DUSP22 (Dual specificity phosphatase 22)
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Dual specificity phosphatase 22 (DUSP22), also known as JNK pathway-associated phosphatase, is involved in the mediation of multiple signaling cascades that are responsible for many different types of signaling, including reaction to stress and inflammation and cell migration. DUSP22 exists at 1-3 more copies in the human genome than in any other primate. The significance of this higher copy number is as of yet unknown.
Diversity of human copy number variation and multicopy genes., , Science, 10/2010, Volume 330, Issue 6004, p.641-6, (2010)
JNK pathway-associated phosphatase dephosphorylates focal adhesion kinase and suppresses cell migration., , J Biol Chem, 2010 Feb 19, Volume 285, Issue 8, p.5472-8, (2010)
Lineage-specific gene duplication and loss in human and great ape evolution., , PLoS Biol, 07/2004, Volume 2, Issue 7, p.E207, (2004)