HYDIN (Hydrocephalus inducing homolog)
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Hydrocephalus inducing homolog (HYDIN) is involved in cilia motility in the brain. Defects in the Hydin gene lead to impaired fluid flow in the brain resulting in hydrocephalus. The HYDIN gene has been duplicated in the human lineage from its original position at 16q22.2 to the 1q21.1 region. It has been hypothesized that HYDIN may have a role in human brain size.
Diversity of human copy number variation and multicopy genes., , Science, 10/2010, Volume 330, Issue 6004, p.641-6, (2010)
Mutations in Hydin impair ciliary motility in mice, , The Journal of Cell Biology, 02/2008, Volume 180, Issue 3, p.633 - 643, (2008)
Recurrent reciprocal 1q21.1 deletions and duplications associated with microcephaly or macrocephaly and developmental and behavioral abnormalities., , Nat Genet, 12/2008, Volume 40, Issue 12, p.1466-71, (2008)
A 360-kb interchromosomal duplication of the human HYDIN locus., , Genomics, 12/2006, Volume 88, Issue 6, p.762-71, (2006)