Multiple Origins of Agriculture in Eurasia and Africa

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Book Chapter
Authors: Bar-Yosef, O
Year of Publication: 2017
Book Title: On Human Nature: Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion
Chapter: 19
Pagination: 297-331
Publisher: Academic Press
Publication Language: eng
Keywords: Africa; Agriculture; Americas; Asia; Centers; Domestication; Neolithic revolution; Noncenters; River transport; Sedentism; Villages

An overview of the origins of agriculture cases known from Eurasia and Africa, with a brief survey of the Americas, documents only a few “centers” where subsistence based on founder crops and domesticated animals emerged, and where the additional “noncenters” were identified. By examining the evidence of plant exploitation and eventual cultivation practiced by Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene foragers in regions where the information is sufficiently detailed, together with the nature of their habitation sites, one can trace the common processes for the transition from hunting and gathering to farming communities who continued to exploit supplementary wild resources.
