Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 901 - 1000 of 3136 publications

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URL Title Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publicationsort descending Date Added Human-specific expression of Siglec-6 in the placenta E. Van der Linden et al. 0 Siglec Expression in Extra-Embryonic Fetal Tissue, SIGLEC6 (sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 6) 2007 2012-02-28
Decidualization of the human endometrium: mechanisms, functions, and clinical perspectives. B. Gellersen et al. 0 Timing of Decidual Changes in Endometrium 2007 2016-06-28
Modifying the body: motivations for getting tattooed and pierced. S. Wohlrab et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2007 2016-07-19
Cetaceans have complex brains for complex cognition. L. Marino et al. 0 Von Economo (Spindle) Cells Number and Size 2007 2016-06-24
Neonatal imitation in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) tested with two paradigms. K. Bard 0 Neonatal Imitation of Adults 2007 2016-08-03
Basic math in monkeys and college students. J. Cantlon et al. 0 Arithmetic 2007 2016-06-27
Gorillas: diversity in ecology and behavior R. M. 0 Control of Paternity 2007 2016-06-29
Elephant Sociality and Complexity : The Scientific Evidence J. Poole et al. 0 Inter-group Coalition Formation 2008 2016-07-19
Association of common variants in the Joubert syndrome gene (AHI1) with autism. A. Retuerto et al. 0 AHI1 (Abelson Helper Integration Site 1 ) 2008 2016-06-23
Total number, distribution, and phenotype of cells expressing chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in the normal human amygdala. H. Pantazopoulos et al. 0 Protein Expression in the Amygdala 2008 2016-07-26 Face perception in monkeys reared with no exposure to faces Y. Sugita 0 Facial recognition 2008 2016-07-01
Morning sickness: adaptive cause or nonadaptive consequence of embryo viability? S. Flaxman et al. 0 Morning Sickness 2008 2016-07-22
Selective reduction of Von Economo neuron number in agenesis of the corpus callosum. J. Kaufman et al. 0 Von Economo (Spindle) Cells Number and Size 2008 2016-06-24
Brain size at birth throughout human evolution: a new method for estimating neonatal brain size in hominins. J. DeSilva et al. 0 Age of Fontanelles / Cranial Sutures Closure 2008 2016-06-23 Genetic factors predisposing to homosexuality may increase mating success in heterosexuals B. Zietsch et al. 0 2008 2014-11-24
Stone-throwing by Japanese macaques: form and functional aspects of a group-specific behavioral tradition. J. Leca et al. 0 Accurate Overhand Throwing 2008 2016-06-23
Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind? 30 years later. J. Call et al. 0 Theory of Mind 2008 2016-06-28
Human and Chimpanzee Gene Expression Differences Replicated in Mice Fed Different Diets M. Somel et al. 0 Atherosclerotic Stroke 2008 2016-06-27 Neanderthal exploitation of marine mammals in Gibraltar C. Stringer et al. 0 2008 2024-08-02 The Mythical Moderns R. Bednarik 1 2008 2014-10-29
The environmental context of human evolutionary history in Eurasia and Africa. S. Elton 0 Travel Between Dissimilar Environments 2008 2016-06-28
Sudden cardiac death in 13 captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). M. Lammey et al. 0 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy 2008 2016-07-13
Femoral/humeral strength in early African Homo erectus. C. Ruff 0 Skeletal Robusticity 2008 2016-06-30
Tongue movement and intra-oral vacuum in breastfeeding infants. D. Geddes et al. 0 Difficulty Breastfeeding 2008 2016-06-30
Evolution of mammals and their gut microbes. R. Ley et al. 0 Gut Microbiome 2008 2016-08-02
The 'big bang' theory of the origin of psychosis and the faculty of language. T. Crow 0 Psychosis 2008 2016-07-26
