CARTA Glossary

Displaying 101 - 200 of 1023 defined words
Word Definition Related Vocabulary

German for “building plan” or “body plan,” it is a generalized set of physical characteristics shared by a group of phylogenetically related organisms during some point in their development.


Methods in probability and statistics named after Thomas Bayes (1702-61) in which a quantity is assigned to represent a state of knowledge, or a state of belief.

Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome

An overgrowth disorder caused by an imbalance in sex-specific modification of chromosomes and characterized by higher risk of childhood cancer and certain congenital features.

Before common era (BCE)

A notation for the Gregorian calendar. BCE 1 precedes immediately before 1 CE with no intervening year zero.

Before present (BP)

A time scale used in archaeological dating in which the present is considered the year radiocarbon dating was introduced (1950 CE).


The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Behaviorally Modern Humans

Current Homo sapiens, a population of hominins who evolved in Africa 200-100 kya, developed a suite of behavioral and cognitive traits that distinguished them from other hominins in and outside Africa, which likely allowed them to replace all other related hominins across the planet, with some interbreeding but no surviving hybrid species.


Depressants that act via GABA receptors and produce sedation, induce sleep, relieve anxiety and prevent seizures. Example: Xanax.


Pertaining to both alleles (both alternative forms of a gene).

Bioarchaeology (osteoarchaeology)

The study of human remains in their archaeological context.


The ability to coexist with living organisms without harming them. Compatible with living cells, tissues, organs, or systems, and posing no risk of injury, toxicity, or rejection by the immune system.

Biological enculturation

The ensemble of biological phenomena that supports and makes enculturation possible (e.g., cortical plasticity of the human brain and configuration of motor programs that make culturally invented practices, such as reading and writing, possible).

Biologically available nitrogen

Types of nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium) that are required by all plants except legumes. Legumes are able to utilize atmospheric N2 due to their symbiotic association with rhizobia bacteria in their root nodules.

Biologically evolved preconditions (BEPs)

The necessary conditions for the manifestation of a behavioral or cognitive ability which, although having evolved via natural selection, do not constitute precursors of such abilities (e.g., human balance mechanisms are BEPs for learning how to snowboard, but they are not precursors or proto-forms of it).


The science of movement from a mechanical perspective; how muscles, bones, and other parts of the body work to produce movement or locomotion.


A form a locomotion involving only an animal’s rear, or hind, limbs for propulsion.

Birch Tar (or pitch)

A material produced through the dry distillation of birch bark and used as an adhesive for hafting. Neanderthals produced birch tar as early as 200 kya. Compare with Bitumen.

Bitumen (asphaltum or tar)

A form of petroleum, a naturally- occurring organic by-product of decomposed plants, that is waterproof and flammable. Prehistoric humans used bitumen as an adhesive for hafting points to spears and for many other tasks and tools. Compare with Birch Tar.

Blood group

The system comprising the totality of antigens on erythrocytes, endothelial and other cells types, secreted molecules in blood and bodily secretions. (This is why they are also known as histo-blood groups - histo being Greek for “tissue”)

Blood type

The specific pattern of reaction to antisera within a blood group.

Body jewelry

Jewelry designed and manufactured specifically for use in piercings.

Body piercer

A professional with more than one year of work experience in an appropriate facility who performs the act of body piercing using approved techniques and materials. See also ear-piercing gun operator.

Body piercing

1. The act of perforating, or piercing, the tissue of the body, including the ear, and inserting an ornament into the opening. 2. A perforation in the tissue of the body and the wearing of an ornament in the opening. 3. Common usage: The perforation itself. E.g., “I changed the jewelry in my piercing.” 4. Common usage: The ornament that is worn in a perforation of the tissue. More accurately described as piercing jewelry, body piercing jewelry, or body jewelry. E.g., “My piercing fell out.”

Bone shaping

The deliberate alteration of the shape of one or more bones.

