Music as aposematic signal: predator defense strategies in early human evolution

Bibliographic Collection: 
Publication Type: Journal Article
Authors: Jordania, Joseph
Year of Publication: 2024
Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
Volume: 14
Date Published: 2024
Publication Language: eng
ISBN Number: 1664-1078

The article draws attention to a neglected key element of human evolutionary history—the defense strategies of hominins and early humans against predators. Possible reasons for this neglect are discussed, and the historical development of this field is outlined. Many human morphological and behavioral characteristics–musicality, sense of rhythm, use of dissonances, entrainment, bipedalism, long head hair, long legs, strong body odor, armpit hair, traditions of body painting and cannibalism–are explained as predator avoidance tactics of an aposematic (warning display) defense strategy. The article argues that the origins of human musical faculties should be studied in the wider context of an early, multimodal human defense strategy from predators.

Short Title: Frontiers in Psychology
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