Sexual selection under parental choice: evidence from sixteen historical societies.

Bibliographic Collection: 
MOCA Reference, APE
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Apostolou, M.
Year of Publication: 2012
Journal: Evol Psychol
Volume: 10
Issue: 3
Pagination: 504-18
Publication Language: eng
ISSN: 1474-7049
Keywords: Choice Behavior, Female, History, 15th Century, History, 16th Century, History, 17th Century, History, 18th Century, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, History, Ancient, History, Medieval, Humans, Male, Marriage, Parents, reproductive behavior

Asymmetrical fitness benefits between parents and offspring result in the ideal spouse not being the ideal in-law. This enables parents to attempt to control the mating behavior of their children, and when they succeed, parental choice becomes a primary sexual selection force. A number of studies indicate that parental choice is dominant in contemporary pre-industrial societies. This paper presents evidence from the historical record which indicates that parental choice was also dominant during the later stages of human evolution. More specifically, 40 variables have been coded for a sample of 16 historical societies. Consistent with the model of parental choice, it is found that mating is controlled by parents, male parents exercise more control over marriage arrangements than females, and more control is exercised over female than male offspring. Finally, the specific qualities that parents desire in an in-law and offspring desire in a spouse have also been identified. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Alternate Journal: Evol Psychol
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