Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 401 - 500 of 3233 publications

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URL Title Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publicationsort ascending Date Added Rewriting Human History and Empowering Indigenous Communities with Genome Editing Tools. K. Fox et al. 0 2020 2020-02-04 A Roadmap for Understanding the Evolutionary Significance of Structural Genomic Variation C. Mérot et al. 1 2020 2020-04-09 The evolution of early symbolic behavior in Homo sapiens K. Tylén et al. 0 2020 2020-02-21 Marks, Pictures and Art: Their Contribution to Revolutions in Communication I. Davidson 0 Art 2020 2020-07-30 Stiffness of the human foot and evolution of the transverse arch M. Venkadesan et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Striding Bipedalism 2020 2020-03-12 Mapping gene flow between ancient hominins through demography-aware inference of the ancestral recombination graph M. Hubisz et al. 0 2020 2020-08-13 Evidence for habitual climbing in a Pleistocene hominin in South Africa L. Georgiou et al. 0 2020 2020-04-06 Denisovan ancestry and population history of early East Asians D. Massilani et al. 0 2020 2020-11-20 The Neandertal Progesterone Receptor H. Zeberg et al. 0 2020 2020-05-28 Cooked starchy rhizomes in Africa 170 thousand years ago L. Wadley et al. 0 2020 2020-01-09 Direct evidence of Neanderthal fibre technology and its cognitive and behavioral implications B. Hardy et al. 0 2020 2020-04-09 New Neanderthal remains associated with the ‘flower burial’ at Shanidar Cave E. Pomeroy et al. 0 2020 2020-02-21 A Neanderthal Sodium Channel Increases Pain Sensitivity in Present-Day Humans H. Zeberg et al. 0 2020 2020-07-30 The spatiotemporal spread of human migrations during the European Holocene F. Racimo et al. 0 2020 2020-05-07 Archaeological evidence for two separate dispersals of Neanderthals into southern Siberia K. Kolobova et al. 0 2020 2020-03-12 Why do human and non-human species conceal mating? The cooperation maintenance hypothesis Y. Ben Mocha 0 2020 2020-08-06 Immature remains and the first partial skeleton of a juvenile Homo naledi, a late Middle Pleistocene hominin from South Africa D. Bolter et al. 0 2020 2020-04-06 Ancient West African foragers in the context of African population history M. Lipson et al. 0 2020 2024-08-02 Drimolen cranium DNH 155 documents microevolution in an early hominin species J. Martin et al. 0 2020 2020-11-20 The Driver of Extreme Human-Specific Olduvai Repeat Expansion Remains Highly Active in the Human Genome. I. Heft et al. 0 Brain Size 2020 2020-02-03 Global Choke Points May Link Sea Level and Human Settlement at the Last Glacial Maximum J. Dobson et al. 0 2020 2020-05-28 The zooarchaeology and paleoecology of early hominin scavenging B. Pobiner 0 Organized Scavenging for Meat 2020 2020-03-23 Microbial biomarkers reveal a hydrothermally active landscape at Olduvai Gorge at the dawn of the Acheulean, 1.7 Ma A. Sistiaga et al. 0 Food Preparation 2020 2020-09-30 The dental proteome of Homo antecessor F. Welker et al. 0 2020 2020-04-09 Evolutionary Dynamics Do Not Motivate a Single-Mutant Theory of Human Language B. de Boer et al. 0 2020 2020-02-21 Non-destructive ZooMS identification reveals strategic bone tool raw material selection by Neandertals N. Martisius et al. 0 Tool Manufacture and Use 2020 2020-07-30 Evolution is in the details: Regulatory differences in modern human and Neanderthal H. Barker et al. 0 2020 2025-02-05 Paternal provisioning results from ecological change I. Alger et al. 0 2020 2020-05-07 Connectivity at the origins of domain specificity in the cortical face and place networks F. Kamps et al. 0 2020 2020-03-12 Neanderthal introgression reintroduced functional ancestral alleles lost in Eurasian populations D. Rinker et al. 0 2020 2020-08-03 Denisovan DNA in Late Pleistocene sediments from Baishiya Karst Cave on the Tibetan Plateau D. Zhang et al. 0 2020 2020-11-20 A paradigm for the evolution of human features: Apes trapped on barren volcanic islands A. Krill 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Striding Bipedalism 2020 2022-12-19 Genomic analysis of the natural history of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder using Neanderthal and ancient Homo sapiens samples P. Esteller-Cucala et al. 0 2020 2020-05-28 