Reassessing the cultural and psychopharmacological significance of Banisteriopsis caapi: preparation, classification and use among the Piaroa of Southern Venezuela. R. Rodd 0 Mind-Altering Drug Use 2008 2016-07-20
Recurrent reciprocal 1q21.1 deletions and duplications associated with microcephaly or macrocephaly and developmental and behavioral abnormalities. N. Brunetti-Pierri et al. 0 DUF1220 Domain Copy Number, HYDIN (Hydrocephalus inducing homolog) 2008 2016-07-01
Tauopathy with paired helical filaments in an aged chimpanzee. R. Rosen et al. 0 Dementias, Serum Cholesterol Level 2008 2016-06-30 CCL3L1-CCR5 genotype influences durability of immune recovery during antiretroviral therapy of HIV-1–infected individuals S. Ahuja et al. 0 CCL3L1 (chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3-like 1) 2008 2016-06-28
Child abuse in the context of domestic violence: prevalence, explanations, and practice implications. E. Jouriles et al. 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 2008 2016-07-26
Differences in cortical serotonergic innervation among humans, chimpanzees, and macaque monkeys: a comparative study. M. Raghanti et al. 0 Frontal Lobe Size 2008 2016-07-15
Interstitial myocardial fibrosis in a captive chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) population. M. Lammey et al. 0 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy 2008 2016-07-13
New insights into mid-late Pleistocene fossil hominin paranasal sinus morphology. C. Zollikofer et al. 0 Size and Position of Frontal Air Sinuses 2008 2016-06-30
Mirror-induced behavior in the magpie (Pica pica): evidence of self-recognition. H. Prior et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2008 2016-07-26 Reconstructing the Evolutionary History of Complex Human Gene Clusters Y. Zhang et al. 0 Percent Identity of Genomic DNA and Amino Acid Sequences 2008 2016-07-26
On Privileging the Role of Gaze in Infant Social Cognition. N. Akhtar et al. 0 Joint Attention 2008 2016-08-02 Mutations in Hydin impair ciliary motility in mice K. Lechtreck et al. 0 HYDIN (Hydrocephalus inducing homolog) 2008 2016-07-18
Chronic intake of fermented floral nectar by wild treeshrews. F. Wiens et al. 0 Mind-Altering Drug Use 2008 2016-08-03 An unusual incident of adoption in a wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) population at Gombe National Park E. Wroblewski 0 Cooperative Breeding 2008 2016-06-29
Human hyoid bones from the middle Pleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). I. Martínez et al. 0 Hyoid Bulla 2008 2016-08-02
Positive selection in East Asians for an EDAR allele that enhances NF-kappaB activation. J. Bryk et al. 0 EDAR (ectodysplasin A receptor) 2008 2016-07-01
Active Alu retrotransposons in the human genome. A. Bennett et al. 0 Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs)/Alu Types and Distribution 2008 2016-06-30 Mechanical Properties of Plant Underground Storage Organs and Implications for Dietary Models of Early Hominins N. Dominy et al. 0 Underground Plant Food Consumption 2008 2016-06-28
Von Economo neurons are present in the dorsolateral (dysgranular) prefrontal cortex of humans. C. Fajardo et al. 0 Von Economo (Spindle) Cells Number and Size 2008 2016-06-24 Indels in the Evolution of the Human and Chimpanzee Genomes A. Wetterbom et al. 0 Genomic Insertions and Deletions (Indels) 2008 2016-08-02
Effects of development and enculturation on number representation in the brain. D. Ansari 0 Arithmetic 2008 2016-06-27
Putting the altruism back into altruism: the evolution of empathy. F. de Waal 0 Empathy 2008 2016-07-01
Behavioral Ecology and the Archaeological Consequences of Central Place Foraging among the Meriam D. Bird 0 Home Base 2008 2016-07-18
