Evolutionary Medicine and Health: New Perspectives
Introduction and overview of evolutionary medicine / Wenda Trevathan, E. O. Smith, and James J. McKenna -- Human evolution, diet, and nutrition: when the body meets the buffet / Bethany L. Turner ... [et al.] -- Diabesity and Darwinian medicine: the evolution of an epidemic / Leslie Sue Lieberman -- To eat, or what not to eat: a critique of the official Norwegian dietary guidelines / Iver Mysterud ... [et al.] -- Cow's milk consumption and health: an evolutionary perspective / Andrea S. Wiley -- Not by bread alone: the role of psychosocial stress in age at first reproduction and in health inequalities / James S. Chisholm and David A. Coall -- Early life effects on reproductive function / Alejandra Núñez-de la Mora and Gillian R. Bentley -- Impaired reproductive function in women in western and westernizing populations: an evolutionary approach / Tessa M. Pollard and Nigel Unwin -- Should women menstruate? an evolutionary perspective on menstrual-suppressing oral contraceptives / Lynnette Leidy Sievert -- An evolutionary perspective on premenstrual syndrome: implications for investigating infectious causes of chronic disease / Caroline Doyle, Holly A. Swain Ewald, and Paul W. Ewald The possible role of eclampsia/preeclampsia in the evolution of human reproduction / Pierre-Yves Robillard ... [et al.] -- Breastfeeding and mother-infant sleep proximity: implications for infant care / Helen Ball and Kristin Klingaman -- Why words can hurt us: social relationships, stress, and health / Mark V. Flinn -- Why are we vulnerable to acute mountain sickness? / Cynthia M. Beall -- Evolution and modern behavioral problems: the case of addiction / Daniel H. Lende -- After dark: the evolutionary ecology of human sleep / Carol M. Worthman -- Evolutionary medicine and obesity: developmental adaptive responses in human body composition / Jack Baker ... [et al.] -- The developmental origins of adult health: intergenerational inertia in adaptation and disease / Christopher W. Kuzawa -- An evolutionary perspective on the causes of chronic diseases: atherosclerosis as an illustration / Paul W. Ewald -- Genes, geographic ancestry, and disease susceptibility: applications of evolutionary medicine to clinical settings / Douglas E. Crews and Linda M. Gerber -- From ancient seas to modern disease: evolution and congestive heart failure / E. Jennifer Weil -- Evolution at the intersection of biology and medicine / Stephen Lewis -- The importance of evolution for medicine / Randolph M. Nesse
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