In the light of evolution IX: Clonal reproduction: Alternatives to sex.

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Tibayrenc, M; Avise, JC; Ayala, FJ
Year of Publication: 2015
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Volume: 112
Number: 29
Pagination: 8824-6
Date Published: Jul 21
Publication Language: eng
ISBN Number: 0027-8424
Accession Number: 26195755

Evolutionary studies of clonal organisms have advanced considerably in recent years, but are still fledgling. Although recent textbooks on evolution or genetics might give the impression that nonsexual reproduction is an anomaly in the living world, clonality is the rule rather than the exception in many viruses, bacteria, and parasites that undergo preponderant asexual evolution in nature. Asexual reproduction is also common in insects, pathogenic helminthes, crustacea, and plants, and is found even in vertebrates. Clonality is thus of crucial importance in basic biology as well as in studies dealing with transmissible diseases.