Revealing the paradox of drug reward in human evolution. R. Sullivan et al. 0 Mind-Altering Drug Use 2008 2016-07-22
Evolution of human endogenous retroviral sequences: a conceptual account. V. Blikstad et al. 0 Endogenous Retroviral Types and Distribution 2008 2016-07-01
Retrotransposons revisited: the restraint and rehabilitation of parasites. J. Goodier et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution, SVA (SINE/VNTR/Alu) Element Expansion 2008 2016-06-29
Evolutionary modifications of human milk composition: evidence from long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of anthropoid milks. L. Milligan et al. 0 Milk Composition 2008 2016-07-20 Both selective and neutral processes drive GC content evolution in the human genome. U. Pozzoli et al. 1 2008 2014-10-09
Chromosomal evolution of the PKD1 gene family in primates. S. Kirsch et al. 0 Gene Conversion 2008 2016-07-15
Biased Gene Conversion and its Impact on Human Genome Evolution N. Galtier et al. 0 Gene Conversion 2008 2016-08-02
Distinctive structures between chimpanzee and human in a brain noncoding RNA. A. Beniaminov et al. 0 HAR1 (human accelerated region 1) 2008 2016-07-18
Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) lack expertise in face processing. L. Parr et al. 0 Facial recognition 2008 2016-07-01
Maternal perceptions of insufficient milk supply in breastfeeding. L. Gatti 0 Difficulty Breastfeeding 2008 2016-06-30 Great apes prefer cooked food V. Webber et al. 0 Cooking 2008 2020-10-07
From vitamin D to hormone D: fundamentals of the vitamin D endocrine system essential for good health. A. Norman 0 Cutaneous Biosynthesis of Vitamin D 2008 2016-06-30
Recurrent rearrangements of chromosome 1q21.1 and variable pediatric phenotypes. H. Mefford et al. 0 DUF1220 Domain Copy Number 2008 2016-07-01
Hypothalamic control of the pituitary-gonadal axis in higher primates: key advances over the last two decades. T. Plant 0 Onset of Puberty 2008 2016-07-25
Gene expression profiling of post-mortem orbitofrontal cortex in violent suicide victims. A. Thalmeier et al. 0 CDH12 (cadherin 12, type 2 (N-cadherin 2) ) 2008 2016-06-28
The Naked Man: A Study of the Male Body D. Morris 0 Eyebrows 2008 2016-07-01
Ultrasonic vocalization impairment of Foxp2 (R552H) knockin mice related to speech-language disorder and abnormality of Purkinje cells. E. Fujita et al. 0 FOXP2 (forkhead box P2) 2008 2016-08-02
The genetic and evolutionary balances in human NK cell receptor diversity. P. Parham 0 Killer Inhibitory Receptor Composition 2008 2016-08-02
Hominin life history: reconstruction and evolution. S. Robson et al. 0 Paternal Care 2008 2016-07-26
The use of optical tweezers to study sperm competition and motility in primates. J. Nascimento et al. 0 Sperm Energy Production 2008 2016-06-29 Dopamine receptor genetic polymorphisms and body composition in undernourished pastoralists: an exploration of nutrition indices among nomadic and recently settled Ariaal men of northern Kenya. D. Eisenberg et al. 0 2008 2014-11-03
A natural history of the human mind: tracing evolutionary changes in brain and cognition. C. Sherwood et al. 0 Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 2008 2016-07-26
Hominoid seminal protein evolution and ancestral mating behavior. S. Carnahan et al. 0 Copulatory Plug 2008 2016-06-29 Infanticide: Comparative and Evolutionary Perspectives G. Hausfater et al. 0 Paternal Care 2008 2009-03-06
Geophagy: soil consumption enhances the bioactivities of plants eaten by chimpanzees. N. Klein et al. 0 Self-Medication (Zoopharmacognosy) 2008 2016-07-26 Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding S. Hrdy 0 Cooperative Breeding, Inter-birth Intervals, Maternal Infanticide 2009 2011-01-24