Bonobos (Pan paniscus)

One of the two species comprising the genus, Pan, having branched from chimpanzees ~1 million years ago. Sometimes referred to as “pygmy chimpanzee.” Bonobos, compared to chimpanzees, are more gracile, have female social dominance, relatively long legs, pink lips, a dark face, a “tail-tuft” through adulthood, and parted long head hair. The species is omnivorous and inhabits primary and secondary forests, including seasonally inundated swamp forests. The bonobo is found in a 500,000 km2 (190,000 sq mi) area of the Congo Basin, only south of the Congo River, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Due to political instability, little field work in their natural habitat has been performed. Most behavioral knowledge is a result of studies of captive bonobos.

Brain connectivity

A pattern of links between distinct units within the nervous system.

Brain organoid

An artificially grown in vitro brain model used for investigating brain development and neurological disease. Brain organoids are derived from induced pluripotent stem cells and embryonic stem cells.

Bright white light (BWL)

A light-based therapy to treat both seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and non-seasonal depression.

Broca’s Area

A region in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere (usually the left) of the human brain with functions linked to speech production.

Bucharest Early Intervention Project

A joint collaboration between researchers at Tulane University, University of Maryland, and Boston Children’s Hospital. The study, which began in the fall of 2000, seeks to examine the effects of early institutionalization on brain and behavior development, and to examine the impact of high quality foster care as an intervention for children who have been placed in institutions.

Background: Nicolae Ceausescu, general secretary of the Romanian communist party from 1965-89, instituted pro-natalist policies (banning abortion, outlawing contraception, and imposing a tax on families with fewer than five children) to increase the Romanian population in an effort to create more workers to bolster the economy. Correspondingly, the birth rate climbed but the poor were unable to afford larger families. It became acceptable to give infants and children to state-run child-rearing institutions, which spawned one of the largest per capita orphanage systems in history. By 1989, more than 170,000 Romanian children were living in institutions. Even ten years after the overthrow of Ceausescu, the rate of child abandonment did not diminish.

C3 Plants

C3 Plants: Plants that only use the Calvin-Benson Cycle for fixing CO2 from the air. Photosynthesis in these plants involves the reaction of CO2 with C5 RuBP (ribulose-1,5-biphosphate) to form two C3 phosphoglyceric acid molecules (3PGA) in the Calvin Cycle, making hexose carbohydrates. C3 plants originated during the Mesozoic and Paleozoic eras, predating C4 plants. C3 plants thrive in moderate sunlight and temperature environments. The 12C/13C ratio of C3 plants is unique and can be determined from mass spectrometry. C3 plants have more 12C compared to C4 Plants, and have less 13C in their tissue compared to what naturally occurs in the atmosphere. e.g. Herbaceous plants, cool season grasses, tree leaves, flowers, stems, and fruits.

C4 Plants

C4 Plants: Plants that use a supplementary method of CO2 uptake to form a four-carbon sugar compound. Photosynthesis in these plants involves the reaction of CO2 with C3 phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to form C4 oxaloacetatic acid (OAA), which is converted into malic acid. Malic acid is then broken down into CO2 (which enters the Calvin Cycle to form sugars and starch) and pyruvic acid (3-carbon molecule), which is then converted back to PEP. C4 plants are well adapted for habitats with high daytime temperatures and intense sunlight. The 12C/13C ratio of C4 plants is distinct and can be determined from masspectrometry. C4 plants have less 12C but more 13C compared to C3 Plants. The 13C in C4 tissue is still less than what naturally occurs in the atmosphere. e.g. Tropical grasses, including crabgrass, corn, sugarcane, sorghum.


A natural alkaloid and insecticide produced by several unrelated plant species (coffee, tea, and cacao). It also functions as a central nervous system stimulant that reversibly blocks the action of adenosine on its receptors.


A family of New World monkeys

Calvin-Benson Cycle

The set of chemical reactions that take place in chloroplasts of plants during photosynthesis. This light-independent process converts carbon atoms from the atmosphere into three-carbon sugars.

Canids (Canidae)

Carnivorous lineage that includes domestic dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals, dingoes, and other extant and extinct dog-like mammals.


A type of cancer that starts in cells that make up the skin or the tissue lining organs, such as the liver or kidneys. Carcinomas are abnormal cells that divide without control and can spread to other parts of the body.


An acquired or hereditary disease of heart muscle resulting in weakening, enlargement, thickening, or rigidity of the heart.

