Psychophysiological responses to imagined infidelity: The specific innate modular view of jealousy reconsidered

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Harris, C.R.
Year of Publication: 2000
Journal: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Volume: 78
Number: 6
Pagination: 1082-1091
Publication Language: eng

Three studies measured psychophysiological reactivity (heart rate, blood pressure, and electrodermal activity) while participants imagined a mate's infidelity. The specific innate modular theory of gender differences in jealousy hypothesizes that men are upset by sexual infidelity and women are upset by emotional infidelity, because of having faced different adaptive challenges (cuckoldry and loss of a mate's resources, respectively). This view was not supported. In men, sexual-infidelity imagery elicited greater reactivity than emotional-infidelity imagery. But, sexual imagery elicited greater reactivity even when infidelity was not involved, suggesting that the differential reactivity may not specifically index greater jealousy. In two studies with reasonable power, women did not respond more strongly to emotional infidelity. Moreover, women with committed sexual relationship experience showed reactivity patterns similar to those of men. Hypothetical infidelity self-reports were unrelated to reactivity.
