Organized Hunting for Meat
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Hover over keys for definitions:Humans hunt for meat in an organized fashion in which men and sometimes women coordinate their efforts to hunt prey that would otherwise be unattainable. While some chimpanzees do hunt meat (mostly in the form of smaller monkeys), there are only few documented instances of cooperative or organized hunting for meat, and all among chimpanzees in the wild. Most documented observations of hunting by chimpanzees show disorganized hunting, primarily by males. Although bonobos do catch prey animals, they do not consume them, but merely play with them, and then abandoned the carcass. Gorillas and orangutans have not been observed to hunt for meat at all.
In Search of the Origins of Distance Hunting—The Use and Misuse of Tip Cross-sectional Geometry of Wooden Spears, , Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 2025/02/13, Volume 8, Issue 1, (2025)
Mass-hunting in South-west Asia at the dawn of sedentism: new evidence from Şanlıurfa, south-east Türkiye, , Antiquity, 2024, p.1-8, (2024)
Why Do Humans Hunt Cooperatively?, , Current AnthropologyCurrent Anthropology, 2024/10/17, p.000 - 000, (2024)
Hunting and processing of straight-tusked elephants 125.000 years ago: Implications for Neanderthal behavior, , Science Advances, Volume 9, Issue 5, p.eadd8186, (2023)
The evolution of the human trophic level during the Pleistocene, , American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2021/03/05, Volume n/a, Issue n/a, (2021)
Close companions: Early evidence for dogs in northeast Jordan and the potential impact of new hunting methods, , Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 2019/03/01/, Volume 53, p.161 - 173, (2019)
Animal movements in the Kenya Rift and evidence for the earliest ambush hunting by hominins., , Sci Rep, 2015, Volume 5, p.14011, (2015)
Isotopic evidence for Last Glacial climatic impacts on Neanderthal gazelle hunting territories at Amud Cave, Israel., , J Hum Evol, 2015 Jul, Volume 84, p.71-82, (2015)