Cardiovascular Disease

Conditions of the heart that include diseased vessels, structural problems, and blood clots (sometimes used synonymously with Atherosclerosis).


An organism that derives its energy and nutrient requirements from a diet consisting mainly or exclusively of animal tissue, whether through predation or scavenging.


A type of tough, fibrous, elastic connective tissue that is rich in polysaccharides and with no nerve or blood supply of its own. There are two types of cartilage piercers routinely deal with: 1) Auricular: Cartilage of the pinna (external ear), and 2) Alar: Cartilage of the tip and sides of the nose (nostrils).


A build-up of mucus in an airway or body cavity caused by inflammation such as that associated with respiratory illnesses.

CauCau of Chile

A young boy who had been neglected and abandoned by alcoholic parents in Chile. CauCau lived in a forest without human companionship starting around 1945 at age 7 or 9, until being “found” in 1947.


Intentional burning to the body to create scars.

CD33 (Siglec-3)

A Siglec that functions as a transmembrane receptor on myeloid cells and some lymphoid cells.

CD33-related Siglecs

A subclass of Siglec receptors that rapidly evolved in humans and do not have true orthologues (counterparts identical by descent) in most mammalian species. For the CD33rSiglecs, it has been more difficult to translate studies in animal models to human conditions.

Central Aversion System

A neural circuit that regulates fearful, defensive and/or aggressive behavioral responses to aversive stimuli.

Central nervous system (CNS)

The majority of the nervous system that consists of the brain, spinal cord, retina, optic nerves, and olfactory epithelium. The CNS integrates sensory information and coordinates and influences the activity of the body in bilaterally symmetric animals (all multicellular animals except sponges and radially symmetric animals such as jellyfish).

Cerebral Cortex (Brain)

The outer layer of the cerebrum, composed of folded gray matter, and plays an important role in consciousness.

Cerebrum (Brain)

The largest part of the brain that contains the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and olfactory bulb.

Cetaceans (Cetacea)

A clade of aquatic mammals consisting of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

Channel receptor

Proteins located in plasma membranes that form a passageway that can open or close to allow or stop the flow of particular ions across the membrane (see also receptor).

Chemical synapse

A biological junction between neurons where signals are sent from cell to the next via release of chemicals (neurotransmitters).

Chichen Itza

A Mayan city in Yucatan that rose to regional prominence after 800 CE.


An infection caused by the Chikungunya virus, which is spread between people by Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti mosquitos. Symptoms include fever and joint pain. Chikungunya typically occurs in Africa and Asia, but recent outbreaks have been reported in Europe and the Americas.

Chikungunya Virus (CHIKV)

A RNA virus that belongs to the genus Alphavirus that is primarily transmitted by two species of Aedes mosquitoes, although the virus can also be transmitted from mother to child during delivery. Before 2013, the virus was found only in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Indian and Pacific islands. In late 2013, outbreaks occurred for the first time in the Americas in the Caribbean Islands. Chikungunya (pronounced “chik-en-gun-ye”) comes from the Kimadonde verb meaning “bent over in pain” or “contorted.”

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

One of the two species comprising the genus, Pan, having branched from bonobos ~1 million years ago. Sometimes referred to as “common chimpanzees”. Native to sub-Saharan Africa, chimpanzees are found in and around the Congo Basin (north of the Congo River) and throughout West Africa. Chimpanzees are divided into four subspecies, based on appearance and distribution. Compared to bonobos, chimpanzees are somewhat larger, more aggressive, and exhibit male social dominance.


The green pigment that captures light energy and is essential for photosynthesis in cyanobacteria, algae, and plants.


A bacterial disease causing severe diarrhea and dehydration, usually spread in sewage-contaminated water.


A complex of DNA and proteins (histone and adaptor proteins) forming chromosomes.

Chromatin Accessibility

The idea that the 3D conformation of chromatin and the presence or absence of regulatory proteins (and their chemical modifications) interacting with histone proteins or directly with DNA can impact whether or not, and to what level, gene expression occurs.


Discrete strands of tightly packaged chromatin.