Insights into human genetic variation and population history from 929 diverse genomes A. Bergström et al. 0 2020 2020-03-19 Australopithecus afarensis endocasts suggest ape-like brain organization and prolonged brain growth P. Gunz et al. 0 2020 2020-04-09 Neanderthal-Denisovan ancestors interbred with a distantly related hominin A. Rogers et al. 0 2020 2020-02-21 A high-coverage Neandertal genome from Chagyrskaya Cave F. Mafessoni et al. 0 2020 2020-07-30 The nature of Neanderthal introgression revealed by 27,566 Icelandic genomes L. Skov et al. 0 2020 2020-05-07 Hunter-gatherer multilevel sociality accelerates cumulative cultural evolution A. Migliano et al. 0 2020 2020-03-12 Multiple Genomic Events Altering Hominin SIGLEC Biology and Innate Immunity Predated the Common Ancestor of Humans and Archaic Hominins N. Khan et al. 0 2020 2020-07-30 Bone tools from Beds II–IV, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and implications for the origins and evolution of bone technology M. Pante et al. 0 Tool Manufacture and Use 2020 2020-11-20 The position of Australopithecus sediba within fossil hominin hand use diversity C. Dunmore et al. 0 Striding Bipedalism, Tool Manufacture and Use 2020 2020-05-21 The atlas of StW 573 and the late emergence of human-like head mobility and brain metabolism A. Beaudet et al. 0 2020 2020-03-19 Human footprints provide snapshot of last interglacial ecology in the Arabian interior M. Stewart et al. 0 2020 2020-09-30 100,000 years of gene flow between Neandertals and Denisovans in the Altai mountains B. Peter 0 2020 2020-04-09 A mitochondrial genetic divergence proxy predicts the reproductive compatibility of mammalian hybrids R. Allen et al. 0 2020 2020-06-04 Hibernation in hominins from Atapuerca, Spain half a million years ago A. Bartsiokas et al. 0 2020 2021-01-14 Testing the utility of dental morphological trait combinations for inferring human neutral genetic variation H. Rathmann et al. 0 2020 2020-05-07 Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations A. Durvasula et al. 0 2020 2020-02-21 Increased ecological resource variability during a critical transition in hominin evolution R. Potts et al. 0 2020 2020-11-20 Raw material optimization and stone tool engineering in the Early Stone Age of Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) A. Key et al. 0 Tool Making, Tool Manufacture and Use 2020 2020-01-09 Initial Upper Palaeolithic Homo sapiens from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria J. Hublin et al. 0 2020 2020-05-21 Short and long period growth markers of enamel formation distinguish European Pleistocene hominins M. Modesto-Mata et al. 0 2020 2020-03-19 The evolutionary history of Neanderthal and Denisovan Y chromosomes M. Petr et al. 0 2020 2020-09-30 Dating the skull from Broken Hill, Zambia, and its position in human evolution R. Grün et al. 0 2020 2020-04-06 Sitting, squatting, and the evolutionary biology of human inactivity D. Raichlen et al. 0 2020 2020-06-01 Evolution of Hominin Detoxification: Neanderthal and Modern Human Ah Receptor Respond Similarly to TCDD J. Aarts et al. 0 2020 2021-01-12 The Internal, External and Extended Microbiomes of Hominins R. Dunn et al. 0 2020 2020-02-21 Bows and arrows and complex symbolic displays 48,000 years ago in the South Asian tropics M. Langley et al. 0 2020 2020-07-30 Evolutionary expansion of connectivity between multimodal association areas in the human brain compared with chimpanzees D. Ardesch et al. 0 2019 2019-04-11 Teaching varies with task complexity in wild chimpanzees S. Musgrave et al. 0 2019 2020-01-09 The Pregnancy Pickle: Evolved Immune Compensation Due to Pregnancy Underlies Sex Differences in Human Diseases H. Natri et al. 0 2019 2019-06-12 A 3.8-million-year-old hominin cranium from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia Y. Haile-Selassie et al. 0 2019 2019-09-12 Using hominin introgression to trace modern human dispersals J. Teixeira et al. 0 2019 2019-07-18 Earliest occupation of the Central Aegean (Naxos), Greece: Implications for hominin and Homo sapiens’ behavior and dispersals T. Carter et al. 0 2019 2019-10-17 Establishing Cerebral Organoids as Models of Human-Specific Brain Evolution A. Pollen et al. 0 2019 2019-02-07 A multidisciplinary approach to a unique Palaeolithic human ichnological record from