CARTA-inspired Publications

CARTA encourages transdisciplinary research to advance our understanding of human origins through its symposium series. CARTA symposia provide a forum for researchers in varied fields to come together "to explore and explain the human phenomenon.” Member interactions continue after symposia and via the web site. This page lists examples of publications inspired by interactions amongst CARTA members. The list will be updated periodically.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 1080 publications
A Data-Driven Paradigm Shift for the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic Transition and the Neandertal Debate. Quaternary Environments and Humans. 2024, p.100037. .
Manni, F, d’Errico, F, eds. An Integrated Evolutionary Scenario for the Culturalization of the Human Body. 2024. .
Art and communication in Iberia and beyond. In: Arte, pensamiento simbólico, modos de vida en la Prehistoria. Santander: Editorial Universidad de Cantabria. 2024, p.173-188. .
Assigning a social status from face adornments: an fMRI study. Brain Structure and Function. 2024;229(5):1103-1120. .
Development and evolution of the primate neocortex from a progenitor cell perspective. Development. 2024;151(4). .
Evidence from personal ornaments suggest nine distinct cultural groups between 34,000 and 24,000 years ago in Europe. Nature Human Behaviour. 2024;8(3):431-444. .
Father time: A natural history of men and babies. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2024. .
Functional synergy of a human-specific and an ape-specific metabolic regulator in human neocortex development. Nature Communications. 2024;15(1). .
Initial Upper Palaeolithic material culture by 45,000 years ago at Shiyu in northern China. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2024;8(3):552-563. .
Lysine-Cysteine-Serine-Tryptophan inserted into the DNA-binding domain of human mineralocorticoid receptor increases transcriptional activation by aldosterone. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2024;243:106548. .
Maternal Education is a Major Factor in Growth Regulation in Twins and Singletons. Journal of Comprehensive Pediatrics. 2024;15:e145017. .
Neocortical neurogenesis in development and evolution—Human‐specific features. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2024;532(2). .
Neuroimaging genomics as a window into the evolution of human sulcal organization. Cereb Cortex. 2024;34(3):bhae078. .
Paleolithic eyed needles and the evolution of dress. Science Advances. 2024;10(26):eadp2887. .
Predictive sequence learning in the hippocampal formation. 2024;112(15):2645 - 2658.e4. .
Reply to: An Initial Upper Palaeolithic attribution is not empirically supported at Shiyu, northern China. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2024. .
Role of cell metabolism in the pathophysiology of brain size-associated neurodevelopmental disorders. Neurobiology of Disease. 2024;199:106607. .
Soulful rhythm, dancing bodies: A review on spirituality, pain tolerance, and the risk of lower extremity musculoskeletal and back injuries among classical Kathak dancers of India. Human Biology and Public HealthHBPH. 2024;1. .
Tooth in the spotlight: exploring the integration of archaeological and genetic data to build multidisciplinary narratives of the Past. Comptes Rendus Palevol. 2024;23(2). .
Transformers and cortical waves: encoders for pulling in context across time. 2024;47(10):788 - 802. .
What Makes Us Human: Insights from the Evolution and Development of the Human Neocortex. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 2024;40(1):427-452. .
A global catalog of whole-genome diversity from 233 primate species. Science. 2023;380(6648):906-913. .
A weakly structured stem for human origins in Africa. Nature. 2023. .