Brain Size
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Hover over keys for definitions:Humans have the largest brains of any primate in absolute terms, as well as relative to body size. Brain size varies with body size - larger bodied species tend to have larger brains. The evolutionary increase in brain size in the hominin lineage, subsequent to the split between humans and chimpanzees, is well documented in the fossil record, with the greatest increase in the last 2 million years with the emergence of the genus Homo.
Encephalization—increases in brain size corrected for changes in body size—occurred independently in many vertebrate and mammalian groups (Jerison, 1973; Striedter, 2005). Among mammals, some of the greatest increases in relative brain size occurred in the cetaceans—i.e., dolphins, porpoises, and other toothed whales (Marino et al., 2004).
3.3 million years of stone tool complexity suggests that cumulative culture began during the Middle Pleistocene, , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024/06/25, Volume 121, Issue 26, p.e2319175121, (2024)
Evolutionary–developmental (evo-devo) dynamics of hominin brain size, , Nature Human Behavior, 2024/05/27, (2024)
Divergence-time estimates for hominins provide insight into encephalization and body mass trends in human evolution, , Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2021/04/01, (2021)
The Driver of Extreme Human-Specific Olduvai Repeat Expansion Remains Highly Active in the Human Genome., , Genetics, 2020 01, Volume 214, Issue 1, p.179-191, (2020)
Human-specific ARHGAP11B induces hallmarks of neocortical expansion in developing ferret neocortex, , eLife, 2018/11/28, Volume 7, p.e41241, (2018)
Human-Specific NOTCH2NL Genes Expand Cortical Neurogenesis through Delta/Notch Regulation, , CellCell, 05/2018, Volume 173, Issue 6, p.1370 - 1384.e16, (2018)
Pattern and process in hominin brain size evolution are scale-dependent, , Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 02/2018, Volume 285, Issue 1873, (2018)
Body size, brain size, and sexual dimorphism in Homo naledi from the Dinaledi Chamber, , J of Human Evol, 2017/10/01/, Volume 111, p.119 - 138, (2017)
Neanderthal-Derived Genetic Variation Shapes Modern Human Cranium and Brain, , Nature Scientific Reports, 2017/07/24, Volume 7, Issue 1, p.6308, (2017)
Primate brain size is predicted by diet but not sociality, , Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2017/03/27, Volume 1, p.0112 - , (2017)
A single splice site mutation in human-specific ARHGAP11B causes basal progenitor amplification, , Science Advances, 2016/12/07, Volume 2, Issue 12, (2016)
Evolution of brain and culture: the neurological and cognitive journey from Australopithecus to Albert Einstein., , J Anthropol Sci, 2016 Jun 20, Volume 94, p.99-111, (2016)
Evolution of Osteocrin as an activity-regulated factor in the primate brain, , Nature, 2016/11/10, Volume 539, Issue 7628, p.242 - 247, (2016)
Fossil skulls reveal that blood flow rate to the brain increased faster than brain volume during human evolution, , Royal Society Open Science, 2016/08/31, Volume 3, Issue 8, (2016)
The Molecular Basis of Human Brain Evolution, , Current Biology, 2016/10/24, Volume 26, Issue 20, p.R1109 - R1117, (2016)
A dual comparative approach: integrating lines of evidence from human evolutionary neuroanatomy and neurodevelopmental disorders., , Brain Behav Evol, 2014, Volume 84, Issue 2, p.135-55, (2014)
Rapid evolution of the cerebellum in humans and other great apes., , Curr Biol, 2014 Oct 20, Volume 24, Issue 20, p.2440-4, (2014)
The human brain in numbers: a linearly scaled-up primate brain., , Front Hum Neurosci, 2009, Volume 3, p.31, (2009)
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Origin and evolution of large brains in toothed whales, , The Anatomical Record Part A: Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology, Volume 281A, p.1247–1255, (2004)
Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence, , New York, p.482, (1973)