Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE)

The Anthropogeny Publications Exchange (APE) is a resource for anthropogeny-related publications informing on human evolution, origins, and uniqueness. It also serves as a reference repository for the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA). The number of possible additions to APE are limitless, however we have chosen to focus on those with a maximum relevance to anthropogeny using the following criteria:

  • Relevance for understanding the evolutionary origins of the human species
  • Research that informs on the origins of uniquely human features
  • Comparative studies of other species relevant to understanding human uniqueness
  • Broad interest and appeal to CARTA members
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Displaying 2501 - 2600 of 3212 publications

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URL Title Authors # Commentssort descending Related MOCA Topics Year of Publication Date Added Female competition in chimpanzees. A. Pusey et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 2013 2013-11-08
Dopamine D4 receptor (D4DR) exon III polymorphism associated with the human personality trait of Novelty Seeking. R. Ebstein et al. 0 DRD4 (dopamine receptor D4) 1996 2016-06-30 Cranial base morphology and temporal bone pneumatization in Asian Homo erectus. A. Balzeau et al. 0 2006 2016-02-16
Sexual selection, Machiavellian intelligence, and the origins of psychosis. T. Crow 0 Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies 1993 2016-08-03 Apidima Cave fossils provide earliest evidence of Homo sapiens in Eurasia K. Harvati et al. 0 2019 2019-07-11
Modeling recent human evolution in mice by expression of a selected EDAR variant. Y. Kamberov et al. 0 EDAR (ectodysplasin A receptor) 2013 2016-07-01 Remnants of an ancient forest provide ecological context for Early Miocene fossil apes. L. Michel et al. 0 2014 2014-03-11 Bone marrow storage and delayed consumption at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel (420 to 200 ka) R. Blasco et al. 0 2019 2019-10-17
Extensive evolutionary changes in regulatory element activity during human origins are associated with altered gene expression and positive selection. Y. Shibata et al. 0 Epigenetic Markings 2012 2016-07-01 Genomic analysis of Andamanese provides insights into ancient human migration into Asia and adaptation M. Mondal et al. 0 2016 2016-07-29 The emergence of hierarchical structure in human language. S. Miyagawa et al. 0 2013 2014-01-03
SLC24A5, a putative cation exchanger, affects pigmentation in zebrafish and humans. R. Lamason et al. 0 Skin Pigmentation Variation 2005 2016-06-29
Tattoos and male alliances. K. Coe et al. 0 Intra-group Coalitions/Alliances 1993 2016-08-02 Primate social attention: Species differences and effects of individual experience in humans, great apes, and macaques F. Kano et al. 0 2018 2019-01-31
From vitamin D to hormone D: fundamentals of the vitamin D endocrine system essential for good health. A. Norman 0 Cutaneous Biosynthesis of Vitamin D 2008 2016-06-30 The Divergence of Neandertal and Modern Human Y Chromosomes. F. Mendez et al. 0 Features of the Y Chromosome 2016 2016-04-07 Domesticated animals and human infectious diseases of zoonotic origins: domestication time matters. S. Morand et al. 0 2014 2014-05-28 Dental evolutionary rates and its implications for the Neanderthal–modern human divergence A. Gómez-Robles 0 2019 2019-05-16
Microsatellite evolution--evidence for directionality and variation in rate between species. D. Rubinsztein et al. 0 Short Tandem Repeat Content 1995 2016-06-30
Brain growth, life history, and cognition in primate and human evolution. S. Leigh 0 Rate of CNS Development 2004 2016-07-26 Establishing the validity of domestication genes using DNA from ancient chickens. L. Flink et al. 0 2014 2014-04-23
The man who mistook his wife for a chattel M. Wilson et al. 0 Control of Paternity 1992 2016-06-29 Thalamus M. Steriade 0 Sensory Thalamic Nuclei Size 2001 2016-07-26 Dental calculus indicates widespread plant use within the stable Neanderthal dietary niche R. Power et al. 0 2018 2018-09-14
Prefrontal cortex in humans and apes: a comparative study of area 10. K. Semendeferi et al. 0 Cortical Neuron Density, Synapse-to-Neuron Ratio, Frontal cortex Area 10 cytoarchitecture, Frontal Lobe Size 2001 2016-06-29 Age and date for early arrival of the Acheulian in Europe (Barranc de la Boella, la Canonja, Spain). J. Vallverdú et al. 0 Tool Making, Tool Manufacture and Use 2014 2014-08-14 Time-space–displaced responses in the orangutan vocal system A. Lameira et al. 0 Displaced Reference 2018 2018-11-15
