La Beauté dans le cerveau

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Book
Authors: Changeux, JP
Year of Publication: 2016
Series Title: Odile Jacob
Publisher: Odile Jacob Publishers
Publication Language: eng

This book is the synthesis of several decades of reflection on the beautiful. It gives the debate a new dimension: that of scientific knowledge both of the contemplation of the work of art and of its creation. With the science of the brain, or neuroscience, a new field opens up to research on the work of art. We can now imagine a neuroscience of art. Understanding how our brain intervenes in the relationship of the human being to the work of art becomes conceivable and promising. This is the path that I propose here. "Chanqeux Jean-Pierre Changeux is one of the greatest contemporary neurobiologists. He is an honorary professor at the Collège de France, a member of the Académie des sciences. He was chairman of the Interministerial Commission for the Conservation of the National Artistic Heritage, known as the Commission des Dations, and chairman of the National Consultative Ethics Committee.