Chronic Mountain Sickness

A disease characterized loss of adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia. Signs include severe polycythemia (increased blood volume occupied by red blood cells) and hypoxemia (lack of oxygenation).


“Cutting around.” This term is used traditionally to describe both male and female genital modifications.

Cis (molecular interactions)

Receptors expressed on a cell surface that bind ligands on the same cell surface.


A group of organisms consisting of a common ancestor and all descendants on a particular lineage. Represents a single branch on the “tree of life.”


A branching diagram used to show hypothetical relations among groups of organisms and their hypothetical most common ancestors. It is not an evolutionary tree as it does not show how ancestors are related to descendants, nor does it show evolutionary distance or time.

Climate change

Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns induced by natural phenomena or human activity.


The cutting and removal of all or part of the externally protruding glans of the clitoris. Also called Type 1 female genital modification. See also, excision.


Making a copy of an organism or sequence.
Organisms are cloned by moving an entire genome from a cell into an egg. DNA sequences are cloned by moving copies into a bacteria using a vector.

Clotting (blood)

The process by which soluble proteins in blood crosslink to cause a change from liquid to gel, forming a clot. Also known as coagulation.


Time since common ancestor.

Coalescent Theory

Models evolution backward in time to infer historical population size, mutation rate, allele age, and allele frequency change by selection and drift.

Coalitionary aggression

At least two or more individuals jointly direct aggression at one or more conspecific targets. In humans coalitionary aggression is socially organized.

Coalitionary violence

Collective violence or violence between groups of individuals.


A natural alkaloid and insecticide produced by the South American coca plant that also acts as a natural stimulant.


A type of short rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria. Some species of coccobacillus cause disease in humans.

Codominant inheritance

A form of genomic inheritance in which both inherited alleles (one from each parent) are expressed and contribute to the phenotype.


A sequence of three nucleotides along a DNA or RNA chain encoding a single amino acid, and start or stop.


The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

Cognitive enhancers

Drugs that are used to improve memory, increase mental alertness, and concentration, and boost energy levels and wakefulness. E.g., amphetamines; nicotine; caffeine.

Cognitive Trade-off Hypothesis

As proposed by Tetsuro Matsuzawa, postulates that a trade-off between superior language facility at the expense of memory ability based on social life occurred during human evolution.  In comparison to chimpanzees, who possess superior short-term memory  abilities and no known language, humans de-emphasized short term memory for extraordinary language capacity, which may be one mechanism for increased collaboration and altruism in humans.

Combinatorial Phonology

A universal property of human language in which a set of basic, distinct units (phonemes, syllables, or hand shapes) can be combined in many different ways.


A relationship between organisms where one derives food or other benefits from the other without hurting or helping it.

Common era (CE)

A notation for the Gregorian calendar. 1 CE follows immediately after BCE 1 with no intervening year zero.

Communicable (disease)

An illness that is transmittable from an infected person or animal to another person or animal through direct contact or indirectly via contaminated food, water, or a vector.

Comparative Method

A method of evolutionary analysis that uses comparisons across independently evolved species, as a means for studying historical and physical constraints.


Capability for effective function in the environment, potential or manifested.

Complex Trait

A phenotypic trait with variability influenced by numerous genes (each with small effects).


The principle governing the combination of meaningful linguistic elements into higher order units of meaning. Compositionality guarantees that the meaning of the whole will be determined by the meaning of its parts and rules used to combine them (Kluender, 2020).

Concealed ovulation

A form of ovulation that lacks any exterior signs.


A disease or physical abnormality present from birth.


A comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain.


The waking state and awareness of existence.


Members of the same species.

Contagious (disease)

Infectious diseases that can be spread from organism to organism by direct or indirect contact. Contagious disease is a subset of communicable, infectious, and transmissible.

Contemplative neuroscience

A branch of neuroscience that studies the effects of meditation and other forms of contemplation.

Continuity (aka Phyletic Gradualism)

An evolutionary model in which change occurs gradually over time. Compare with Punctuated Equilibrium.

Control Group

A group of individuals in a medical study who receive either no treatment or the standard treatment, which is compared against a group who receive the treatment being studied.

Cooperative Breeding

A social system in which parents and other individuals within the group provide care for offspring.
