Anorexia: A perverse effect of attempting to control the starvation response.

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Nesse, RM
Year of Publication: 2017
Journal: Behav Brain Sci
Volume: 40
Pagination: e125
Date Published: 01/
Publication Language: eng
ISBN Number: 0140-525X
Accession Number: 29342586

Starvation arouses evolved protective mechanisms including binge eating and increased metabolic efficiency and fat storage. When aroused by dieting, the experiences of out-of-control eating, increased appetite, and increased fat storage arouse greater fears of obesity, spurring renewed attempts to restrict intake severely. The resulting positive feedback cycle escalates into bulimia for many, and anorexia in a few.

Author Address:

School of Life Sciences,Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ 85745nesse@asu.edu