Italy (Bàsura Cave) M. Romano et al. 0 2019 2019-05-31 Comparative isotopic evidence from East Turkana supports a dietary shift within the genus Homo D. Patterson et al. 0 2019 2019-07-25 Following the last Neanderthals: Mammal tracks in Late Pleistocene coastal dunes of Gibraltar (S Iberian Peninsula) F. Muñiz et al. 0 2019 2019-02-13 Comparative analyses of chromatin landscape in white adipose tissue suggest humans may have less beigeing potential than other primates D. Swain-Lenz et al. 0 2019 2019-06-27 Reconstructing birth in Australopithecus sediba N. Laudicina et al. 0 Cephalo-Pelvic Proportions 2019 2019-10-08 A late Middle Pleistocene Denisovan mandible from the Tibetan Plateau F. Chen et al. 0 2019 2019-05-01 A new Miocene ape and locomotion in the ancestor of great apes and humans M. Böhme et al. 0 Striding Bipedalism 2019 2019-11-07 Evolution of Hominin Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism: From Africa to the New World D. Harris et al. 0 2019 2019-06-05 External auditory exostoses among western Eurasian late Middle and Late Pleistocene humans E. Trinkaus et al. 0 2019 2019-08-15 The origin, significance, and development of the earliest geometric patterns in the archaeological record D. Hodgson 0 Symbolic Representation 2019 2019-03-07 Neuroimaging supports the representational nature of the earliest human engravings M. E. et al. 0 Art, Symbolic Representation of Abstract Concepts 2019 2019-07-03 Quantitative genetics of body size evolution on islands: an individual-based simulation approach J. Diniz-Filho et al. 0 2019 2019-10-17 Age estimates for hominin fossils and the onset of the Upper Palaeolithic at Denisova Cave K. Douka et al. 0 2019 2019-01-31 Temporal evidence shows Australopithecus sediba is unlikely to be the ancestor of Homo A. Du et al. 0 2019 2019-05-16 Multiple Deeply Divergent Denisovan Ancestries in Papuans G. Jacobs et al. 0 2019 2019-04-11 Last appearance of Homo erectus at Ngandong, Java, 117,000–108,000 years ago Y. Rizal et al. 0 2019 2020-01-09 Early replacement of West Eurasian male Y chromosomes from the east P. Hallast et al. 0 2019 2020-05-07 Divergence in the functional organization of human and macaque auditory cortex revealed by fMRI responses to harmonic tones S. Norman-Haignere et al. 0 Music 2019 2019-06-12 Invisible Designers: Brain Evolution Through the Lens of Parasite Manipulation M. Del Giudice 0 2019 2019-08-29 The mismeasure of ape social cognition D. Leavens et al. 0 2019 2019-07-18 Organoid single-cell genomic atlas uncovers human-specific features of brain development S. Kanton et al. 0 2019 2019-10-17 Learning curves and teaching when acquiring nut-cracking in humans and chimpanzees C. Boesch et al. 0 Tool Manufacture and Use 2019 2019-02-07 Living on the edge: Was demographic weakness the cause of Neanderthal demise? A. Degioanni et al. 0 2019 2019-05-31 Synchronous rise of African C4 ecosystems 10 million years ago in the absence of aridification P. Polissar et al. 0 2019 2019-07-25 Linguistic laws in chimpanzee gestural communication H. Raphaela et al. 0 2019 2019-02-13 Cooked starchy food in hearths ca. 120 kya and 65 kya (MIS 5e and MIS 4) from Klasies River Cave, South Africa C. Larbey et al. 0 Cooking 2019 2019-06-27 The composition of a Neandertal social group revealed by the hominin footprints at Le Rozel (Normandy, France) J. Duveau et al. 0 2019 2019-10-08 A great-ape view of the gut microbiome A. Nishida et al. 0 Gut Microbiome 2019 2019-01-09 A genetic analysis of the Gibraltar Neanderthals L. Bokelmann et al. 0 2019 2024-06-25 Inferred divergent gene regulation in archaic hominins reveals potential phenotypic differences. L. Colbran et al. 0 2019 2020-02-04 Disease transmission and introgression can explain the long-lasting contact zone of modern humans and Neanderthals G. Greenbaum et al. 0 2019 2019-11-07 Genetic diversity of CHC22 clathrin impacts its function in glucose metabolism M. Fumagalli et al. 0 Diabetes Mellitus 2019 2019-06-05 Middle Stone Age foragers resided in high elevations of the glaciated Bale Mountains, Ethiopia G. Ossendorf et al. 0 2019 2019-08-15 Ardipithecus ramidus postcrania from the Gona Project area, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia S. Simpson et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology, Striding Bipedalism 2019 2019-03-07