Why vegetable recipes are not very spicy. P. Sherman et al. 0 Cuisine 2001 2016-06-30 Sexual selection under parental choice in agropastoral societies M. Apostolou 0 Parental Influence on Mate Choice 2010 2016-07-25 A group-specific arbitrary tradition in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). E. van Leeuwen et al. 0 2014 2014-06-27 Limits to Fitness Benefits of Prolonged Post-reproductive Lifespan in Women S. Chapman et al. 0 Grandparenting, Longevity 2019 2019-02-07 Neuroanatomical changes observed over the course of a human pregnancy L. Pritschet et al. 0 2024 2024-12-06
Comparative study of lectin reactivity in the vomeronasal organ of human and nonhuman primates. J. Kinzinger et al. 0 Pheromone Detection 2005 2016-07-26 Supraorbital morphology and social dynamics in human evolution R. Godinho et al. 0 2018 2018-04-11
The enigmatic thymine DNA glycosylase. D. Cortázar et al. 0 TDG (Thymine-DNA glycosylase) 2007 2016-06-28 Heterochrony explains convergent testis evolution in primates E. Saglican et al. 0 2014 2014-11-02 A nearly complete foot from Dikika, Ethiopia and its implications for the ontogeny and function of Australopithecus afarensis J. DeSilva et al. 0 Bipedal Foot Morphology 2018 2018-07-11
Huxley versus Owen: the hippocampus minor and evolution. C. Gross 0 Subregions of the Hippocampus 1993 2016-06-29 Do genomic conflicts drive evolution? E. Pennisi 0 2016 2016-07-22 Morphological and population genomic evidence that human faces have evolved to signal individual identity. M. Sheehan et al. 0 Facial recognition 2014 2014-09-17 Human-like hip joint loading in Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus T. Ryan et al. 0 2018 2018-09-14 The expression of the MIS 12 glacial stage in Southeastern Europe and its impact over the Middle Pleistocene hominins in Megalopolis Basin (Greece) G. Butiseacă et al. 0 2024 2024-09-26
Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein, NAIP, is an inhibitor of procaspase-9. J. Davoodi et al. 0 NAIP (NLR family, apoptosis inhibitory protein ) 2010 2016-07-25 A multivariate assessment of the Dali hominin cranium from China: Morphological affinities and implications for Pleistocene evolution in East Asia S. Athreya et al. 0 2017 2017-11-21
Campbell's monkeys concatenate vocalizations into context-specific call sequences. K. Ouattara et al. 0 Combinatorial Capacity, Duality of Patterning 2009 2016-06-28 Magnetic detection of anthropogenic fires at Xiaodong Rockshelter, Southwest China Y. Zheng et al. 0 Control of Fire 2024 2024-11-06 Experimental evidence for the co-evolution of hominin tool-making teaching and language. T. Morgan et al. 0 2015 2015-01-14 Early Middle Palaeolithic culture in India around 385–172 ka reframes Out of Africa models K. Akhilesh et al. 0 2018 2018-02-07 Grandmothering life histories and human pair bonding. J. Coxworth et al. 0 2015 2016-01-14
APOBEC proteins and intrinsic resistance to HIV-1 infection. M. Malim 0 Trim5-alpha/APOBEC Control of Retroviral Pathogens 2009 2016-06-28
Cortical asymmetries in frontal lobes of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). D. Falk et al. 0 Left Occipital-Right Frontal Petalia Torque Asymmetry 1990 2016-07-19 Mapping the unconscious maintenance of a lost first language. L. Pierce et al. 0 2014 2014-11-24 The costs of living at the edge: Seasonal stress in wild savanna-dwelling chimpanzees E. Wessling et al. 0 2018 2018-05-03 The Initial Upper Paleolithic from Tolbor-16, Mongolia: Characteristics of the Lithic Assemblage and Their Evolutionary Implications N. Zwyns et al. 0 Tool Making, Tool Manufacture and Use 2024 2024-07-12 Oxytocin increases trust in humans M. Kosfeld et al. 0 Maternal Tolerance of Allomaternal Assistance 2005 2016-07-20
Swimming Behavior of the Human Infant M. McGraw 0 Behavior In Water 1939 2016-06-27 What we know and do not know after the first decade of Homo naledi P. Pettitt et al. 0 2024 2024-08-08 Nine things to remember about human genome diversity. G. Barbujani et al. 0 2013 2015-03-11 The growth pattern of Neandertals, reconstructed from a juvenile skeleton from El Sidrón (Spain) A. Rosas et al. 0 2017 2017-09-21
The effect of oral pancreatic extract on jejunal bactericidal activity in protein-deficient vervet monkeys challenged with Vibrio cholerae. K. Gyr et al. 0 Cholera 1979 2016-06-28 Female Genito-genital Rubbing in a Group of Captive Chimpanzees S. Anestis 0 Homosexual Behavior 2004 2016-07-18 A novel family of human leukocyte antigen class II receptors may have its origin in archaic human species. S. Temme et al. 0 Archaic Adaptive Introgression 2014 2013-12-02 A 14C chronology for the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition at Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria H. Fewlass et al. 0 2020 2020-05-21
Evidence of eosinophil granule major basic protein in human placenta. T. Wasmoen et al. 0 Major Basic Protein in Placenta and Eosinophils 1989 2016-08-03 Early human speciation, brain expansion and dispersal influenced by African climate pulses. S. Shultz et al. 0 2013 2013-11-08
