Ronald Clarke is a renowned Wits University palaeo-anthropologist who made great strides in world palaeontology in 1997 when he unearthed the first known complete Australopithecus skeleton, known as “Little Foot”. Clarke’s historic find is unique because it is the only complete adult Australopithecus skeleton known. However, its importance stems also from the fact that many elements of the find are themselves unique. These are that the discovery has produced the only complete skull of an adult Australopithecus, the only complete hand, complete arm and complete leg. Each one of these reveals a wealth of information about our ancestry, and taken together, provides unparalleled insights into our past. A long, painstaking process of careful excavation is releasing the skeleton from the concrete-like cave infill, and exciting information about our evolution has been revealed, as the bones are uncovered. Significant parts of “Little Foot” will soon be brought up to the sunlight into a world very different from that which it left, when it fell into the depths of the cavern 3.3 million years ago. E-mail: