Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 2701 - 2800 of 3209 publications

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URL Title Authors # Comments Related MOCA Topics Year of Publicationsort ascending Date Added
Hadza meat sharing. K. Hawkes et al. 0 Food Sharing 2001 2016-07-15
The existence of the vomeronasal organ in postnatal chimpanzees and evidence for its homology with that of humans. T. Smith et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2001 2016-07-26 Evolution and Function of Drumming as Communication in Mammals J. Randall 0 Drumming 2001 2016-07-01
Molecular remodeling of members of the relaxin family during primate evolution. T. Klonisch et al. 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 2001 2016-07-26
Enamel hypoplasia in the deciduous teeth of great apes: variation in prevalence and timing of defects. J. Lukacs 0 Deciduous Teeth Development/Morphology 2001 2016-06-30
Meta-analysis of theory-of-mind development: the truth about false belief. H. Wellman et al. 0 Empathy 2001 2016-07-01
Female reproductive ecology of the apes: Implications for human evolution C. Knott 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2001 2016-07-20
Myomegalin is a novel protein of the golgi/centrosome that interacts with a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. I. Verde et al. 0 PDE4DIP (Phosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein) 2001 2016-07-26
Likelihood of conception with a single act of intercourse: providing benchmark rates for assessment of post-coital contraceptives. A. Wilcox et al. 0 Fecundability 2001 2016-07-13
Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. E. Lander et al. 0 Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution, Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs)/Alu Types and Distribution 2001 2016-06-30 Sperm competition and the function of masturbation in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) R. Thomsen 0 Masturbation 2001 2016-07-20
Apolipoprotein E variation at the sequence haplotype level: implications for the origin and maintenance of a major human polymorphism. S. Fullerton et al. 0 Dementias 2000 2016-06-30
V. Multi-level analysis of cortical neuroanatomy in Williams syndrome. A. Galaburda et al. 0 Morphometrics of the Amygdala 2000 2016-07-22 Diagnosis in a Multicultural Context F. Paniagua 0 Somnambulism 2000 2016-06-29 Primate numerical competence: contributions toward understanding nonhuman cognition S. Boysen et al. 0 Arithmetic 2000 2016-06-27
Solving a cooperation task without taking into account the partner's behavior: the case of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). E. Visalberghi et al. 0 Cooperative Action 2000 2016-06-29
The primate cranial base: ontogeny, function, and integration. D. Lieberman et al. 0 Foramen Magnum Placement 2000 2016-07-15
Transcription of eukaryotic protein-coding genes. T. Lee et al. 0 GTF2H2 (General transcription factor IIH, polypeptide 2, 44kDa) 2000 2016-07-18
Schizophrenia as the price that homo sapiens pays for language: a resolution of the central paradox in the origin of the species. T. Crow 0 Psychosis 2000 2016-07-26
Sleep-related behavioural adaptations in free-ranging anthropoid primates. J. Anderson 0 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 2000 2016-06-29
Primate evolution and the amygdala R. Barton et al. 0 Morphometrics of the Amygdala 2000 2016-07-22 An SRY-negative 47,XXY mother and daughter (Y-chromosome transmission through the mother) S. Röttger et al. 0 Inheritance Rules 2000 2016-04-30
A critical evaluation of the influence of predators on primates: effects on group travel S. Boinski et al. 0 Home Base 2000 2016-07-18
Activity, climate, and postcranial robusticity: implications for modern human origins and scenarios of adaptive change. O. Pearson 0 Skeletal Robusticity 2000 2016-06-30 Seasonal Anointment with Millipedes in a Wild Primate: A Chemical Defense Against Insects? X. Valderrama et al. 0 Mind-Altering Drug Use 2000 2016-07-22
The role of the human thalamus in language and memory: evidence from electrophysiological studies. M. Johnson et al. 0 Motor Thalamic Nuclei Size, Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 2000 2016-07-25
Evolutionary ecology of human life history. R. Mace 0 Inter-birth Intervals 2000 2016-07-18
Adult-Adult Play in Primates: Comparative Analysis of Its Origin, Distribution and Evolution S. Pellis et al. 0 Adult Play 2000 2016-06-23
An important role for the IIIb isoform of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) in mesenchymal-epithelial signalling during mouse organogenesis. L. De Moerlooze et al. 0 FGFR2 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 2) 2000 2016-07-13
Why Sex Matters B. Low 0 Paternal Care 2000 2016-07-26
Observations on the behavior of gibbons (Hylobates leucogenys, H. gabriellae, and H. lar) in the presence of mirrors. M. Ujhelyi et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2000 2016-07-26