L1 retrotransposition occurs mainly in embryogenesis and creates somatic mosaicism. H. Kano et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution 2009 2016-07-19
Spontaneous heart disease in the adult chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). B. Seiler et al. 0 Fibrosing Cardiomyopathy 2009 2016-07-13
Relative limb strength and locomotion in Homo habilis. C. Ruff 0 Skeletal Robusticity 2009 2016-06-30
The R7 RGS protein family: multi-subunit regulators of neuronal G protein signaling. G. Anderson et al. 0 RGS6 (Regulator of G-protein signaling 6) 2009 2016-07-26 The origin of malignant malaria S. Rich et al. 0 Malaria 2009 2016-09-23
Variable number of tandem repeat polymorphisms of DRD4: re-evaluation of selection hypothesis and analysis of association with schizophrenia. E. Hattori et al. 0 DRD4 (dopamine receptor D4) 2009 2016-06-30
Human breastfeeding is not automatic: Why that's so and what it means for human evolution A. Volk 0 Difficulty Breastfeeding 2009 2016-06-30 Human-specific evolution of sialic acid targets: explaining the malignant malaria mystery? A. Varki et al. 0 Malaria 2009 2012-02-28
Chimpanzees use more varied receptors and ligands than humans for inhibitory killer cell Ig-like receptor recognition of the MHC-C1 and MHC-C2 epitopes. A. Moesta et al. 0 Killer Inhibitory Receptor Composition 2009 2016-07-19 De novo establishment of wild-type song culture in the zebra finch O. Feher et al. 0 Emergence of New Communication Systems 2009 2016-07-01 Gene therapy for red-green colour blindness in adult primates. K. Mancuso et al. 0 2009 2014-05-14
DDX11L: a novel transcript family emerging from human subtelomeric regions. V. Costa et al. 0 DDX11L (DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 11 like) 2009 2016-06-30
The F-BAR domain of srGAP2 induces membrane protrusions required for neuronal migration and morphogenesis. S. Guerrier et al. 0 SRGAP2 (SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 2) 2009 2016-06-29
The pelvis and femur of Ardipithecus ramidus: the emergence of upright walking. O. Lovejoy et al. 0 Lumbar Lordosis 2009 2016-07-19
Binding of complement factor H (fH) to Neisseria meningitidis is specific for human fH and inhibits complement activation by rat and rabbit sera. D. Granoff et al. 0 Meningococcal Meningitis 2009 2016-07-20 The energetic significance of cooking. R. Carmody et al. 0 Cooking 2009 2020-10-07 Copy number variation at 1q21.1 associated with neuroblastoma S. Diskin et al. 0 DUF1220 Domain Copy Number 2009 2016-07-01
Spinal muscular atrophy: why do low levels of survival motor neuron protein make motor neurons sick? A. Burghes et al. 0 SMN1 (Survival of motor neurone 1) 2009 2016-06-29
Sexual Coercion in Humans and Primates: An Evolutionary Perspective on Male Aggression against Females M. Muller et al. 0 Control of Paternity 2009 2016-06-29 Wild Chimpanzees Exchange Meat for Sex on a Long-Term Basis C. Gomes et al. 0 Food Sharing 2009 2016-07-15
Bitter taste perception in Neanderthals through the analysis of the TAS2R38 gene. C. Lalueza-Fox et al. 0 TAS2R38 (taste receptor, type 2, member 38) 2009 2016-06-28
The RNA polymerase dictates ORF1 requirement and timing of LINE and SINE retrotransposition. E. Kroutter et al. 0 Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs)/Alu Types and Distribution 2009 2016-06-30 The human brain in numbers: a linearly scaled-up primate brain. S. Herculano-Houzel 0 Brain Size 2009 2015-01-29 The Diets of Non-human Primates: Frugivory, Food Processing, and Food Sharing G. Hohmann et al. 0 Food Preparation 2009 2016-07-14 Getting it right by getting it wrong: When learners change languages C. Kam et al. 0 Emergence of New Communication Systems 2009 2016-07-01
