Is there really an evolved capacity for number

Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Núñez, RE
Year of Publication: 2017
Journal: Trends in cognitive sciences
Volume: 21
Number: 6
Publication Language: eng

Humans and other species have biologically endowed abilities for discriminating quantities. A widely accepted view sees such abilities as an evolved capacity specific for number and arithmetic. This view, however, is based on an implicit teleological rationale, builds on inaccurate conceptions of biological evolution, downplays human data from non-industrialized cultures, overinterprets results from trained animals, and is enabled by loose terminology that facilitates teleological argumentation. A distinction between quantical (e.g., quantity discrimination) and numerical (exact, symbolic) cognition is needed: quantical cognition provides biologically evolved preconditions for numerical cognition but it does not scale up to number and arithmetic, which require cultural mediation. The argument has implications for debates about the origins of other special capacities – geometry, music, art, and language.


Times cited: 3
