Age-Associated Osteoporosis
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Hover over keys for definitions:Osteoporosis is characteristic of human aging with decreased bone mass, and particularly occurs in post-menopausal women or as a secondary manifestation of metabolic disease. The bone loss makes them vulnerable to fractures. Osteologic studies of skeletons from free-ranging chimpanzees have demonstrated similar findings with loss of cortical bone. The human skeleton is unique in having low trabecular density representing a lightly built human body form. However, recent results show that trabecular density remained high throughout human evolution until it decreased significantly in recent modern humans, suggesting a possible link between changes in our skeleton and increased sedentism
Recent origin of low trabecular bone density in modern humans., , Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2015 Jan 13, Volume 112, Issue 2, p.366-71, (2015)
Apparent age-related bone loss among adult female Gombe chimpanzees., , Am J Phys Anthropol, 1989 Jun, Volume 79, Issue 2, p.225-34, (1989)