Comparative Structure of the Cerebral Cortex in Large Mammals

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Book Chapter
Authors: Raghanti, MA; Munger, EL; Wicinski, B; Butti, C; Hof, PR
Editors: Kaas, JH
Year of Publication: 2017
Book Title: Evolution of Nervous Systems
Edition: 2nd edition
Pagination: 267 - 289
Date Published: 2017
Publisher: Academic Press
City: Oxford
Publication Language: eng
ISBN Number: 978-0-12-804096-6
Keywords: cetacean, Cetartiodactyl, Elephant, encephalization, Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Mysticete, Odontocete, Whale

Comparative neuroanatomical studies have contributed substantial information about the brains of large mammals and expanded our understanding of cortical organization among species. In this chapter, we review some features of the largest extant mammals and include, where evidence is available, details about the organization and characteristics of the cerebral cortex, neuron morphology, subcortical structures, and cerebellum. We conclude with a brief discussion of putative cognitive and behavioral specializations associated with these species.
