James McKenna is one of the world’s leading authorities on mother-infant co-sleeping with breastfeeding. He received his undergraduate degree in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley in 1970, his Masters Degree from San Diego State University in 1972, and his PhD in Biological Anthropology from the University of Oregon, Eugene, in 1975. After teaching anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley as a Visiting Assistant Professor for two years, he accepted a tenure track position (in anthropology) at Pomona College in Claremont, California, where he was awarded an Endowed Chair, and remained for twenty years. Recruited by the University of Notre Dame in 1997, since then, as was true at Pomona College, he has won every teaching prize he has been eligible for, including most recently the College of Arts and Letters highest teaching award, the Sheedy Award, 2008. Initially Professor McKenna specialized in studying the social behavior of monkeys and apes but the birth of his son in 1978 he began to apply the principles of human behavioral evolution to the understanding of human infancy. At the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Department of Neurology his research team pioneered the first studies of the physiology and behavior of mothers and infant sleeping together and apart, using physiological and behavioral recording devices. Professor McKenna has published over 139 refereed articles in diverse medical and anthropological journals on co-sleeping, breastfeeding, evolutionary medicine and SIDS, and both here and abroad he gives over 20 lectures especially to pediatric groups and parents. Here in the United States he remains one of the primary spokesperson to the media on issues pertaining to sleeping arrangements, nighttime breast feeding and SIDS prevention. Indeed in recognition of his extensive work with television, radio and print media he has just received from the American Anthropological Association the “2008 Anthropology In The Media Award” one of the top three Awards presented to anthropologists by the association in recognition of his distinguished work in educating the public to the importance of anthropological concepts. He has also published two book length monographs on SIDS and Infant Sleep, and an co-edited book entitled: Evolutionary Medicine (published by Oxford in 1999). Most recently he co-edited with W. Trevathan and E. Smith a second volume entitled: Evolutionary Medicine And Health: New Perspectives also with Oxford University Press. His first trade book for parents was published this last year with a title of: “Sleeping With Your Baby: A Parents Guide To Co-sleeping”.