Observations on the anatomy of the fossil Australopithecinae. W. Clark 0 Size and Position of Frontal Air Sinuses 1947 2016-06-30 Morbid attraction to leopard urine in Toxoplasma-infected chimpanzees. C. Poirotte et al. 0 2016 2016-03-04
The evolution of male parental investment in mammals D. Kleiman et al. 0 Paternal Care 1981 2016-08-03 The Pregnancy Pickle: Evolved Immune Compensation Due to Pregnancy Underlies Sex Differences in Human Diseases H. Natri et al. 0 2019 2019-06-12
Recurrent rearrangements of chromosome 1q21.1 and variable pediatric phenotypes. H. Mefford et al. 0 DUF1220 Domain Copy Number 2008 2016-07-01
Unusual feeding behavior in wild great apes, a window to understand origins of self-medication in humans: role of sociality and physiology on learning process. S. Masi et al. 0 Self-Medication (Zoopharmacognosy) 2012 2016-07-26 Worldwide patterns of ancestry, divergence, and admixture in domesticated cattle. J. Decker et al. 0 2014 2014-04-02 A 3.8-million-year-old hominin cranium from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia Y. Haile-Selassie et al. 0 2019 2019-09-12
The influence of sex chromosome aneuploidy on brain asymmetry. R. Rezaie et al. 0 Sex Chromosome Aneuploidies 2009 2016-07-27 Natural selection reduced diversity on human y chromosomes. M. Sayres et al. 0 2014 2014-01-16
Social and emotional messages of smiling: An ethological approach. R. Kraut et al. 0 Smiling 1979 2016-06-29
The developmental niche: A conceptualization at the interface of child and culture C. Super et al. 0 Infant-Caregiver Affect Attunement 1986 2016-08-02 Neandertal Introgression Sheds Light on Modern Human Endocranial Globularity P. Gunz et al. 0 2018 2018-12-20
A beta40 is a major form of beta-amyloid in nonhuman primates. M. Gearing et al. 0 Dementias 1996 2016-06-30 How do you kill 86 mammoths? Taphonomic investigations of mammoth megasites P. Shipman 0 2015 2014-05-30 Evolutionary expansion of connectivity between multimodal association areas in the human brain compared with chimpanzees D. Ardesch et al. 0 2019 2019-04-11 Homo erectus adapted to steppe-desert climate extremes one million years ago J. Mercader et al. 0 2025 2025-01-16
Dendritic morphology of pyramidal neurons in the chimpanzee neocortex: regional specializations and comparison to humans. S. Bianchi et al. 0 Prefrontal cortex pyramidal cell morphology 2013 2016-07-26 Cross-cultural variation in men's preference for sexual dimorphism in women's faces. U. Marcinkowska et al. 0 2014 2014-04-30
The impact of retrotransposons on human genome evolution. R. Cordaux et al. 0 Epigenetic Markings, Long Interspersed Elements (LINEs) Types and Distribution, Short Interspersed Elements (SINEs)/Alu Types and Distribution, SVA (SINE/VNTR/Alu) Element Expansion 2009 2016-06-29 Parenting styles and the development of the categorical self: A longitudinal study on mirror self-recognition in Cameroonian Nso and German families H. Keller et al. 0 Self-Recognition of Mirror Reflection 2005 2016-07-26 Belief in God: Why People Believe, and Why They Don’t B. Mercier et al. 0 Beliefs About Death 2018 2018-08-23
Cooperative problem solving in African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus). F. Péron et al. 0 Cooperative Action 2011 2016-06-29 The evolutionary origin of human hyper-cooperation. J. Burkart et al. 0 Reciprocal Altruism, Cooperative Breeding 2014 2014-08-27 Least-cost pathway models indicate northern human dispersal from Sunda to Sahul S. Kealy et al. 0 2018 2018-11-01 Deep genetic substructure within bonobos S. Han et al. 0 2024 2024-10-17
Hypothalamic control of the pituitary-gonadal axis in higher primates: key advances over the last two decades. T. Plant 0 Onset of Puberty 2008 2016-07-25 The "domestication syndrome" in mammals: a unified explanation based on neural crest cell behavior and genetics. A. Wilkins et al. 0 2014 2014-07-16
Risk, adaptation and the functional teenage brain. H. Sercombe 0 Unnecessary Risk Taking 2014 2016-06-28 Metabolic scaling, energy allocation tradeoffs, and the evolution of humans’ unique metabolism A. Yegian et al. 0 2024 2024-11-22
Ancient and recent positive selection transformed opioid cis-regulation in humans. M. Rockman et al. 0 PDYN (prodynorphin) 2005 2016-07-26 Carriers of mitochondrial DNA macrohaplogroup L3 basic lineages migrated back to Africa from Asia around 70,000 years ago. V. Cabrera et al. 0 2017 2018-03-02 Pleistocene Hominins as a Resource for Carnivores: A c. 500,000-Year-Old Human Femur Bearing Tooth-Marks in North Africa (Thomas Quarry I, Morocco) C. Daujeard et al. 0 2016 2016-04-28
Machiavellian Intelligence II: Extensions and Evaluation A. Whiten et al. 0 Theory of Mind 1997 2016-06-28 Resolving the complexity of the human genome using single-molecule sequencing. M. Chaisson et al. 0 2015 2014-11-12
