PDE4DIP (Phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein)
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Phosphodiesterase 4D Interacting Protein (PDE4DIP), also known as myomegalin, is a protein localized to the golgi and centrosome. It is an anchor protein for members of the cAMP pathway, PDE4D and PKA, and SANS, a protein important to the function of retinal photoreceptors. PDE4DIP has been proposed to play important roles in cognitive function, eye sight, and cardiac contraction. PDE4DIP has 2-4 more copies in the human genome than any other primate. The significance of these copies is unknown.
Direct interaction of the Usher syndrome 1G protein SANS and myomegalin in the retina., , Biochim Biophys Acta, 10/2011, Volume 1813, Issue 10, p.1883-92, (2011)
Myomegalin is a novel A-kinase anchoring protein involved in the phosphorylation of cardiac myosin binding protein C., , BMC Cell Biol, Volume 12, p.18, (2011)
Diversity of human copy number variation and multicopy genes., , Science, 10/2010, Volume 330, Issue 6004, p.641-6, (2010)
Identification of human specific gene duplications relative to other primates by array CGH and quantitative PCR., , Genomics, 2010 Apr, Volume 95, Issue 4, p.203-9, (2010)
A genome-wide comparison of recent chimpanzee and human segmental duplications., , Nature, 09/2005, Volume 437, Issue 7055, p.88-93, (2005)
Lineage-specific gene duplication and loss in human and great ape evolution., , PLoS Biol, 07/2004, Volume 2, Issue 7, p.E207, (2004)
Myomegalin is a novel protein of the golgi/centrosome that interacts with a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase., , J Biol Chem, 04/2001, Volume 276, Issue 14, p.11189-98, (2001)