Uteroplacental blood flow. The story of decidualization, menstruation, and trophoblast invasion. H. Kliman 0 Timing of Decidual Changes in Endometrium 2000 2016-06-28
Molecular structure and evolution of an alpha satellite/non-alpha satellite junction at 16p11. J. Horvath et al. 0 Heterochromatin Content 2000 2016-07-18
Endocrine and paracrine regulation of birth at term and preterm. J. Challis et al. 0 Trigger for Onset of Birth 2000 2016-06-28
Pots, parties, and politics: communal feasting in the American Southwest. J. Potter 0 Feasting 2000 2016-07-01 Mirror neurons and imitation learning as the driving force behind “the great leap forward” in human evolution V. Ramachandran 0 Dancing 2000 2016-06-30
Evidence for variable selective pressures at MC1R. R. Harding et al. 0 MC1R (melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor) ) 2000 2016-08-03
The evolution of human mating: trade-offs and strategic pluralism. S. Gangestad et al. 0 Pair-bonding 2000 2016-07-25 Infanticide and cannibalism by male chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda D. Watts et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2000 2016-07-20
Mother Nature: Maternal Instincts and How They Shape the Human Species S. Hrdy 0 Difficulty Breastfeeding, Maternal Infanticide 2000 2016-06-30
Cortical feedback controls the frequency and synchrony of oscillations in the visual thalamus. T. Bal et al. 0 Size of Sensory Thalamic Nuclei 2000 2016-06-30
Morning sickness: a mechanism for protecting mother and embryo. S. Flaxman et al. 0 Morning Sickness 2000 2016-07-22
The evolution of human skin coloration. N. Jablonski et al. 0 Hairlessness, Skin Pigmentation Variation, Whole Body Cooling Efficiency 2000 2016-06-29
Capuchins do cooperate: the advantage of an intuitive task. K. Mendres 0 Cooperative Action 2000 2016-06-29
Changes in plasma concentrations of inhibin A and inhibin B throughout sexual maturation in the male chimpanzee. M. Kondo et al. 0 Onset of Puberty 2000 2016-07-25 Competitive and Cooperative Responses to Climatic Instability in Coastal Southern California D. Kennett et al. 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression 2000 2016-07-19
The brain and its main anatomical subdivisions in living hominoids using magnetic resonance imaging. K. Semendeferi et al. 0 Frontal Lobe Size 2000 2016-07-15 Cultural revolution in whale songs M. Noad et al. 0 Emergence of New Communication Systems 2000 2016-07-01
The eyes have it: the neuroethology, function and evolution of social gaze. N. Emery 0 Eyebrows 2000 2016-07-01 The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior. S. Mcbrearty et al. 0 2000 2014-09-23
The hate that love generated- sexually selected neglect of one's own offspring in humans E. Voland et al. 0 Maternal Infanticide 2000 2016-07-20
Evolution and proximate expression of human paternal investment. D. Geary 0 Paternal Care 2000 2016-08-03 Recognizing Facial Cues: Individual Discrimination by Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) L. Parr et al. 0 Facial recognition 2000 2016-07-01 Diet and food preparation: Rethinking early hominid behavior S. Ragir 0 Food Preparation 2000 2016-07-14
Initial studies on the contributions of body size and gastrointestinal passage rates to dietary flexibility among gorillas. M. Remis 0 Food Handling 2000 2016-07-14
A critical review of methodology and interpretation of mirror self-recognition research in nonhuman primates. M. De Veer et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1999 2016-07-26
Primate evolution of an olfactory receptor cluster: diversification by gene conversion and recent emergence of pseudogenes. D. Sharon et al. 0 Olfactory Receptors 1999 2016-07-25
Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants and Natural Selection S. Hrdy 0 Intra-Specific Aggression, Intraspecific Aggression, Placentophagia 1999 2016-07-19
Psychiatric comorbidity of adolescents with sleep terrors or sleepwalking: a case-control study. S. Gau et al. 0 Somnambulism 1999 2016-06-29 Long Bone Shaft Robusticity and Body Proportions of the Saint-Césaire 1 Châtelperronian Neanderthal E. Trinkaus et al. 0 Skeletal Robusticity 1999 2016-06-30 Showoffs or Providers? The Parenting Effort of Hadza Men F. Marlowe 0 Paternal Care 1999 2016-07-26
Methylation of inorganic arsenic in different mammalian species and population groups. M. Vahter 0 Arsenic Detoxification 1999 2016-06-27
Patterns of human growth B. Bogin 0 Adolescence Duration and Characteristics, Adolescent Growth Spurt, Childhood, Onset of Puberty 1999 2009-03-06
The Raw and the Stolen. Cooking and the Ecology of Human Origins. R. Wrangham et al. 0 Underground Plant Food Consumption 1999 2016-06-28
Human is a unique species among primates in terms of telomere length. S. Kakuo et al. 0 Telomere and Subtelomere Changes 1999 2016-06-28 Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity B. Bagemihl 0 Homosexual Behavior, Masturbation 1999 2009-03-06
