teeth Development/Morphology |
1992 |
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Animal histo-blood group ABO genes. |
Y. Kominato et al. |
ABO (ABO blood group ) |
1992 |
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Coalition formation in a colony of prepubertal spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) |
C. Zabel et al. |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1992 |
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Baboon apolipoprotein C-I: cDNA and gene structure and evolution. |
M. Pastorcic et al. |
APOC1 (apolipoprotein C-I) |
1992 |
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Hand and Mind |
D. McNeill |
Gesture |
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“Laughter” and “Smile” in Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus) |
S. Preuschoft |
Smiling |
1992 |
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Intimate Fathers: The Nature and Context of Aka Pygmy Paternal Infant Care |
B. Hewlett |
Paternal Care |
1993 |
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Pigmentation phenotypes of variant extension locus alleles result from point mutations that alter MSH receptor function. |
L. Robbins et al. |
MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor) ) |
1993 |
2016-07-20 |
Aspects of transmission of tool-use in wild chimpanzees |
C. Boesch et al. |
Food Preparation |
1993 |
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Sexual selection, Machiavellian intelligence, and the origins of psychosis. |
T. Crow |
Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies |
1993 |
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Tattoos and male alliances. |
K. Coe et al. |
Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances |
1993 |
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Huxley versus Owen: the hippocampus minor and evolution. |
C. Gross |
Subregions of the Hippocampus |
1993 |
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Postcranial robusticity in Homo. I: Temporal trends and mechanical interpretation. |
C. Ruff et al. |
Skeletal Robusticity |
1993 |
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Measurement of periimplantational relaxin concentrations in the macaque using a homologous assay. |
D. Stewart et al. |
Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing |
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Superiority of Conspecific Faces and Reduced Inversion Effect in Face Perception by a Chimpanzee |
M. Tomonaga et al. |
Facial recognition |
1993 |
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Life history invariants: some explorations of symmetry in evolutionary ecology. |
E. Charnov |
Inter-birth Intervals |
1993 |
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Menstruation as a defense against pathogens transported by sperm. |
M. Profet |
Volume of Menstrual Blood Loss |
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Partial hydatidiform mole in a pregnant chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) |
I. Debyser et al. |
Early Fetal Wastage, Hydatiform Moles |
1993 |
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The red face: flushing disorders. |
J. Wilkin |
Emotional Flushing (Blushing) |
1993 |
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Systemic lupus erythematosus in a rhesus macaque. |
S. Anderson et al. |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus |
1993 |
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The Unitary Hypothesis: A common neural circuitry for novel manipulations, language, plan- ahead, and throwing? |
W. Calvin |
Accurate Overhand Throwing |
1993 |
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The thoracic and lumbar vertebrae |
B. Latimer et al. |
Lumbar Lordosis |
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Modeling dietary selectivity by Bornean orangutans: Evidence for integration of multiple criteria in fruit selection |
M. Leighton |
Food Handling |
1993 |
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Hippocampus minor and man's place in nature: a case study in the social construction of neuroanatomy. |
C. Gross |
Subregions of the Hippocampus |
1993 |
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The occurrence of sleep-disordered breathing among middle-aged adults. |
T. Young et al. |
Sleep Apnea |
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Human sperm competition: ejaculate adjustment by males and the function of masturbation |
R. Baker et al. |
Masturbation |
1993 |
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