Collective action and the collaborative brain.

Bibliographic Collection: 
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Gavrilets, Sergey
Year of Publication: 2015
Journal: J R Soc Interface
Volume: 12
Issue: 102
Pagination: 20141067
Date Published: 2015 Jan 6
Publication Language: eng
ISSN: 1742-5662
Keywords: Animals, Biological Evolution, Brain, Cognition, Cooperative Behavior, Female, Humans, Interpersonal Relations, Learning, Male, Models, Psychological, Probability, Social Behavior

Humans are unique both in their cognitive abilities and in the extent of cooperation in large groups of unrelated individuals. How our species evolved high intelligence in spite of various costs of having a large brain is perplexing. Equally puzzling is how our ancestors managed to overcome the collective action problem and evolve strong innate preferences for cooperative behaviour. Here, I theoretically study the evolution of social-cognitive competencies as driven by selection emerging from the need to produce public goods in games against nature or in direct competition with other groups. I use collaborative ability in collective actions as a proxy for social-cognitive competencies. My results suggest that collaborative ability is more likely to evolve first by between-group conflicts and then later be utilized and improved in games against nature. If collaborative abilities remain low, the species is predicted to become genetically dimorphic with a small proportion of individuals contributing to public goods and the rest free-riding. Evolution of collaborative ability creates conditions for the subsequent evolution of collaborative communication and cultural learning.

Alternate Journal: J R Soc Interface