Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 2601 - 2700 of 3194 publications

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URL Title Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publicationsort descending Date Added The manual pressures of stone tool behaviors and their implications for the evolution of the human hand E. Williams-Hatala et al. 0 Tool Making 2018 2018-07-11 Evolutionary history and adaptation of a human pygmy population of Flores Island, Indonesia S. Tucci et al. 0 2018 2018-09-21 The earliest modern humans outside Africa I. Hershkovitz et al. 0 2018 2018-02-12 Endocast morphology of Homo naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa R. Holloway et al. 0 2018 2018-05-15 Principal component analysis identifies differential gender-specific dietary patterns that may be linked to mental distress in human adults L. Begdache et al. 0 2018 2018-08-30 Human demographic history has amplified the effects of background selection across the genome R. Torres et al. 0 2018 2018-11-06 When did modern humans leave Africa? C. Stringer et al. 0 2018 2018-03-13 Human-Specific NOTCH2NL Genes Expand Cortical Neurogenesis through Delta/Notch Regulation I. Suzuki et al. 0 Brain Size 2018 2018-06-14 The expansion of later Acheulean hominins into the Arabian Peninsula E. Scerri et al. 0 Tool Manufacture and Use 2018 2018-12-03 Fragility and volatility of structural hubs in the human connectome L. Gollo et al. 0 2018 2018-07-26 Archaeology and ichnology at Gombore II-2, Melka Kunture, Ethiopia: everyday life of a mixed-age hominin group 700,000 years ago F. Altamura et al. 0 2018 2018-02-21 Modelling provides clues to the evolution of human brain size. R. McElreath 0 2018 2018-05-24 78,000-year-old record of Middle and Later Stone Age innovation in an East African tropical forest C. Shipton et al. 0 2018 2018-09-13 Similar cranial trauma prevalence among Neanderthals and Upper Palaeolithic modern humans J. Beier et al. 0 2018 2018-11-14 Long-distance stone transport and pigment use in the earliest Middle Stone Age A. Brooks et al. 0 2018 2018-03-20 Natural Selection Has Differentiated the Progesterone Receptor among Human Populations J. Li et al. 0 2018 2018-06-27 Speech, stone tool-making and the evolution of language D. Cataldo et al. 0 2018 2018-02-05 La Ferrassie 1: New perspectives on a “classic” Neandertal A. Gómez-Olivencia et al. 0 2018 2018-04-17 Fast-Evolving Human-Specific Neural Enhancers Are Associated with Aging-Related Diseases H. Chen et al. 0 2018 2018-05-31 Regional Control of Hairless versus Hair-Bearing Skin by Dkk2 Y. Song et al. 0 Hairlessness 2018 2018-12-13 Middle Stone Age human teeth from Magubike rockshelter, Iringa Region, Tanzania P. Willoughby et al. 0 2018 2018-08-02 Human variation in the shape of the birth canal is significant and geographically structured L. Betti et al. 0 2018 2018-10-25 U-Th dating of carbonate crusts reveals Neandertal origin of Iberian cave art D. Hoffmann et al. 0 2018 2018-03-01 The Long Limb Bones of the StW 573 Australopithecus Skeleton from Sterkfontein Member 2: Descriptions and Proportions J. Heaton et al. 0 2018 2019-07-11 The Oldowan industry from Swartkrans cave, South Africa, and its relevance for the African Oldowan K. Kuman et al. 0 2018 2018-09-14 Late Middle Pleistocene Levallois stone-tool technology in southwest China Y. Hu et al. 0 Tool Manufacture and Use 2018 2018-11-26 Homo sapiens in Arabia by 85,000 years ago H. Groucutt et al. 0 2018 2018-04-17 The difference between ice cream and Nazis: Moral externalization and the evolution of human cooperation K. Stanford 0 2018 2018-07-11 Acheulean technology and landscape use at Dawadmi, central Arabia C. Shipton et al. 0 2018 2018-09-21 Self-Control in Chimpanzees Relates to General Intelligence M. Beran et al. 0 2018 2018-02-12 Self domestication and the evolution of language J. Thomas et al. 0 2018 2018-05-08 Did Human Reality Denial Breach the Evolutionary Psychological Barrier of Mortality Salience? A Theory that Can Explain Unusual Features of the Origin and Fate of Our Species. A. Varki et al. 0 2019 2020-02-03 Palaeo-Eskimo genetic ancestry and the peopling of Chukotka and North America P. Flegontov et al. 0 2019 2019-06-12 Morphology of the Denisovan phalanx closer to modern humans than to Neanderthals A. Bennett et al. 0 2019 2019-09-12 The evolutionary history of the human face R. Lacruz et al. 0 2019 2019-04-18 Visually attending to a video together facilitates great ape social