Bibliographic Collection: 
CARTA-Inspired Publication
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Trumble, Benjamin C; Finch, Caleb E
Year of Publication: 2019
Journal: Q Rev Biol
Volume: 94
Issue: 4
Pagination: 333-394
Date Published: 2019 Dec
Publication Language: eng
ISSN: 0033-5770

Global exposures to air pollution and cigarette smoke are novel in human evolutionary history and are associated with about 16 million premature deaths per year. We investigate the history of the human for relationships between novel environmental toxins and genetic changes during human evolution in six phases. Phase I: With increased walking on savannas, early human ancestors inhaled crustal dust, fecal aerosols, and spores; carrion scavenging introduced new infectious pathogens. Phase II: Domestic fire exposed early to novel toxins from smoke and cooking. Phases III and IV: Neolithic to preindustrial sapiens incurred infectious pathogens from domestic animals and dense communities with limited sanitation. Phase V: Industrialization introduced novel toxins from fossil fuels, industrial chemicals, and tobacco at the same time infectious pathogens were diminishing. Thereby, pathogen-driven causes of mortality were replaced by chronic diseases driven by sterile inflammogens, exogenous and endogenous. Phase VI: Considers future health during global warming with increased air pollution and infections. We hypothesize that adaptation to some ancient toxins persists in genetic variations associated with inflammation and longevity.

DOI: 10.1086/706768
Alternate Journal: Q Rev Biol