Reproductive Biology and Disease

MOCA Domain Leaders: 

This Domain lists topics dealing with biological traits related to reproductive organs and systems, their function and diseases.


Domain Topics

There are 43 topics in this domain

Topic Name Topic Authors
Advertisement of Ovulation Pascal Gagneux
Ascending Infection of Gestation MOCA Author
Baculum (Penis Bone) Pascal Gagneux
Bashfulness, Modesty Pascal Gagneux
Breast Development without Pregnancy/Lactation MOCA Author
Cephalo-Pelvic Proportions MOCA Author
Copulatory Plug Pascal Gagneux
Difficulty Breastfeeding Emily Little
Duration of Labor MOCA Author
Early Fetal Wastage MOCA Author
Ectopic Pregnancy MOCA Author
Endometriosis MOCA Author
Fecundability Matthew Boisvert
Female Labia Majora MOCA Author
Female Menopause MOCA Author
Female Pelvic Floor Organ Prolapse Majesta O'Bleness
Female Sexual Receptivity MOCA Author
Fetal Microchimerism in Mothers MOCA Author
Gestational Duration MOCA Author
Hydatiform Moles Kurt Benirschke
Invasive Trophoblast Implantation and Placentation Majesta O'Bleness
Menstrual Cycle Duration MOCA Author
Morning Sickness Kari Hanson
Neonatal Cephalhematoma MOCA Author
Pain During Childbirth MOCA Author
Penis Size and Morphology Pascal Gagneux
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Isozymes Nishan Shettigar
Placentophagia Sarah Hrdy
Postpartum Depression MOCA Author
Pre-Eclampsia Kurt Benirschke
Premature Labor MOCA Author
Primary Infertility Frequency Kurt Benirschke
Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing MOCA Author
Siglec Expression in Extra-Embryonic Fetal Tissue Nissi Varki
Sperm Count Pascal Gagneux
Sperm Energy Production Pascal Gagneux
Timing of Decidual Changes in Endometrium MOCA Author
Trigger for Onset of Birth MOCA Author
Twinning Frequency Kurt Benirschke
Umbilical Cord Length MOCA Author
Vaginal Hymen MOCA Author
Volume of Menstrual Blood Loss Leela Davies
Volume of the Sperm Mid Piece Pascal Gagneux