closeness W. Wouter et al. 0 2019 2019-07-18 Geochemical Evidence for the Control of Fire by Middle Palaeolithic Hominins A. Brittingham et al. 0 Control of Fire 2019 2019-11-07 The role of geomagnetic field intensity in late Quaternary evolution of humans and large mammals J. Channell et al. 0 2019 2019-06-05 Sun, age and test location affect spatial orientation in human foragers in rainforests J. Haneul et al. 0 2019 2019-07-25 Exceptionally high δ15N values in collagen single amino acids confirm Neandertals as high-trophic level carnivores K. Jaouen et al. 0 Carnivory 2019 2019-02-19 Gender-Typed and Gender-Segregated Play Among Tanzanian Hadza and Congolese BaYaka Hunter-Gatherer Children and Adolescents S. Lew-Levy et al. 0 2019 2019-10-08 Limits of long-term selection against Neandertal introgression M. Petr et al. 0 Archaic Adaptive Introgression 2019 2019-01-17 A probable genetic origin for pitting enamel hypoplasia on the molars of Paranthropus robustus I. Towle et al. 0 Growth of Enamel and Dentine 2019 2019-05-02
Dosage analysis of the 7q11.23 Williams region identifies as a major human gene patterning the modern human face and underlying self-domestication. M. Zanella et al. 0 2019 2020-02-04 Persistent Neanderthal occupation of the open-air site of ‘Ein Qashish, Israel R. Ekshtain et al. 0 2019 2019-07-03 Ostrich eggshell bead diameter in the Holocene: Regional variation with the spread of herding in eastern and southern Africa J. Miller et al. 0 2019 2019-12-12 The population history of northeastern Siberia since the Pleistocene M. Sikora et al. 0 2019 2019-06-12 Unexpected hard-object feeding in Western lowland gorillas A. van Casteren et al. 0 2019 2019-08-15 Temporal shifts in the distribution of murine rodent body size classes at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) reveal new insights into the paleoecology of Homo floresiensis and associated fauna G. Veatch et al. 0 2019 2019-03-14 Rare dental trait provides morphological evidence of archaic introgression in Asian fossil record S. Bailey et al. 0 2019 2019-07-11 Reconstructing the Neanderthal Eustachian Tube: New Insights on Disease Susceptibility, Fitness Cost, and Extinction A. Pagano et al. 0 Inner Ear Canal Morphology 2019 2019-10-17 Compound-specific radiocarbon dating and mitochondrial DNA analysis of the Pleistocene hominin from Salkhit Mongolia T. Devièse et al. 0 2019 2019-01-31 Paired involvement of human-specific Olduvai domains and NOTCH2NL genes in human brain evolution I. Fiddes et al. 0 2019 2019-05-21 Using Geographic Distance as a Potential Proxy for Help in the Assessment of the Grandmother Hypothesis S. Engelhardt et al. 0 Grandparenting 2019 2019-02-07 A catalog of single nucleotide changes distinguishing modern humans from archaic hominins M. Kuhlwilm et al. 0 2019 2019-06-12 Animal residues found on tiny Lower Paleolithic tools reveal their use in butchery F. Venditti et al. 0 2019 2019-09-12 The endocast of StW 573 (“Little Foot”) and hominin brain evolution A. Beaudet et al. 0 2019 2018-12-20 An immunodominant and conserved B-cell epitope in the envelope of simian foamy virus recognized by humans infected with zoonotic strains from apes C. Lambert et al. 0 Foamy Virus (Spumavirus) Infection 2019 2019-04-11 Engraved bones from the archaic hominin site of Lingjing, Henan Province Z. Li et al. 0 2019 2019-07-18 Adaptive archaic introgression of copy number variants and the discovery of previously unknown human genes P. Hsieh et al. 0 2019 2019-11-07 Metabolites of lactic acid bacteria present in fermented foods are highly potent agonists of human hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3 A. Peters et al. 0 2019 2019-05-31 Chimpanzees flexibly update working memory contents and show susceptibility to distraction in the self-ordered search task V. J. et al. 0 2019 2019-07-25 Species-specific maturation profiles of human, chimpanzee and bonobo neural cells M. Marchetto et al. 0 2019 2019-02-15 More data needed for claims about the earliest Oldowan artifacts Y. Sahle et al. 0 Tool Making 2019 2019-10-08 Close companions: Early evidence for dogs in northeast Jordan and the potential impact of new hunting methods L. Yeomans et al. 0 Domestication of Other Animals, Organized Hunting for Meat 2019 2019-01-17 The African ape-like foot of Ardipithecus ramidus and its implications for the origin of bipedalism T. Prang et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Striding Bipedalism 2019 2019-05-02 IMHO: inventing