The Evolution and Functions of Nuclei of the Visual Pulvinar in Primates

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Baldwin, MKL; Balaram, P; Kaas, JH
Year of Publication: 2017
Journal: J. Comp. Neurol
Volume: 525
Number: 15
Date Published: 10/2017
Publication Language: eng

In this review, we outline the history of our current understanding of the organization of the pulvinar complex of mammals. We include more recent evidence from our own studies of both New and Old World monkeys, prosimian galagos, and close relatives of primates, including tree shrews and rodents. Based on cumulative evidence, we provide insights into the possible evolution of the visual pulvinar complex, as well as the possible co-evolution of the inferior pulvinar nuclei and temporal cortical visual areas within the MT complex.
