CHD2 Dosage Ties Autolysosomal Pathway to Cortical Maturation in Disease and Evolution

Bibliographic Collection: 
Publication Type: Miscellaneous
Authors: Leonardi, Oliviero; Lewerissa, Elly; Aprile, Davide; Barakat, Tahsin Stefan; Culotta, Lorenza; Deng, Ruizhi; Haazen, Linda; Linda, Katrin; Majoie, Marian; Mordelt, Annika; Ortale, Aurelio; Oudakker, Astrid; Prazzoli, Filippo; Puvogel, Sofia; Scheefhals, Nicky; Schelhaas, Helenius J; Schoenmaker, Chantal; van Hugte, Eline; van Bokhoven, Hans; Verhoeven, Judith; Vitriolo, Alessandro; Boeckx, Cedric; Testa, Giuseppe; Kasri, Nael Nadif
Year of Publication: 2025
Date Published: 2025/01/21
Publication Language: eng