modern human origins I. Davidson et al. 0 2019 2020-02-04 Nuclear DNA from two early Neandertals reveals 80,000 years of genetic continuity in Europe S. Peyrégne et al. 0 2019 2019-07-03 Earliest known Oldowan artifacts at >2.58 Ma from Ledi-Geraru, Ethiopia, highlight early technological diversity D. Braun et al. 0 Tool Making, Tool Manufacture and Use 2019 2019-06-05 Natural selection contributed to immunological differences between hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists G. Harrison et al. 0 2019 2019-08-15 A Comprehensive Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Cerebral Surface Area in Youth E. Schmitt et al. 0 2019 2019-03-07 Apidima Cave fossils provide earliest evidence of Homo sapiens in Eurasia K. Harvati et al. 0 2019 2019-07-11 Bone marrow storage and delayed consumption at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel (420 to 200 ka) R. Blasco et al. 0 2019 2019-10-17 Dental evolutionary rates and its implications for the Neanderthal–modern human divergence A. Gómez-Robles 0 2019 2019-05-16 Limits to Fitness Benefits of Prolonged Post-reproductive Lifespan in Women S. Chapman et al. 0 Grandparenting, Longevity 2019 2019-02-07 Teaching varies with task complexity in wild chimpanzees S. Musgrave et al. 0 2019 2020-01-09 The Pregnancy Pickle: Evolved Immune Compensation Due to Pregnancy Underlies Sex Differences in Human Diseases H. Natri et al. 0 2019 2019-06-12 A 3.8-million-year-old hominin cranium from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia Y. Haile-Selassie et al. 0 2019 2019-09-12 Evolutionary expansion of connectivity between multimodal association areas in the human brain compared with chimpanzees D. Ardesch et al. 0 2019 2019-04-11 Using hominin introgression to trace modern human dispersals J. Teixeira et al. 0 2019 2019-07-18 Earliest occupation of the Central Aegean (Naxos), Greece: Implications for hominin and Homo sapiens’ behavior and dispersals T. Carter et al. 0 2019 2019-10-17 Establishing Cerebral Organoids as Models of Human-Specific Brain Evolution A. Pollen et al. 0 2019 2019-02-07 A multidisciplinary approach to a unique Palaeolithic human ichnological record from Italy (Bàsura Cave) M. Romano et al. 0 2019 2019-05-31 Comparative isotopic evidence from East Turkana supports a dietary shift within the genus Homo D. Patterson et al. 0 2019 2019-07-25 Following the last Neanderthals: Mammal tracks in Late Pleistocene coastal dunes of Gibraltar (S Iberian Peninsula) F. Muñiz et al. 0 2019 2019-02-13 A late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau F. Chen et al. 0 2019 2019-05-01 Comparative analyses of chromatin landscape in white adipose tissue suggest humans may have less beigeing potential than other primates D. Swain-Lenz et al. 0 2019 2019-06-27 Reconstructing birth in Australopithecus sediba N. Laudicina et al. 0 Cephalo-Pelvic Proportions 2019 2019-10-08 A new Miocene ape and locomotion in the ancestor of great apes and humans M. Böhme et al. 0 Striding Bipedalism 2019 2019-11-07 Evolution of Hominin Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism: From Africa to the New World D. Harris et al. 0 2019 2019-06-05 External auditory exostoses among western Eurasian late Middle and Late Pleistocene humans E. Trinkaus et al. 0 2019 2019-08-15 The origin, significance, and development of the earliest geometric patterns in the archaeological record D. Hodgson 0 Symbolic Representation 2019 2019-03-07 Neuroimaging supports the representational nature of the earliest human engravings M. E. et al. 0 Art, Symbolic Representation of Abstract Concepts 2019 2019-07-03 Quantitative genetics of body size evolution on islands: an individual-based simulation approach J. Diniz-Filho et al. 0 2019 2019-10-17 Age estimates for hominin fossils and the onset of the Upper Palaeolithic at Denisova Cave K. Douka et al. 0 2019 2019-01-31 Temporal evidence shows Australopithecus sediba is unlikely to be the ancestor of Homo A. Du et al. 0 2019 2019-05-16 Last appearance of Homo erectus at Ngandong, Java, 117,000–108,000 years ago Y. Rizal et al. 0 2019 2020-01-09 Early replacement of West Eurasian male Y chromosomes from the east P. Hallast et al. 0 2019 2020-05-07 Divergence in the functional organization of human and macaque auditory cortex revealed by fMRI responses to harmonic tones S. Norman-Haignere et al. 0 Music 2019 2019-06-12 Invisible Designers: Brain Evolution Through the Lens of Parasite Manipulation M. Del Giudice 0 2019 2019-08-29