The Truth About Cinderella M. Daly et al. 0 Paternal Care 1999 2016-07-25
Relaxin in the marmoset monkey: secretion pattern in the ovarian cycle and early pregnancy. A. Einspanier et al. 0 Serum Relaxin Quantity and Timing 1999 2016-07-26
The primate neocortex in comparative perspective using magnetic resonance imaging. J. Rilling et al. 0 Cerebellar Volume 1999 2016-06-28
The evolution of human speech: the role of enhanced breathing control. A. MacLarnon et al. 0 Voluntary Control of Breathing 1999 2016-06-28
The ontogeny of cranial base angulation in humans and chimpanzees and its implications for reconstructing pharyngeal dimensions. D. Lieberman et al. 0 Sleep Apnea 1999 2016-06-29
Comparative aspects of mirror self-recognition in great apes. K. Swartz et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 1999 2016-07-26
Seed handling in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius): implications for understanding hominoid and cercopithecine fruit-processing strategies and seed dispersal. J. Lambert 0 Food Handling 1999 2016-07-14
A neuronal morphologic type unique to humans and great apes. E. Nimchinsky et al. 0 Von Economo (Spindle) Cells Number and Size 1999 2016-06-24 The Alex Studies: Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots I. Pepperberg 0 Arbitrary Reference, Auditory-Vocal Communication 1999 2009-03-06
Distinctive compartmental organization of human primary visual cortex. T. Preuss et al. 0 Organization of Layer 4A of Area V1 1999 2016-08-03
Hippocampal neurogenesis in adult Old World primates E. Gould et al. 0 Adult Neurogenesis 1999 2016-06-23
Brief communication: foramen magnum-carotid foramina relationship: is it useful for species designation? M. Schaefer 0 Foramen Magnum Placement 1999 2016-07-15
Evolutionary obstetrics W. Trevathan 0 Assisted Childbirth 1999 2016-06-27
Nucleus subputaminalis (Ayala): the still disregarded magnocellular component of the basal forebrain may be human specific and connected with the cortical speech area. G. Simić et al. 0 Dementias 1999 2016-06-30
Ever Since Adam and Eve: Evolution of Human Sexuality M. Potts et al. 0 Control of Paternity 1999 2016-06-29
Acoustical and Syntactical Comparisons Between Songs of the White-Backed Munia (Lonchura Striata) and Its Domesticated Strain, the Bengalese Finch (Lonchura Striata Var. Domestica) E. Honda et al. 0 Hierarchical Linguistic Structure 1999 2016-07-18
Low frequency of defective alleles of cytochrome P450 enzymes 2C19 and 2D6 in the Turkish population. A. Aynacioglu et al. 0 Mind-Altering Drug Use 1999 2016-07-20
Menstruation: a nonadaptive consequence of uterine evolution. C. Finn 0 Volume of Menstrual Blood Loss 1998 2016-06-28
Ritual/speech coevolution: a solution to the problem of deception C. Knight 0 Adult Play, Intentional Deception 1998 2016-06-23
Recent human-specific spreading of a subtelomeric domain. S. Monfouilloux et al. 0 Telomere and Subtelomere Changes 1998 2016-06-28
Rift Valley lake fish and shellfish provided brain-specific nutrition for early Homo. C. Broadhurst et al. 0 Behavior In Water 1998 2016-06-27
A gene recently inactivated in human defines a new olfactory receptor family in mammals. S. Rouquier et al. 0 Olfactory Receptors 1998 2016-07-25
New perspectives on mate choice and the MHC. W. Jordan et al. 0 Incest Avoidance 1998 2016-08-02
Sleeping sites, sleeping places, and presleep behavior of gibbons (Hylobates lar). U. Reichard 0 Home Base 1998 2016-07-18
Members of the olfactory receptor gene family are contained in large blocks of DNA duplicated polymorphically near the ends of human chromosomes. B. Trask et al. 0 Olfactory Receptors 1998 2016-07-25
Sialic acid concentration of brain gangliosides: variation among eight mammalian species. B. Wang et al. 0 Sialic Acid Content of the Brain 1998 2016-06-30
Child abuse and neglect--usefulness of the animal data: comment on Maestripieri and Carroll (1998) D. Cicchetti 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 1998 2016-07-26
Free amino acids in milks of human subjects, other primates and non-primates. G. Sarwar et al. 0 Milk Composition 1998 2016-07-20
Infant abuse and neglect in monkeys--a discussion of definitions, epidemiology, etiology, and implications for child maltreatment: reply to Cicchetti (1998) and Mason (1998) K. Carroll et al. 0 Physical Abuse of the Young 1998 2016-07-26
Heterochronic processes in human evolution: an ontogenetic analysis of the hominid pelvis. C. Berge 0 Age of Pelvic Bone Fusion 1998 2016-06-23
Charles S. Peirce: The Essential Writings C. Peirce 0 Arbitrary Reference 1998 2016-06-23 Land relations under unbearable stress: Rwanda caught in the Malthusian trap. C. Andre et al. 1 1998 2014-05-20 Physiological Stress in Prehistoric India: New Data on Localized Hypoplasia of Primary Canines Linked to Climate and Subsistence Change J. Lukacs et al. 0 Deciduous Teeth Development/Morphology 1998 2016-06-30 Haeckel, embryos, and evolution. M. Richardson et al. 0 1998 2014-12-04
