Evolution of Nervous Systems
Bibliographic Collection:
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Book
Editors: Kaas, Jon H.
Year of Publication: 2017
Volume: 1-4
Edition: 2nd ed.
Number of Pages: 2007
Publisher: Academic Press
City: Amsterdam; Boston
Publication Language: eng
ISBN Number: 9780123925602 (set) 0123925606 (set) 9780123925619 (v. 1) 0123925614 (v. 1) 9780123925633 (v. 2) 0123925630 (v. 2) 9780123925640
Call Number: QM451 .E96 2006
Keywords: Anatomy, Comparative., Evolution., Nervous system Evolution., Nervous System Physiology., Syst�me nerveux �volution.
editor-in-chief, Jon H. Kaas.ill. (some col.), ports. ; 27 cm.vol. 1. vol. 2. vol. 3. vol. 4.